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Winter Warmers

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Over winter when doing waterchanges I tend to have one arm in the tank utterly freezing, a hot water bottle under the other arm (the burning kinda counteracts the freezing of the other arm) and a green ginger wine sitting on top of the tank.

Best thing for a sore throat too.

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Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding

This is an oldie but a goodie from the Edmonds Cookbook. I love the stuff and my Mum still makes it for me for my birthday....... along with a Caramel Chocolate marble cake :wink:


1½ cups self rising flour

2 tblsp cocoa

100 grams butter

½ cup sugar

1 cup milk

1 egg, beaten

1 tsp vanilla essence


2 tblsp cocoa

½ cup sugar

2 cups boiling water


1. Sift flour and cocoa into a bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in the sugar and make a well in the centre.

2. Beat the egg, milk and vanilla essence together and mix into the dry ingredients to form a stiff mixture. Put the mixture into a greased dish.

3. Mix the sauce ingredients together and pour over the batter.

4. Bake at 180ºC for around 45 minutes.

5.Serve hot with heaps of whipped cream and/or Vanilla ice cream :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding

This is an oldie but a goodie from the Edmonds Cookbook. I love the stuff and my Mum still makes it for me for my birthday....... along with a Caramel Chocolate marble cake :wink:

And where is the recipe for the Caramel Choclate Marble cake? :o :roll:


Happy with my signature now? :lol:

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Ooooooooooooooo that Chocolate Self Saucing Pud is my fav of all time :D With French Vanilla Ice Cream melted on top :P

And the good old Creamed Rice Pudding (with sultanas optional) that us as kids were brought up on, most nights after dinner, on a cold winters night.. mmmmmmm Oh and a spoonful of Raspberry Jam thrown in the middle to melt down.... if you felt the need...

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a lot better Wok... thanks Zev

Glayva is great as well

Zev... you should know that the more any guy drinks in one sitting, the better he thinks he looks :oops: :lol:

Must admit that I do enjoy a drop of that but I did resist in the end as I truned the computer off

But be warned, Im still getting those vodo dolls and large needles

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Whetu, I have been enjoying the mulled wine! :)

but dangit, I caught a cold so have had to switch to homemade 'Lemsips'

hot water,honey, lemon... and whiskey! :lol: or rum will even do in a pinch ;)

All the recipes sound so good... you know they say "feed a cold..." I need someone to cook for me!

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Whetu, I have been enjoying the mulled wine! :)

but dangit, I caught a cold so have had to switch to homemade 'Lemsips'

hot water,honey, lemon... and whiskey! :lol: or rum will even do in a pinch ;)

All the recipes sound so good... you know they say "feed a cold..." I need someone to cook for me!

I used to have an old recipe called "the Two-Hat Cure for Colds & Flu"

Basically you take lemon, honey, hot water & whiskey or brandy & combine them in a large pitcher. Go to bed and put your hat on the end of your bed. Keep drinking until you see two hats on the end of the bed. Then you know you're cured.

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And where is the recipe for the Caramel Choclate Marble cake? :o :roll:

Apparently it's not called a Caramel Chocolate Marble Cake :oops: That's just what I've called it since I was little and the family just let me carry on doing so.

It's called a Caramel Cake and it's my absolute favourite.

The recipe is pretty old and uses old school measurements. It goes like this;

1/4 lb Butter (115gms)

1 teacup sugar

1 egg. Cream butter & sugar, add beaten egg.

Heat 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of Golden Syrup. Lastly add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Add this to the mixture, sift in 1&1/2 cups of flour. 1 teaspoon of baking powder, salt. Add vanilla essence.

Pour half the mixture into cake tin. Sprinkle with chopped dates or sultanas.

Add 1 tablespoon of cocoa to the remaining mixture and pour on top. Bake in moderate oven, 350 F, 180 C for 1/2 hour.

Mum uses sultanas and I ask for plenty of them. Cover the cake in thick chocolate icing.

A1 delicious :bounce: I want one NOW!! I wonder what Mums doing?? :lol: ( Reaches for 'phone)

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This is making me awful hungry...

My mums allergic to gluten and during the winter she makes the best gluten free pumpkin muffins, with heaps of margarine (or butter(and marmite in my case :oops: )) its soo good... could get the recipe if anyone is keen

Yes please! Pumpkins are cheap at the moment so that would be a good recipe to have!

I'm really enjoying this thread... it's getting me in the mood for some baking...

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