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Back from Conference


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Wow! What a weekend! i think it was the largest conference we have had for some years. It was certainly the first to have a representative from every club in the federation.

The weather was good, although a bit chilly.

We met up with a lot of old friends and made some new ones.

Raffled off over $1,000 of goods, kindly donated by wholesalers and retailers.

Gave away a lot of spot prizes and auctioned off plants.

Had a great bus trip and visited the World Of Wearable Arts, along with the classic cars. Went to the Mapua Aquarium, Redwood Cellars (boy did they do a roaring trade!) and Eyebright, the country store.

Meals were tasty, even if we didn't get the custard for the apple crumble (as promised on our souvenir menus :D )

We had an in-house bar so those who wanted could go and watch the rugby, or attend the karaoke "White, Tight, or Bright" evening.

Larnce Witchman, from Burkhart Fisheries, gave us a Powerpoint presentation on the production of artemia (brine shrimp) eggs for the aquarium trade. Very interesting.

I would like to say WELL DONE to those Tasman Aquarium Club members who pitched in to make this weekend a success. Not only had they taken over the job of hosting conference at short notice but, being new FNZAS members, only one of them had ever attended a previous FNZAS conference so they were working blind. Talk about a steep learning curve! It all worked out in the end and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

We look forward to next year's conference which will be at Rings Beach in the Coromandel.

Oh yeah, we had an AGM too :lol:

Congratulations to our new president - Paul Billaney! (who also won most of the trophies)

...and I will upload pics as soon as I have them resized and sorted.

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I can only echo Caryl's sentiments. Thank you to all involved in organising the weekend . All the hosting club members did an outstanding job making everyone feel very welcome. I personally had a great weekend as I'm sure everyone that attended did . Those who could not make it missed out on a lot of fun but I hope will make the next one at Rings Beach :)

:bow::bow::bow: THANKS TO BOTH TASMAN & MARLBOROUGH :bow::bow::bow:

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I think everyone had fun,

the "Mystery Tour" on sunday was definitely a mystery, so well done there.

Can't complain about the food either. Well done to the staff on cooking such nice meals...I'm still full from last night. lol :oops:

Well Done Tasman Aquarium and Pond Society

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Been home an hour or so... nearly braindead from traveling! The ferry crossing was rather miserable, I still can't believe I *didn't* lose my lunch...! The fish were rather annoyed with me when I got in, but now have full tummies.

Anyway, great meeting so many of you! So strange getting used to names having FACES rather than avatars! I also discovered a few genders etc were quite different from what I expected... :oops:

Thanks heaps to those who put in all the hard work!

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Here is the new executive...


Back row: Janey, John Eastwood, Jo, wok, billaney, Warren, Jim r

Front row: Kevin (kneeling), zev, me, Dave, Chris

The whole group outside WOW (World of Wearable Arts)


I'm sure there is a story behind this one :lol:


And we need a suitable caption for this unfortunate shot!


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Ok here is a few I took at conference , Adele took the one of Eddie :)

but when asked what he thought of it so far Wok replied


Lyn made her thoughts known


John what in good form selling the raffle


And Eddie loves his icream :)


And some of the places we visited were just breath taking .......





More photo's will be uploaded in days to come ......................

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Beautiful photos and I see you got one of 'Hamish the Herring' at Mapua!!!!!!

We were there one day and took photos of him. A very excited young man said to us "He's a Herring! We thought he was a Pelican or something but he's a Herring. Did you know he was a Herring?" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I said something along the lines of "Well, he's definitely a Heron" but he has lived on in our minds as the Herring :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like you all had a great time and the photos are really lovely

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Beautiful photos and I see you got one of 'Hamish the Herring' at Mapua!!!!!!

We were there one day and took photos of him. A very excited young man said to us "He's a Herring! We thought he was a Pelican or something but he's a Herring. Did you know he was a Herring?" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I said something along the lines of "Well, he's definitely a Heron" but he has lived on in our minds as the Herring :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like you all had a great time and the photos are really lovely

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cool photos Paul and Adele! :D:D

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the car over the water at petertalleys car museum lol do u know how much trouble that display caused them the pond used to get covered in algae all the time so they put half a ton of salt in there now the car on the water rusts heaps they put up with it 4 the display though nice photos i was in nelson at the time didnt have time to make it to the conference but did a lot of the same stuff as u guys and found three pets shops so i was happy

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