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Look what I just got!!


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OMG this thing took about 1.5 hours to get in the house with four people. Trying to push it down the hallway then through a doorway in the hallway was nearly impossible. Then I had to wash the gravel for it!! I hate washing gravel and this stuff is the dustiest gravel you can get and after washing it for 2 hours it still wasnt clear so it took overnight to settle with aqua clear. My two big fat bichirs are going in there today to get the cycling process up and running in prepartation for my ASIAN AROWANA!!

In about a week and a bit Ill chuck some pictures up here of him swimming freely but for now its just photos of the tank which absolutely dwarfs my room. Thanks to my mum for allowing all of this! The details are: FLuval fx5 1 300w heater hanging t5 lighting and the dimensions are 152x61x61.



Pics of aro soon to come

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BACKFIRE! I didn't paint the back of my current 4' tank before setting it up and I've been kicking myself ever since!!

Tank looks good, what kind of bichirs and how big?

yesterday when i set it up it said to myself: Godammit those wires are ugly, i need some backing. I think i will find some black paper or something... What does black look like behind an asian aro?

My bichirs are 2 ornates and since i went on holiday they have both tripled in size from about 10cm to 20 something...

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yesterday when i set it up it said to myself: Godammit those wires are ugly, i need some backing. I think i will find some black paper or something... What does black look like behind an asian aro?

My bichirs are 2 ornates and since i went on holiday they have both tripled in size from about 10cm to 20 something...

You can get a blue-to-black fade that looks quite good for most things - an Asian Arro would look very nice against it.

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beauty! i love big tanks

makes me imagine owning a mermaid in there:D ok im sick. sorry didnt take my pills

anyways, you gonna put background?

would look cool or plain black or something or blue or osmething like that

asian arowana ay? wow

i want one, next year maybe, when i actually own a house so i dont have the risk of moving too much

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Shoulda gone deeper front to back. your aro will out grow that tank very quickly

There's not much point in going wider when the fish can only swim twice its body length before having to turn around again.

AFAIK asian aro's dont grow anywhere near as fast as silvers. Have a look on MFK and see how many 2'+ asian aro's there compared to 2'+ silvers. In a big tank a silver could hit 2' in under two years, but from what I've heard it could take 3-5+ years for an asian. So no, the asian aro won't out-grow that tank very quickly (not like a silver would). I think it'll be right for at least 2-3 years, maybe more.

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yes, thats right, asian aros, tend to grow thicker in girth as opposed to length, silvers the other way around.

silver aros are more flexible though but longer.

in 3 to 4 years, your asian aro will or might be just 50 cms long. but will eat heaps of prawns.

they are heavier fish too.

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the nozzles by the outlet pipe is to direct water and disperse the force. the heater in the middle of the two filter pipes, i think thats a jager .. but cant be sure.

though knowing someone who would buy an asian aro..... no expense will be spared on something like a heater. a fish costing 2000 upwards deserves a filter and a heater that is equally as reliable as it is prestigious such as a fluval or eheim.

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knowing someone who would buy an asian aro..... no expense will be spared on something like a heater. a fish costing 2000 upwards deserves a filter and a heater that is equally as reliable as it is prestigious such as a fluval or eheim.

yes it is a jager and you are exactly right, no expense was spared buying the equipment for this tank... my poor little eftpos card got a beating. :cry: Next wednesday (approx) will be the day we pick up my aro so pics should be up then or thurs.

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2 things impressed me:

1) the tank wow

2) that you was so nice to see you thanking your Mom, way to go!


yeah its kind of a no-brainer thanking someone a million times when they do stuff like this for you. I dont think many 16 year olds would be allowed to do this, and she let me dye my hair bright red and black yesterday so she is one awesome mom. Anyway, updated photos on the tank are soon to come, driftwood/ stones and all that jazz are sitting nicely in the tank but there were two pieces that wouldnt sink so what i did was i screwed 2 bits of long plastic on the bottom of the wood and buried the plastic in the gravel and now they both sit perfectly. I would give you guys more photos now but my t5 light broke so hollywood are getting me a new one which means not much can be seen without a light on the tank. BIchirs are in and VERY VERY happy, butterfly fish is also in but he is for sale currently as aro and him wont mix :cry: 5 silver dollars to go in today or tomorrow or the next day hence the lack of plants more :cry: but i like silver dollars so ill get over it.

posts soon!


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