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Feeling Guilty about job application...


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I'm sure theres a few of you out there who have been in a job for a number of years, built up a good relationship with the people there, and management, and then decided to jump ship?

I'm contemplating doing it now, and it'll be beneficial to me if I can find a company to take me in the field of work that i want, but I still feel as guilty as sin because I think i'm letting my current employer down by looking elsewhere.

What I wanna know, is will this feeling of guilt disappear? I dont wanna leave my current employer on a bad note but I think if I hand in my notice (if I find something else) they'll go dog on me :(

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agree with others

state your case fairly outlining why you want to leave, better money , better oppurtunities etc., or just need a change

a good employer will understand and if they can will offer more to keep you

if they go doggo makes the move more justified

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you have nothing to worry about,the fact that you are looking says you have decided it is time to move.it dosn't matter what the reason is for it it is just the right time.yes it is very flattering to have your employer say,but i don't want you to go have some more $$$,if you are worth x dollars to stay you should be on that now.but if personal satisfaction is the reason

then in my books happiness can,t be bought.if you are not happy then you have nothing to feel guilty about

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I'm sure theres a few of you out there who have been in a job for a number of years, built up a good relationship with the people there, and management, and then decided to jump ship?

Just remember, the #1 reason you are working is to provide you with an income. Sure, you may like the place, people and work you do, thats great and has a part in it but end of the day if you didn't need the money....

I'm contemplating doing it now, and it'll be beneficial to me if I can find a company to take me in the field of work that i want, but I still feel as guilty as sin because I think i'm letting my current employer down by looking elsewhere.

There is no harm in looking for a new job, sometimes it can be good to have a change in workplace, it may help you grow and learn new things in your field of work.

What I wanna know, is will this feeling of guilt disappear?

Guilt? Don't feel guilty man. You have to look after #1.

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I had the same feeings last year about this time.

I had a good job to go to and it made good sense to go. But. My current company enticed me to stay with promises of more money and better conditions. I stayed. Some conditons have been realised and some have not but now I still feel the same disatisfaction I did a year ago and I have to some extent priced myself out of the market. Especially here in the south island. So my advice is this...

You should always do what is best for you, at the time. You should do what is in your heart, but do it in a way that makes you no lesser a person and that is ultimately honest and just. This makes it easier to do these things. And you can live with yourself in the "Morning".

And also look around...Judge the time of year I mean if you are in a managers role or sales etc...wait till bonuses are paid etc...make it win win. And with out giving your hand away do ask for a raise better conditions etc first...look for that extra role where you are now...they may be waiting for you to ask for it?

And if you are really unhappy doing what you do now...what is it that you really want to do cause in a few years you will be in the same situation only a few more years down the track.

Once you have made your mind up about that this job might be ideal as a means to an end. To get you what you really really want.



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as an employer, I will never bow to the more money thing. I pay as much as I can and the excuse of more money for leaving is saying that they (the employee) is never going to be happy so I wish them well.

For a long term employee, I will do anything else that I can to make them happy as work is not meant to be a punishment.

The type of person that I want working for me needs to be keen, interested and wanting to be a equal with me, not for me to be the boss.

People do feel the need for a change and they should look at why they feel this way. Normally its that they have become bored with their job and cant motivate them selves any more... as employers, we sometimes feel the same and as we cant just walk out, we need to do something about it ourselves.

Looking after number one?

yes we all do that but often looking after number one is showing loyalty to your employer and their company so that when things get tough, they will look after you.

Getting ahead in life financally is easy but most employees (and employers) fail because they dont plan and stick to a plan. They are always looking for the extra doller per hour or for the quick buck but never take the responsiblity them selves by saving or putting their savings to work for them. Impusle buying and the I will be able to save more if I just buy this are the biggest problems and excuses that are used.

I have 3 daughters and 2 of the 3 have never been flating and shifted from home to their own homes by saving for an early age... I have never given them any money.

Daughter number 3 is saving for her own place now and shes 16.

Drifting of the subject but you really need to look at why you are looking at leaving and see if you do want achange or do you need to look in the mirror and motivate yourself

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I pay as much as I can and the excuse of more money for leaving is saying that they (the employee) is never going to be happy so I wish them well.

Well, that makes you one of maybe 2 employers that pay as much as they can. The rest pay as little as they can get away with.

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both married now with the eldest with 2 kids and the middle one with 1 due in March


Your correct about some jobs but the majority of employers will pay as much as they can afford and still be competitive as thats the way we keep staff and dont have to train new staff.

Unfortunatly, a lot of employees think that they are worth more than the field that they are in can afford. People dont realise that the average wage is around the $30,000 mark. All they hear or talk of is the person that gets say the same as a government employees. Teachers about $45000 plus. Police similar. Local government normally above $40000.

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There are other thing that require an increase in the hourly charge out rate

Over the last few years I have had my rent doubled

petrol/LPG costs have gone up a bit

cost of compliance has gone from a few hours every week to almost half my time plus the accountant

materials have risen

bank charges are up a lot

an extra weeks holiday has meant an increase of 7% alone

the cost of servicing slow payers and in fact any jobs that get credit has increased from under 8% to over 15%

Hope this helps explain just a few reasons that hourly rates needed to be increased

with the new building regs, the cost of new timber windows will increase by at least 80% before next Christmas (wish I could mention politics here but will respect the house rules)

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evil wrote///

Dunno, but they're good lookers

you got me curious evil{ are they good lookers barrie} :lol:

i see what you mean but as a worker its getting harder.so if some want to be pay you more you got to do it.your you will go backward this day a age.as price goes up but if wages dont /you have to look at who will pay you more.i must mit that govt pay there worker a pay increse as inflation ever year it may be 6 to 8% a year.but in the working sector they increse the prices but wages dont move as the same increse......

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loyalty over the next couple of years will be important and those that jump ship for a couple of pkts of cigs per week will be the ones to miss out.

I wont go into it as it is political but with an 40 to 50 % increase in building costs in the next couple of years and with rising inflation through interest rates and fuel (amoungst other things) I expect the prospects for the average hands on worker to become harder.

Looking after number one will be the quickest way to the dole ques. The only way that companies survive in the times like that is to become more compidive and embark on increasing market share and that is done through watching all costs and having total support from loyal, well trained and helpful staff.

A companies number one asset is its staff

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Fmxmatt wrote:

I'm contemplating doing it now, and it'll be beneficial to me if I can find a company to take me in the field of work that i want, but I still feel as guilty as sin because I think i'm letting my current employer down by looking elsewhere.

I have just done this very thing. I was working with a company and was bored, bu busy, if you can understand the distinction. I guess my job there was no longer a challenge, with little possibility of promotion or advancement.

I applied for a job up the road with the opposition, but my employer got wind of it and increased my hourly rate to a very attractive level, but I was still bored. I lasted another six months before I was accepted for a position with a competitor paying half as much again as I was with my original employer.

I left a group of people I really enjoyed working with, and a company that had invested thousands of dollars in training me. Our family moved to another town, and I started my new job on thursday. My new position has enlightened me to just how bad the old one was. Because myself and one other of the workforce were bored wioth our jobs, it was a depressing, morose place to work at times. even the people passing through were depressing.

In my new position, I still can't get used to everyone being so happy. All the people in the office, and others that pass through the site, seem to be on weird happy drugs or maybe it's just the lack of conflict and good work ethic.

I guess what I'm saying, is that for me it was safe and comfortable where I was, but the grass was definitely greener on the other side. My previous employer was very supportive and understanding, even took me out to lunch and making a big fuss of me.

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i must mit that govt pay there worker a pay increse as inflation ever year it may be 6 to 8% a year.

I wish this was the case in every govt job....in mine they do not cover cost of living as a seperate consideration to the pay and inflation does not get taken into account with pays either - its all to do with what the market is paying for the same styled position.....

I myself am bored with my job = answering phones all day doesnt really keep me entertained any longer - I have tried to go for positions within the same employer and each time I get turned down I feel myself gooing even further into boredom....I have been in the same fulltime job for nearly 6 years (I used to do two part time jobs that allowed me to have some change in environments and that kept things interesting and less "boring")

I will be staying with the employer I have at the moment as I am happy with my current pay rate - thats not why I would like a new job, I am not motivated in a huge way by money - as long as I have enough to cover my bills and to feed myself and my pets and have that little bit left over for a treat each week I am happy, and as I am moving sometime within the next 12-18 months (depending on how the savings go for moving north) I will be staying and transferring and then I may start looking for a new job outside of the current employers scope.

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when i first started working, bout two years ago when i got my residency,

i started out at a chain of supermarkets. it was my first job so i didnt know any different. they were good to me though, they were training me for management etc when i moved to tauranga. they helped me into a position at countdown bayfair. was pretty stoked with that but got bored.

eventually i left there and worked fulltime for awhile, but when i needed to get a parttime job i couldnt get in at countdown etc that i knew. so i was forced to work at a particular golden arch laden fast food resturant... it was hell compared to my old job, lack of fair wage and overworked for a money-hungry and child labouring bnuch of managers who didnt know a thing about management.... need i say more?

anyway i eventually had to leave before i went on a killing spree to remove the worst management in the world from the face of the earth.

and i have found a new job at another supermarket where i actually love going to work. i look forward to going and talking to cool people and working at a much more relaxed pace.

in short, it helps to know what your getting yourself into, talk to people about thier jobs etc. sometimes teh grass is greener, but someties its a mirage and the other side turns out to be a desert.... just like fish buying, do your research

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I will say the next as a bit of tounge in cheek and a bit of truth.

I have been in the same position for 21 years.

I have not had an increase in pay for 7 years.

The people that I work with are always bringing their personal problems to work.

I can only get a good holiday at Christmas when the company closes down.

If I want to take a holliday during the year, my work keeps on phoneing me to solve problems.

Im left to clean the work place up as the others simply dont care although they do complain if their cups are not washed and dried.

When ever a problem with a customer occures, it becomes my problem and the work mate will never solve it.

When a bit of work is needed to be done after hours or while on holliday, my work mates leave it up to me.

I get bored as well.

For all the extra work I do and all the problems that need to be solved, I get the same as the other guys.

When a stuff up is made, the cost comes for my income and they wont offer to pay for the mistake that they have made.

If something is broken by a work mate on site, I have to pay for it.

I cant have time off sick as I get phone calls wanting me to solve problems.

My work mates will often take sickies and think that the boss dosnt know... how stupid do they think he is?

I people havnt paid us (customers) I have to go with out my income.

The IRD fines me if I am a day late in paying my work mates PAYE tax.

I have to collect tax (GST) from our customers for the government and am not paid for it.

I do all sorts of work that I dont get paid for and never get thanked.

I could list all sorts of other things.

Just a few thoughts to think about and see if your "complaints" are similar?

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