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Everything posted by Alan

  1. foufee, will you have any problems getting the parts in China where you come from?? You don't live in China? Oh !! Try going up to profile, just below the top advert banner above, click on that and fill in the field, six down in the profile section. Says Location or something like that. Will you be making this processor accessable away from the area, like overseas etc, so as you can do adjustments if possible? Check with Warren, to me he has a very commplicated system with his tanks. Alan 104
  2. Take your filter out, wash it in tank water, and re-install Tomorrow do a 25% water change. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    Fish Food

    Waikato have their club night on the first Sunday of the month. I haven't got a Newsletter this month. TM get in touch with Dave to confirm. Alan 104
  4. Alan


    I doubt it will go black KA. Being an albino, and if she's up the ummm preggo, I would expect the colouration to be of a golden colour. Alan 104
  5. Kim said She is the president of the Nth Shore Club. So it looks like the 7th Feb will be the next meeting. Alan 104
  6. Change them once IMO. Take it out and don'e worry about it. Alan 104
  7. Nope. No easy way at all. But a little concilation here, your fish are still alive. I don't use any of those brands, I suss out methylene blue when I need it. Alan 104
  8. Alan

    ph level

    If you use Baking soda like that you will get a pH rise that could kill the fish. IT MUST BE DONE SLOWLY. Crushed shell in a canisterfilter will serve two purposes, and you'd have more water contact with the flow thru effect. You cold also use an air operated corner box filter using the same medium, don't forget to put filter floss or similar over the top of the media to take out the heavy particulates. Alan 104
  9. I know of no fish that will touch it. Antibiotic (Erythromycin) tablets is recommended for the treatment of B/G algae. When I treat for it I use one cap. for 48 litres, so I guess you'd need two or three for that tank. One thing that you have to be aware of tho, is that not only will the B/G be killed off, but you will have to do a recycle of your tank. Make sure any dead algae is removed, as it's rotting in the tank can cause a collapse of the whole system. B//G algae can be spread by a drop of contaminated water, new fish, new plants, wet hands or nets, from a contaminated tank. By the way Wino, it would be helpful if you put the area that you are from. Members from that area could relate to you and may be able to help. Alan 104
  10. Nothing like right. The temperature rising is to get their lifecycle working quicker. The cysts fall of the fish then hatch from the bottom and go looking for a host (fish) to carry on their dastardly deed. It is this free swimming time that the chemicals kill the flagilites, (I think that's what they are called). That is why you carry on treating the fish three days after you can see the fish are clear of them. Syphoning off the bottom only decreases the number of cysts to hatch, When a cyst hatches it is not just one little fella, it's heaps of them per cyst. The reason the air is increased is cause there is less oxygen in the water as it warms. Alan 104
  11. And risk $300 worth of fish. To me that is a strange choice. Just think, if you had a Q tank, and it wasn't in use. You could have babies in there. Woooppppssssss!!! Sounds like I'm trying to get you into MTS. But do try and get a Q tank. It's well worth the costs. Alan 104
  12. Good grief. Another NZKA member with those fish for sale. We've only had these fish in NZ less than two years. KKK and Keep breeding them too Alan 104
  13. Alan

    Cat biscuits

    National Aquarium is the new, rebuilt one at Napier. Alan 104
  14. Well well well. Where is the quarantine tank that you should have to protect yourself and of course your $300 worth of fish. It is such a simple thing to do and a sure fie way of protecting your charges. As clowns are scaleless, you'll need to use only half dose for treating them. Like another poster says, check the forum using the "SEARCH" option at the top of the page. Alan 104
  15. Alan

    Cat biscuits

    They are in a six foot tank, and I know that they will need a bigger home. I've booked them into the National Aquarium when I'm ready to part with them. Yes the filtration is a problem, but it is aided by big water changes. There doesnt seem to be a fat film on the surface of the water. I'd love to know what temperature they could happily survive at. I know of an establishment up this way that has a spring fed pond that sits at 17oC all year. I may go and see if they'd like a donation. The fish would love it if it's not to cold for them. Alan 104
  16. Alan

    Cat biscuits

    I feed dog biscuits from Bin In to some of my fish. A handful a day into the tank, then duck for cover as the fish rise and snap for them. Water goes everywhere. They have caught me a few times. What sort of fish are they?? Pacus, six of them. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    Native tank

    No it isn't illegal. Remember to ask before going on to someones property. If you are night fishing, it's manners to check with the owner during the day time. Just don't catch the young (whitebait) out of season. Highly ILLEGAL. Be a good conservationist and only remove the young teenagers not the adults. Handle as little as possible and have furason in the catch bag. Helps prevents maladies, especially whitespot that they are very prone to get. Alan 104
  18. Alan

    Native tank

    Try going for a drive out thru Maretai way and checking the small steams out that way. Look for ones coming thru native bushareas. Years ago the Fresh water Native Fish Club use to fish there often. Down our way (BoP) we have what is reputed to be the most species found in one water way. Just north of Matata. Alan 104
  19. Hey! Bet the power company don't know what fish cost. Just imagine one of our big Reefers here collapsing. But then again, could be a good time to replace unwanted fish. Alan 104
  20. Give them the cover and they should be okay Kyle But of course you must consider the size of the killies too. Maybe LL could join the NZKA and then you could consider a club discount??? Alan 104
  21. Thewy are pretty good. Should be. They were bred and raised by one of the NZKA members. As are most of the killies on TradeMe Alan 104
  22. Another Bay of Plentarian.. We are getting as bad as Wainui Alan 104
  23. Alan

    hello from tga

    evilknieval69, we have an email,or postal club in the FNZAS. Known as the NZKA, about 40 membership, who specialise in keeping killifish. But by no means is that all we keep. We are scattered all over NZ, which comes in handy when travelling around. We also have two women that are NZKA members in Te Puke that are really trying to get a club up and going in the Papamoa area, so I suppose that says Tauranga to Te Puke, Trouble is, one doesn't have a puta, and her daughter who does, doesn't come onto this forum. Give me a PM if you want info about the NZKA. Alan 104
  24. Alan

    damaged fins

    You can use super-glue if you wish to repair them. Melafix wouldn't hurt, but fins are fairly repairable and also grow back. Alan 104
  25. Fishsam, where do you find that type of fish in Alaska. It would be miles too cold in the winter there for them. Unless the pond is over 6 foot deep they will end up in a popsicle. Alan 104
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