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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Sounds ideal to tunnel under house and make a fishroom or garage there. I'd suggest a fishroom, you already have a semi-insulated area. Alan 104
  2. I know the feeling Paul I think you are following in my footsteps I blocked of the garage from the back forwards, insulated, then took out another 2m so I then built a carport. Solved the probs no sweat. Alan 104
  3. You fellas down south take a long time to recover from Xmas/New Year. How's things SM?? Alan 104
  4. Paul, it is time you heated the room and not the tanks. If you are using 150w heaters x 41 = 6,150 w. Fan heater, thermostacically controlled, = 2000 w. Why you still using heaters?? I've never know a tank to overheat using this system. I do that, and for the "special" tanks use a heater. Earlier I asked if anyone was interested in these thermostat, I had one yes reply, so I waived it. Check at your LFS they CAN get them. It is the top half of a normal heater-stat, just no heating coil. Alan 104
  5. Another easy one to solve. Divide the tank. Use a piece of glass that is aboult 2mm narrower than the width of tank. Split a hose(garden) lengthwise, and cut two pieces the length of the divider. and slip one over each side of the divider. This makes a hose to glass contact that is fry proof. Gently place into tank at a slight angle then straighten up to form the barrier, push down into the gravel. OK?? Alan 104 ps. goodluck Al
  6. Bit of a change there. The male is left in till the babies are free swimming, then removed. The reason is that as the babies hatch and are trying out their fins, they drop from the nest. His job is to catch them and spit them back again. Only feed when they are free swimming, which is when dad is removed.. Keep the water level down to about 100mm, and keep a tight lid on the tank. This helps keep the air at the right temp and the humidity up. Green water is an ideal food at this time too, and instaed of buying "fry-food", make your own. You only need to hard-boil an egg and use the hard yolk and pinch between fingers into water to make an emulsion. This does contaminate the water quickly, so have a cleanup crew of snails there to eat surplus leftovers. Best to have a BB tank to for ease of cleaning. Alan 104
  7. Alan

    Help Please!!!

    I am correct in what I assumed it was from that pic. Alan 104
  8. Can someone explain to me why they still have their heaters running. If you have a main tank you could save yourself the drama of cooking your fish by putting in a thermostat, set slightly above what your heater operates on, so that if the heater jambs on, the in-line thermostat will then control the heater. Cheap insurance at about $30.oo Alan 104
  9. Dis. see if you can get in touch with Craig or Shelly down there. They may be able to help. Alan 104
  10. Welcome banaro, I hear there is a pretty good club down that way. Why not try and get in touch with them, a lot of their members are on here too, and I'm sure a face to face meeting with them would be an advantage to you when you jump off the cliff into a new lifestyle. By the way, that's one of the most comprehensive intros I have seen here. Saves asking a lota questions. Alan 104
  11. Once again we have a member who is asking for help, and due to the fact that we have no idea where you reside, NZ, Aust, China, Nepal etc, we can't even think of who in your area to point to. Go back to your profile disruptive and would you like to fill in your location?? What were these plants that died, and what type of filtration are you using?? Alan 104
  12. Alan

    Help Please!!!

    Sounds like lysmachia, SPP?? Alan 104
  13. Of course you can do water changes :roll: Just syphon of the bottom with an airline. I do it into a brineshrimp sieve, then return any little travellers back to their tank. Make sure that you have a lid on, this keeps up the humidity, and temperature. Also only have about 100mm of water, this is so as the babies have less pressure and can easily reach the surface. This is an ideal time for green-water, this is a good way to start of the babies till they can take BBS. Alan 104
  14. Alan

    Glass bending

    IMO my way is the strongest, It'll reinforce the ones you have with the glue that is failing and it will keep the front and back almost perfctly straight. Alan 104
  15. Actually, sweaters are a good idea. They would have to be knitted in red and black hoops down there. But I think the biggest problem would be finding a fish-knitter around. They seem to be a dieing breed By the way, welcome to the FNZAS Forum. Alan 104
  16. . :oops: . :roll: I was wondering when I was going to get a smack. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    Glass bending

    Take it down to about a quarter full. Plants and fish could stay there then. Then get a strip of glass 50mm wide, 6mm thich, and 8mm short of the inside measuremnt of your tank long. Clue this piece to the underside of the top braces and onto the face of the tank, thereby narrowing the top opening by 50mm. Before lowering the water, check to see if the back is also bowing. If it is, brace it the same way. The braces can be held in place by holding lightly with G-cramps or propped of the tank bottom till set. About three hours would do for this. Leave for about a week before refilling the tank. Alan 104
  18. I have successfully kept leopards at 10oC in my unheated garage. I have also got some that over-wintered in an in-ground pond. Not all of those survived, but I do know that some did. Alan 104
  19. Caper, you could not understand the mentality of a Kiwi or a Kangaroo without being either one. We are two great nations, IMO, but are so very competitive in almost any field. Just a shame the Kiwis can't play cricket, but we aren't bad at netball, softball, rugby, league, rowing, yatching, shall I go on?? Their attitude to sport is that if you haven't won, you have lost, not come second or whatever. In NZ, we have developed a good-feel thingy with "It was good to have competed and tried." Fraid I'd rather have the Ozzie attitude. Then they'd have NO cups. Alan 104
  20. First page Tankman under Fishy Dates,. Early March Alan 104
  21. It's all fresh water, and just started out as "get all those tanks outa the house"!!!! So the garage became the fishroom/rooms. Mainly 2 footers, four four footer,s a six, and lotsa small tanks for breeding and raising killies. I think the the pump is just a 1060 Eheim. Alan 104
  22. I can understand how an ozzy will feel, having only saucers to drink from.. By the way, I have about 50 tanks at the moment and have been up as high as 200. Room heated, lights over tanks, but very primitive drainage system, like syphon waste and tip down waste pipe built purposely into the floor. I have 2 40gallon drums for water storage, and pump from that with an eheim pump, and I use a large Yasunaga air-pump. Alan 104 ps, did I say I was an oker??
  23. Khulli loaches? Catching them? Easy as!! Just get a piece of PVC pipe, about 200 mm long, 11/2" diameter, two nets. The KL's think it is a good security area, swim into it, angler slips a net over tach end of the pipe and carefully lifts it out of the water. SEE!! Told you it was easy. Alan 104
  24. No wonder your fish were stressed out. If I go to a shop and they are using one catch net. I ask, if after a very short period of catch if catch-can, have you another net?? If they ignore that or carry on with their futile attempt. I just say, "Oh, it doesn't matter, I wont have that" then just look around the LFS and walk out without them getting any of my money. I have also offered to catch and bag my own, and at times it is permitted. Alan 104
  25. Alan

    Pajama Cardinals

    Layton, is that in an aquarium set up? Or is that in the wild?? His babies looked like that, about the size of a 10c piece. Maybe he was refering to them being in a smaller breeding setup environment. Alan 104
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