Tonight a query was asked about a photo of a group of fish Conference members taken with a sailing-boat behind them.
It is the Bounty up at Whangarei
Caryl may be putting the pic up tomorrow, and in case she can't locate their names here they are :-
Some oldies there too.
Back row L==>R - - V. Pres.Warick Jost, Lance Dean, V.Pres. Dave Campbell, Colin Williams.
Front L ==> R - - Eric Smart, Ed. Virginia Stead, Clarrie Stead, Treas. Gay Davidson, Pres. Ross Nunn.
It was taken Q/B wekend June 1979.
Front Page Cover of the August, Aquatic World.
Didn't realize I'd been a member for so long.
Maybe I'm an oldie too.