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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Definitely not a gender thing. You'll have a split either way.
  2. Can you, or have you got the Xystichromis phytophagus Frenchy?? What's the cost over there if you can??
  3. Way to go N-F, all the best in the VERY near future.
  4. I forgot to say what Afrikan said. Even if they did come in, because the shipments of them would be very sporadic, it wouldn't be long before they were crossed with the pulcher.
  5. We just call them kribensis in NZ
  6. Alan

    Gambusia affinis

    To be precise, it is GIANT val that is in the lake and other locations. THAT is the bad one, but as the inspectors don't know what they are looking for they blame all of the vals. Well some of the inspectors, I'm sure there must be some educated ones out there.
  7. http://www.malawicichlidhomepage.com/pa ... mastac.htm Go here for some info on it.
  8. Alan

    Garden fish

    Chocolate fish??
  9. Not sure if I understand what you are suggesting here. But if you think that the males have had their wicked ways with the girls, then you haven't understood what JC and I have both said. The tets are eggscatterers and as such, the eggs are infertile till they come in contact with the males milt as the frenically race thru plants etc, scattering eggs and milt in all directions. MODS. Do not censor please. A little sex education never hurt anyone.. After this chase etc, the fish are very hungry, and proceed to cut down the number of babies hatching by eating any eggs that they can find and if left long enough, any babies that get thru, so as you can see you have to be prepared and know what to do and when. Best to have more than one male too.
  10. JC is correct, she is full of roe by her appearance, now all you have to do is provide the conditions for them to spawn, and unless you have a purpose built setup for a happy event like that, I wouldn't hold my breathe on waiting for a success. It wont hurt her if she does drop her eggs, in fact it is benificial, she wont get egg-bound, and it'll give you time to do some research and set up the right environment for a successful spawning and hatching.
  11. I hate shops that give that information. In that same shop I have spoken with the owner before and he ignored my suggestion. See my final point in this post. It has to be qualified with the statement that "They are coldwater fish that can be kept in an unheated aquarium in a well insulated heated dwelling thru winter" To me, a coldwater fish is one that can be kept outside thru winter. Inform your LFS and I bet that they will say, "Well they haven't got a heater where they are" DUH!! Yeah Right.
  12. Welcome TE hope you enjoy being here.
  13. Alan

    Garden fish

    Peppered Corys can do it too, but ditto, depends wher you are thinking of having them.
  14. Alan

    Garden fish

    Rosy Barb. Golden Barb
  15. When I told you that name Wok it was probably a valid name. They keep on changing them. I suppose they have to have something to do.
  16. Alan

    Who can ID this

    Given the right conditons I don't see why not. If you get another, get a male. That one is one full female. The males are a lot slimmer
  17. Alan


    Barrie, I think that a "book" called GOOGLE is the best source on information that we have. I have 100's of $$s worth of killie books. But I always head for google, find what I want and send it to Favourites, or do a print out, or do a copy and paste to My Documents. Then all I have to do is remember what and where.
  18. Robert, you would not get any information of any use if you googled But try Marbled Angels, could score better on Google with that.
  19. Alan


    Great for pictures. I have all three and they aren't cheap!!!!!
  20. Just make sure of your insurance. Stipulate with the company that you are covered and where.
  21. Dixon, get in touch with alanmin4304. He has killies and is also a member of the NZKA.
  22. A trio of killiefish. Ideal size, and go for australe I would think, or maybe a trio of gardneri.
  23. Alan

    Leopard Fish

    Some killies are quite capable of standing a winter outside at Wellington. Ask Casserole. J/F come under that banner too.
  24. They do it, because you let them do it. Worse still are the plonkers that give you store credit. Big deal, ya can't get a slab with store credit. At the moment we have in Auck. someone selling killifish for $5.00 and the shops selling on for up to $25.00 each. If I was that person, next time the shop wanted fish I'd ask for approx 50% of what they sell them for, or make sure that the public price is no more than 120% of the cost price. Hell they are even getting them delivered to the shop for "JAK" and not paying GST either. Harden up is all I can say or deal on T/M
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