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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Oh! The anal fin is the single one, on the underside of the fish, and just in front of the vent. The female, when gravid, (pregnant), is fatter than the male, and depending on it's color, the babies can be seen thru the abdomen skin. In good conditions they have their babies about 4 to 6 weeks apart, and each birthing is a multiple one, having many little ones scooting around the tank being devoured by the other fish, and at times mum and dad, is a bit upsetting, so some thick planting is required for the little ones to find refuge. But that's a whole other question and answer time. Alan 104
  2. Go to a Garden Centre and ask for "Jiffy Pots" They are flat discs about 6mm thick and 40mm diam. Soak in water and they expand into a fine mesh bag, remove that and you have a very fine peat to work with. Just depends on the quantity that you want, as to how many you buy. Make SURE they have no added fertilizer Alan 104
  3. It could be a male swordtail too. Notice the thickening of the leading edge of the anal fin. Also, is that a slight elongation of the base of the caudal? Late developers like this, if I'm correct, normally have the best finnage and grow to large specimens. Alan 104
  4. Alan


    Now for your home-work boys. Go and do some research and compare the different fish. The Spotted Danio have spots and stripes, the Leopard Danio have dots, very fine ones in comparison. Check them out. Use the Taxanomical names tho. Alan 104
  5. Alan


    Told ya to check didn't I?? Brachydanio have four species that we have bred in NZ. The favourite and best known would be B. rerio, Zebra Danio. Next would be the Leopard Danio, B. frankei. Followed in availability would be the Pearl Danio, B. albolineatus. Now comes the least known here, and the least bred, but in my opinion, the best of the four. B. nigrofasciatus the Spotted Danio. See if you can find some, and I'm sure that you'll agree with me. A really worth while addition to a quiet community tank. Easy to breed too. Alan 104
  6. Alan


    Spotted Danios have spots, and they are'nt called Leopard Danios either! ! Check before you try telling me I'm wrong too ! Alan 104
  7. As you may have gathered by now. The aeration should have been kept up till you were ready for harvesting. Bad luck. Better luck next time. Alan 104
  8. absynthe said;:- With the above information. NO WAY was there aeration. Not enuff if any. Shells floating. They should be tumbling thru the mix. swarms at the bottom Same as above lifeless on the bottom Same as above again. Wind the air up or get a new diaphragm for the pump. Alan 104
  9. I always use sea water, untreated. What you appear to be missing is aeration. You have to have it on quite well and turn it off when you want to harvest the BBS. Alan 104
  10. Alan


    I find it beside walking tracks in damp areas. It's NOT an aquatic plant. Like you said, "drown" it. Alan 104
  11. Alan

    TFH Magazine

    OK crew, anyone out there have a June Issue 2004, Vol. LII, Number 10, #579 to spare?? Brookies didn't get any June Issues in this year. Said that TFH were short so they didn't service NZ. Any offers?? Thanks Alan 104
  12. Alan


    Might help if ya put up a pic of it, then we'll all know what you are talking about, and maybe able to help. Alan 104
  13. Alan


    Thanks Kim Woops getting late Sorry Cat_brat Critter, what do you call grass. Is it something ya mow, smoke, or drown.?? Alan 104
  14. Alan


    If they ain't got pink eyes, they ain't albinoes Alan 104
  15. Alan


    Catbrat, what do you call "tropical grass" Something like from Jamaca?? Alan 104
  16. seems to be growing fine as it is Alan 104
  17. To fertilize the flower. make a little floating ring and draw the flower back under the water. This releases the pollen and it floats on the surface. On releasing the flower, it is then covered by the released pollen. You can cross other "heads" this way as well. Alan 104
  18. Where're ya from Guy?? Alan 104
  19. Alan

    Yummy live food

    Go for a walk in a park at night, wear dark glasses and a great-coat. Don't forget ya torch and ice-cream container. You may end up in a tight, cross-over arm jacket. But hey !! Wot the heck !! If ya don't, look at all those wriggling wormies. Then to save your self a trip to Ward nine again. Start ya own worm farm. Stash it under the kitched sink, not far to go to feed them then, you know, kitchen waste and all that. DON'T use those tigerworms tho, the fish don't really like them. Alan 104
  20. Alan

    Yummy live food

    What do you mean, "the old days" Dawn?? I still go out with the ice-cream container plucking night crawlers. In season I also do the snails for my big cichlids and turtles. I get a laff when I realize that the neigbors are watching and I call out to the wife and say, " I only need about ten more worms and four more snails for thart stew your making dear". Well they are allowed to eat rotten corn and perau mussels. Alan 104
  21. Actually, it is not a sign of love-making or aggression. Not many people realize the Kissing Gourami have teeth in lines on their lips, now, by doing this action that appears like kissing, it is their only method of cleaning their teeth. Can you just imagine the bad-breathe of those poor kissing gourami that are kept on their own. Scientists haven't invented a suitable toothbrush yet for those singles. I wonder if a really small loofah would do the trick? Alan 104
  22. NO Cause if ya drink and drive, ya might spill some. Merry Xmas to all Alan 104
  23. Cause they don't swim like BBS, and just sink to the bottom and if not eaten drown, and if fed in abuundace, pollute the tank. Mind you the same happens if you over feed BBS. I have bare bottoms for all my fry tanks and have a snail or two in there to act as a hoover. Alan 104
  24. I think a good reason for this is because it is not an aquatic, and is drowning. Try growing some in a pot out of the tank and see what happens, if it isn't too late. Alan 104
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