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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Could have put up XXXX which is Australian it means in Kiwi lingo BEER Alan 104
  2. Good work Kim Now if only you could - - - - - - - - - - Alan 104
  3. Alan_au? Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a "Beer bottle"???? Alan 104
  4. They don't Warren, and that was why I mentioned the shops I'd visited that had this misnomer on their tanks. It has now spread, from those shops to a worse informed area, TradeMe. I've been banned from several dealers because I've got uppity about them calling their trades "coldwater fish". The Traders take the word of the shops concerned as they, the traders, have said "well the shop at (*******) had it on the tank, so it must be right" Maybe an official letter from the FNZAS to those I mentioned to start with, could be sent to ask them ever so nicely to change what they have on use more information. Any others, shops, noticed in the area where you, the reader of this, could also reported to Warren for action. Let's get rid of this "coldwater" fetish. Alan 104
  5. Dawn, why don't you leave it there? The danios are happy at that temp., in fact will breed there if you're lucky, and it'll save your power bill. Alan 104
  6. Kewl Jordan, another person from overseas. Well I have them but I'm a long way from you up in the Bay of Plenty. I sell them at $1.00 per coffee cupl. If you do get them, make sure that you feed them very sparingly as the fish can get bloated, and if the food was not eaten can pollute quite badly. But both those heads-up goes for most food anyway. The pellets are made in the Sth Island and you may be able to get a bag ordered in for you by your lfs or a stock-food company. Course it depends how much you want tho. Have you asked around your lfs's yet? Alan 104
  7. Where are you? Why are people so worried about the area they come from being known, or do they just not see all the profile sections? Alan 104
  8. Alan

    New Clown Killees

    Hi Catbrat, just got back from a buying spree in Auck. on Monday. Just for interest sake, what shop did you get them from? How have they been? How many have survived?? Cause the ones I saw were either dead or dying in the two shops I saw them in. They were absolutely too small to have been thru the Q imports, and have been fed well. Maybe a local is breeding them. Anyway, keen as I am on killies, even I couldn't be conned into buying any. Alan 104
  9. Here are the facts as I know them. A friend of mine was having problems with his tank going cloudy, so he did a 50% water change using Water-ager in the new water. Everything seemed ok, until he noticed his neons had started to die. Three before work and on arrival home quite a few more, until only four of the school of twenty were dead. ALL were egg laden females, and an autopsy showed them to have very red gills. Water conditions are fine, no ammonia, nitrate, or nitrite. pH was 7.6. Water was so good the Pristillas decided to do their thing and spawned all thru the tank. No sign of Neon Tetra deasease, anyway, that wouldn't knock out that many in such a short time. SO, what do you reacon?? Any ideas?? Other than the fact that I think somehow the new water was toxic to the neons, but strange also, that it was the females that died. Open for discussion. By the way, he may be in tonight with a friend, so get ready with the buckets of water to chuck over them. Alan 104
  10. Alan

    New Cichlid Tank

    When/if the kribs spawn, I'm almost certain the jewels will have a lot less tank room to play in. Give them plenty of places that they can hide and shelter in. G'luck Alan 104
  11. Yep get it to the vet, or use some iodine on the wound, dog bites are bad for infection. Holes in the shells can be patched up using bondy or fibreglass. Hopefully some of our turtle experts will come onto this post. Alan 104
  12. Alan


    Come on in, the water's fine. See you in chat maybe, NZDST 9.00pm till we all drop off to sleep. Welcome. Alan 104
  13. Alan

    Red devil cichlid

    How tru Ira. Lucky he's been converted to killies now tho Alan 104
  14. I visited some Auckland Fish Shops on Monday ALL were selling "COLD-WATER TROPICALS" DUH!. Some of those shops get uncomfortable hot. DON'T go by the LFS discription, go from the advice here, and if you think that's wrong, go do some research on the web yourself. Don't get sucked in ! ! ! :evil: Alan 104
  15. Let's get it straight before anyone gets carried away. Zebs are NOT cold water fish. BUT they can sustain COOLER temps for some time better than other so-called "tropicals" In MHO, for a fish to qualify for a "cold-water" classification, it needs to survive an outside stay throughout winter. That's not in Kaitaia either Alan 104
  16. Try some egg yolk suspension or yeast, but what about some micro worms Cees? Watch the egg yolk too. If you use too much, you can pollute the water. Have some snails in as rubbish collectors. How did you do your Dwarf Gouramis? Do the same for the danio Alan 104
  17. That's tricky Caryl. I'll have to do that next visit over that way. It'll be to you for advertising in the next AW. LOL I only know where they are. Alan 104
  18. Nope caryl You have the wrong shop. It is the new one out at Papamoa that I mentioned in the Newsletter. BUT the Brookfield shop IS the one Peter mentioned. Now Owned by Kieth who bought it off Greg, the seahorse breeder. Ala 104
  19. Peter, make sure you put some up in the pet shop at the Papamoa Plaza, North side. There is a HUGE catchment area out that way. Caryl, please note, they also give 10% discount to FNZAS members. It is an off-shoot of Living Waters at Palmers, Tauranga. By the way I mentioned the shop in the last NZKA Newsletter. Alan NZKA 104
  20. Neva mind sweetie I know your under stress Huhs Alan 104
  21. Too dry Too wet Some fert in the new soil. Nothing wrong with the white mites, fish eat'm. Those things with two antenna are called slugs. Are you sure the w/worms aren't just buried down a bit deeper?? At the moment, my culture has been getting attacked by GIANT SLUGS, over 100mm long that eat the white worms. I call them leopard slugs, they have spots on their bodies, and are carnivorous. Alan 104
  22. :oops: oops !! didn't notice that. Ignore my suggestion please Alan 104
  23. Caryl, I told you before that he was going to carry on the same as Greg Leveridge did. Exactly the same conditions. Be nice to see them recognized in the AW Alan 104
  24. That's why most experienced fish breeders don't use those useless things. Alan 104
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