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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    Two ill gouramis

    But at least when theyare home bred, they haven't gone thru all the antibiotics in the Q stations tho. Alan 104
  2. Alan

    Two ill gouramis

    Just goes to show that it is better to get the "natural" coloured ones. These ones that are in the shops now are so inbred it isn't funny. Why don't you ask if anyone here on the forum are breeding some that you could by of them?? Home grown are better normally, than all the gunk these imports have to go thru. Alan 104
  3. :lol: Helene Alan 104 ps. I'm prolly blacklisted now after sending in a question. :evil: Al
  4. RnB, you didn't have your cam switched on. Alan 104
  5. It needs some kiwi fruit juice I reacon. The gold one, or maybe the one with aloe vera in it. Naa, give it some peas that have been cooked and de-shelled. Alan 104
  6. Hey good pic Vicki. Well done. Pity there isn't a 'ready' market for them. Alan 104
  7. Alan

    Where From???

    Eric, did you know that you apply it as a spray INTO your ears, 3% solution. Alan 104
  8. Alan

    Where From???

    I was thinking of that Wok. But the prices at those outlets seem to be higher that other places. Industrial sites?? thanks Alan 104
  9. Alan

    Where From???

    I'm already a shade of that PR. But my wife does have that Nordic look, the bottle helped tho. Alan 104
  10. Alan

    Where From???

    Any one know where I can obtain Hydrogen Peroxide from?? I want to do some experiments with some. Thanks Alan 104
  11. Alan


    ROTFLMO over this one Or is it just me. Alan 104
  12. Why don't you get her, her own pink apple Brian?? Alan 104
  13. The second one is definately in the family way The first looks like a male platy Alan 104
  14. Alan


    Earthquakes? What are Earthquakes? We have had 26 registered here (those able to be felt) in the last month alone, from 2.8 to 4.2. They don't call us the "shaky isles" for nothing. We also have volcanoes. Don't tell anyone, but I personally fell that with all the earthquakes that are happening around here, (they're about 95% in the same place). Could this be NZ's next volcano? I hope not, cause I am but a few kilometers from the epicentre. Tsunamis? We have our very own LIVE volcano but 25 miles off shore, we are told if that goes and sends a tsunami, we have seven minutes to make the high ground. OK, who's coming to stay in the Bay?? Alan 104
  15. No male likes to admit to his own incapabilities Siamese ika. Alan 104
  16. Fing shooy Heard of it. Don't worry about it. But with some fish it pays to get a bigger school than to have a mish-mash of differnt species and small schools. Did you notice how many neons Warren had. That sort of display looks impressive. Alan 104
  17. Alan


    OK Caper, this is how ALAN would approach it. First, get enuff water to do a complete change and store aside, so it will age. In your case you may have to use those chemical neutralises that you need for your water. While this is aging, I would now locate some 1/2" (10mm) poly, cut it to size and have reasonably handy. Now on the day of putting the poly under the tank, I would catch the fish and put them into a bucket with half their tank water and half the now aged water, that should be the same temperature as the aquarium water. PUT A COVER ON THE BUCKET Now using a vaccuum do a real good job of syphoning, and thereby cleaning, the base gravel. That should get rid of two buckets of water. Throw it out. Now syphon the rest of your tank water out into specially designated fish buckets, (not used for anything else but fishy things) until you have three or so buckets of saved tank water. Discard the rest. Or save that into other buckets where your gravel can be finally washed with it. The tank is now empty and can be moved without fear. Move it to a safe place and put you poly where the tank use to be, replace tank after a thourough cleaning of the glass and replace the now spotless gravel, filters, etc. Put into the tank the new water, about half, then add the old tank water that you saved, being careful not to get the lees that will have settled out by now. Catch your fish from theit impromtu prison and release them into the aquarium. Now turn on the electrics. Heater, filter, air-pump and lights. Give the front of the tank a clean with a towel, and then clean up the mess of empty buckets, hoses, nets, and anything else that you used for this major move. Now go get a can, crack the scab and sit back and admire your handywork from the comfort of your eziboy chair with your feet up, knowing that after having visited the FNZAS.org.nz site, and having friendly folk advising you, that you'll now set up your next tanks with poly under their bases. Alan 104 ps. if ya can't figure this out from what I've written, PM me for my address and I'll send it to you, then you can send my return plane tickets and I'll come and do it for you. Al
  18. I saw that one too Helene, so I wrote a nice question to her, and next time she put them up she changed it to Platys. Alan 104
  19. Anything to do with reproduction?? Alan 104
  20. That is $50 a kilogram I suppose isn't it?? Alan 104
  21. Alan


    I said on my SMALL tanks I use 6mm. 200 x 200 x 300 On my 2'ers I use either pinex softboard or 10mm poly. I also use the pinex for making undertank heaters. It doesn't melt like poly does. I know the stuff you mean PR, but without any experience with it, I won't hazard a reply. I don't want a lot of claims coming my way. Yes Caper, I do make my own tanks. It was a case of necessity as I had the worst case of MTS hit me. I had up to 200 tanks at one time, and being a very hands on Kiwi, I learnt how to cut and glue glass into the required shapes wanted. To make extra $$'s for getting beasties to fill the tanks, I also made them for others. Hey brain wave PR, that mesh stuff may be ok for a breeding screen or tank divider, mmmmmmmmm. Alan 104
  22. Alan


    Maybe you guys would like to reconsider that date as it is Q's BD weekend. A date reserved fot the FNZAS agm, that Mitch is/has organised with his areas aid. Alan 104
  23. They give the weight of the beef, but not the size or amount of the other ingredients. (carrots and beans) A "jar" doesn't register in my mind. Alan 104
  24. Alan


    Only if the base cracks due to localised pressure on it. I once told a customer to put some poly under her tank before she filled it. She didn't, she used a towel. I got a phone call to say she had a bad leak from her tank, could I come immediately. I did, She was charged for the repair to her tank and got some poly THIS time for the base. As for thickness. I have have under my small tanks, 6mm poly. Alan 104
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