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Everything posted by ajbroome

  1. ajbroome

    Killies wanted

    Harry said... > I want to start on a new fish and m interested in killies. Sorry I missed your message, I haven't had the time to check the FISHROOM lately. I'm in Palmerston North and have a decent range of killies if you're ever in the neighbourhood Andrew.
  2. Polgara said... > I to would love to meet other fish people around, and check > out there setups... If you're ever in Palmerston North, feel free to get in touch. Visitors are always welcome. Andrew.
  3. Dave said... > ... see you alll at the Prawn park in Taupo at 10am on Saturday... Peter Sebborn and I will wave as plan on passing through Taupo about then. Got to be in Auckland by early afternoon... Have fun, I know I will (Indian Restuarant, Irish Bar and what logically follows... ). Andrew.
  4. Midas said... > If you want cheap then concrete blocks are an option. I've used concrete blocks (a couple of dollars each from the local Placemakers or equivalent) for several years on tanks up to and including 48 x 24 x 24 inches. I can see no reason why you couldn't go bigger if blocks were used as supports in the middle as well. Make sure your floor can handle the combined weight. Use polystyrene between the particle board and the tank too. Andrew.
  5. Ira said... > Mine is only around $150 a month ... Mines around that too, includes the fishroom, turtles in the garage and tanks in the house but I also grow non-aquatic plants under lights and so on. No spa and I don't use the pool filter since the goldfish don't seem to care ;-) I'm not too unhappy with the bill. Why else do we go to work if not to pay for our hobbys and lifestyle? Well, there's that whole 'living expenses' thing but that doesn't really count... Andrew.
  6. Caryl said... > Had to replace the Venus Fly Trap Andrew. Didn't notice > when visiting boys force-fed sprayed flies to the last plant You know they go dormant over the winter, right? VFTs, not visiting boys... > The other is a Sundew, Drosera biuata. D. binata. > A pretty plant I hadn't seen before. At least some forms are native to NZ although they occur in Australia as well. Andrew.
  7. Caryl said... > I bought a couple of carniverous plants ... Mmmm...? Andrew.
  8. Jiba said... > I am 1 zebra danio down and i haven't been able to > find it, or any remains of it for a couple of days. I was > wondering if it may have died and the bristlenose had a > bit of a munch. They're not shy about gobbling down dead animal matter so I wouldn't be suprised if your suspicions are correct. Andrew.
  9. Robbo said.. > I met Kevin Rowe probably 13-14 years ago. > Is he still around ? Same place ? He's still around and still keeping fish (including some killies apparently). I've got his e-mail address at home, PM me if you want it. As far as I know, he's living at his Dads old place (Ngapotiki St???). Andrew.
  10. Sue said... > the only killies I've seen up here are ones they called clown > killies (Pseudo)epiplatys annulatus, one of my favourites. > they were tiny They never get big. About an inch maximum for the biggest males. > ... interesting looking and I was very tempted but unsure if > they would go well in with guppies and in a 10g and I prefer > to have fish that I can breed and trade locally (hence the guppies) They're very breedable but not what I'd call easy. The fry are *very* small (think Bettas) and a bit tricky to raise. A couple of pair on their own in a small tank, with lots of small live food should become self-sustaining though - all things being equal. I'm looking for some at the moment if anyone sees any females. All the ones I've seen lately have been males... Andrew.
  11. Robbo said... > they sold 2 days after arriving. I hope who-ever got them puts some effort into breeding them... Maybe Kevin Rowe got them? > Very nice fish indeed, are they hard to keep and breed? Not hard at all really. If you can keep other tropical fish alive you should be able to keep (and probably breed) many of the commonly available killies. Fundulopanchax gardneri, Fp. nigerianum, Aphyosemion scheeli, Aplocheilus lineatus, Epiplatys dageti (and even Aplocheilichthys normani) are all good candidates to start off with. > They are not a community fish are they? Not if you want to breed them. I've got a couple of species (Aplocheilus lineatus 'gold' and Aphyosemion scheeli) living in my community tank with Angels, Corydoras, Ancistrus etc... I keep my breeding fish, one species per tank though. I have some young Fp. gardneri (see photos) available if anyone keen comes to Palmerston North to pick them up. There's no need to join the NZKA to get fish from me but obviously we welcome members and you'd be supporting the FNZAS (and therefore this site) and would get the Aquarium World magazine etc as part of your $15/yr ($10 if you're already a member of another FNZAS club) membership... Fish and eggs are shared freely between members. Andrew.
  12. Caryl said... > Do any of you down there know if any of the lfs have leopardfish > (Phalloceros caudomaculatus) at the moment? Wet Pets have some at the moment (half a dozen or so) at $4 each. Males and small females. Andrew.
  13. Ira said... > I was using my tap water which is rainwater, pretty pure. Think 'osmosis'... Andrew.
  14. Robbo said... > I have seen Fundulopanchax gardneri in our local shop > last week. > > Sold for $27 each ??? That sounds about right. Do they still have them? Some were imported a few weeks back, I'm getting my first fry from them at the moment. They actually seem more like the gold form of Fp. nigerianum as far as I can tell. There are pictures of the parents on my fishroom site. The true Fp. gardneri are the blue fish, the gold Fp. nigerianum are paler and more greeny-yellow with almost yellow females. > How old are the angels? A couple of weeks. I'll need to be finding homes for them at some stage soon, if anyone local is interested... Golds and Silvers. Andrew.
  15. Caryl said... > Do any of you down there know if any of the lfs have > leopardfish (Phalloceros caudomaculatus) at the moment? I'm going to be looking for some of these too. I lost my last female yesterday, after giving heaps of them away over the years, suddenly I find myself with only a lone male... Andrew.
  16. Earlier I said... > More will come as I get the time to take them and Ang gets > the time to do the HTML. Some new pictures have now been uploaded. Some are not as good as others but I wanted to get at least some photographic record of the fish I have. As before, further updates will follow as time permits. http://www.oxalis.50megs.com/fish/fishr ... hroom.html Andrew.
  17. Ira said... >... they DO orient themselves to the light at least partially. Laterally compressed fish, such as Angels and Discus will often lean to one side if there is a strong light source from one direction. For millions of years, light has always been 'up' as far as fish are concerned... Andrew.
  18. Rob said... > Currently I'm growing on ... Norman's lampeyes... I've got my first few fry too... > ... the checkerboard cichlids spawned a couple of days ago. Excellent! They're a great fish, good luck with raising the fry. Andrew.
  19. Myst said... > Is there anything we can do to stop them from dying?? They'll probably be OK. Don't feed them for a few days and, all things being equal, they should be fine. A couple of extra water changes and maybe some salt in the water and everything should be both 'hunky' and 'dory'. > how often would be suffient for feeding? Small amounts of food at regular intervals are good. I'm mean and only feed most of my fish once a day. They'd be happier (and grow faster) with smaller amounts of food, more often. I use only live foods (for all but my community tank) as so have a bigger buffer since it doesn't go off so soon... Andrew.
  20. JJJ said... > what type of fish would you reccomend? For a schooling fish, I'd go for tiger barbs (6 or 8 or more) and a red tailed shark. Mayb some of the bigger Rasbora spp... Andrew.
  21. suemack said... >... will have to rehome them ... I'm looking for a pair of keyholes, shame you're not closer to Palmerston North... I suspect, once you've seen them raising their fry you'll ditch guppies... ;-) Andrew.
  22. ajbroome


    Chris.L said... > I seem to have an alergy to something in it. Maybe it's the > bloodworms, I dunno. Bloodworms are fairly well known as a source of allergy problems. People I know in the US can not go anywhere near bloodworms without some pretty serious symptoms, which get worse with each exposure. I'd avoid using bloodworms at the first sign of sensitisaion. Have a look here: http://www.intellweb.com/gcka/bloodworms2.htm Andrew.
  23. Folks, Took some pictures the other day and they're now online. More will come as I get the time to take them and Ang gets the time to do the HTML. Pictures so far include: Apistogramma agassizi Aphyosemion australe gold - the new import Fundulopanchax gardneri Fundulopanchax nigerianus gold - the new import http://www.oxalis.50megs.com/fish/fishr ... hroom.html Comments, as always are welcome. Andrew.
  24. ajbroome

    More hybrids

    Spent said... > The only thing flowerhorns are going to be by 2004 is > the number one overpriced and overrated pet ever > engineered. Oh, there's *weeks* until 2004 yet. Plenty of time for someone to come up with a new even more overpriced fad fish. It'll probably be ugly too. Andrew.
  25. Aqua said... > What would be good species of cichlids to start with, as I > want to get out of the planted tank thing... You can stay 'in the planted tank thing' and still some types of cichlid. Any of the relatively commonly available so called 'dwarf' species could be worth a try. I'm thinking 'Kribensis', Nannacara anomala, the various Rams, Aequidens curviceps or Aeq. marooni, even Angels... Lots of options. > ... and now I want to get into cichlids, but not sure of where > to start.... Fish like convicts, severums, blue acara, firemouths, jewels etc would be good places to start if you want a non-planted tank with some more agressive fish that don't get stupidly big... Andrew.
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