Steve has commented that they appear to like their tanks quite clean(apart from algae). We cleaned out the B/Nose baby tank this morning and do it weekly. They are always more active and happy after a gravel vac. We also feed courgette but they leave the skin which we remove after a couple of days. Went to one tank yesterday and the two we had in it had died again! We had done a gravel vac two weeks ago and plan to do it again next week to see if it helps. These mysterious deaths are really annoying even though it is only a couple of tanks out of heaps I would really like to know why.
And Caryl - No Buckets in our tanks!
Just noticed Vicki's post about the Aqua One tank leaking. It is an HR1280 which Kongs are no longer stocking as most people prefer a tank with an inbuilt filter which this did not come with. The problem was a slight drip from the joins in the plastic at the top of the tank. We improved the problem by putting in cover plates which also protected the light unit. The tank has been set up for at least 6 months now and no more drips. We have it set up with cold water fish but Vicki's is tropical and the problem was a lot worse on hers. Would recommend getting cover plates for all models.
We use a formalin and malachite green mixture from time to time. Get yourself some surgical gloves before handling as formalin is cancer causing. It is also a very good cure and have found that bristlenoses can handle the treatment whereas plecostamus usually do not and die. Have only had the need to use it on goldfish and I believe it is used on a monthly basis on most goldfish farms. Hope that is some help.
Go Eheim, they last forever. If money is no object I would get a thermo filter and then you don't have to worry about heaters breaking. We have a friend with one and it goes really well for his 2 16 year olds.
I always find it amazing how some people have better luck with different fish than others. I guess it may be due to the type of tank, we put our barbs into mainly hex's and have given up on most tetras as they seem shortlived in these tanks.
As long as they are in groups of at least 5 they will not get bored and I haven't had any problems with them fin nipping, but then haven't really got long flowing tails in the tanks.
The filter may need cleaning and you should check the impellor housing. Gently open, clean with bottle brush and check the shaft is not damaged or broken. Be careful that it goes back in correctly - the shaft is ceramic and can be broken easily. I personally don't think it has anything to do with the seal (O ring). You would have water coming out if it was not sealed and the later models are self sealing and don't need any lubricant.
We have had a few made out of customwood (MDF) and had them sprayed professionally with multifleck and absolutely no problems. They are still as good as the day they were made. Cabinets made in 18mm and hoods in 12mm.
Whenever we order fish they come in poly boxes. Can't see why, in the quantities they order, that they can't give the boxes away especially when you are spending heaps.
No experience with electric yellow or blues but I am sure someone said not to put them together. Why not search some of the cichlid sites. And i think last post is right, barbs are good with them
Hi Caryl, We use an Eheim 2213 on our 110-litre hex and a 2215 on the 150-litres. Outputs are only 250 & 350 litres per hour and yet they do a really good job. We also have 2217 at 600l/hr on 500 litre plus rectangular aquariums. Maybe quality of filtration is more important?