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Everything posted by Jo1

  1. The Eheims I have used are silent except when they need cleaning.
  2. Jo1

    Brownish water

    Try Biochem Zorb in your filter - it works much better than carbon and I guarantee the water will be crystal clear the next day. Eheim 2214 is an external cannister filter.
  3. Jo1

    noisy pump

    Open it up and check that the diaphragm has not split. Replacement ones are available at your LFS.
  4. Plain salt is available at the supermarket. Use it all the time with no problems.
  5. Jo1

    barb, community

    Red Body barbs are really nice and peaceful - no problems with fin nipping what so ever.
  6. Jo1

    Keyhole Cichlids

    Hi Timtam, We just took the congos out of our tank that has keyholes, rams, nannacara & peacocks. Found that when it came to feeing the congos just race around and the other fish missed out. They are much more settled now and the keyholes even laid eggs. Thought we would go with some neons instead. Corys and swords should work out fine.
  7. Jo1

    What is this?

    I have noticed this happens alot with wood from the beach even though the wood had been soaked for months - for this reason we started buying malaysian hardwood (available at LFS) and the problem disappeared.
  8. They are pseudotropheus and are around 3.5cm with the yellows around 5cm. I have seen them in tanks together before and actually purchased the yellows from this tank and they are definitely not interbred. A bit worrying though Caryl as i don't want to be stuck with inbreds. I have just been out to feed them and then sneaked up again. As soon as they saw me they went and hid but I guess they will get used to us. I have some rainbows in an american cichlid tank along with barbs and they are great although very greedy.
  9. I have been using Electric Yellows in Community tanks with no problems but thought I would have a go at a Malawi tank. I moved 9 young yellows into a tank at least 10 days ago and they immediately hid which they had not done previously. The blues arrived on Friday and my daughter released the 10 into the same tank. I have only seen the odd movement from them and really haven't been able to get a good look. They have been raised in a neutral PH but it is my intention to add lime stone soon. Why are they hiding? How can I encourage them to come out - even food doesn't seem to do it. Thanks in advance for the help.
  10. Try a Bio Chem Zorb pad in the filter, I guarantee you will have crystal clear water within 24 hours.
  11. Jo1


    And he travels to Auckland regularly. I believe he is quite happy to take fish up there with him.
  12. I agree with Caryl, the oyster grit will up the PH and if you want to get rid of the discolouration quickly - a Bio Chem Zorb pad in the filter will have your water crystal clear in a few hours - believe me you will be amazed.
  13. Jo1

    Wellington Water

    Does anyone know what is up with the water supply this week. We have lost a few fish and checked the PH out of the taps 6.0 in several areas of Wgtn city. It seemed to improve later in the day but really disappointed to lose an angel, 1 congo, 1 sword and 1 tiger barb different tanks). All tanks are well cycled and other water parameters are fine. Also wondered if it was something to do with all the rain we had hence more treatments going into water supply?
  14. We recently had a pair of kribs breed in a tank with 2 angels. They attacked the angels constantly and one ended up with finrot on its tail and the other had his tail nipped severely. We removed the angels and treated them and Mum Dad and babies quite happy be themselves.
  15. The Hygrophilia leaves are very tender with the new spring growth. We are having the same trouble but give it a month or so and they will be much better. I don't think wholesalers sell an emersed form of that hygo. Hygro Corymbosa does better in tropical tanks in my opinion but would agree that it is probably the pleco although I have seen bristlenoses do the same thing when they get larger.
  16. It was probably blue Hygrophilia (sp). It is good for cold water tanks and quite usual for bottom leaves to go yellow and drop off. It will probably produce new leaves in their place.
  17. A hood would really finish it off nicely. You could have the top of it opening with hinges to allow for feeding and maintenance.
  18. Now I seem to remember we had an earthquake a few nights ago. I am in the same area and I didn't notice any water on the floor and the tanks are still in the same place. I would suggest polystyrene under the tank and an insurance policy.
  19. Hey Josh, We did water changes on Tuesday and no problems. We too use a water conditioner. We also used the bore water all summer too with no problems. The spring water in Petone is great. Usually collect it for our own drinking during the summer.
  20. Blue Hygrophilia, ludwigia, accorus (jap rush) baby tears, mondo grass. Accorus and mondo are not true aquatics but make a nice display for a couple of months then you put in garden to recover and use again. Also use lead so that they don't dig the plants up.
  21. Jo1

    My b/n Problem

    We have them breeding in goldfish tanks set at 20 degrees but rarely breed in tropical tanks at 24.
  22. I think the 2215 would be fine. I have had one on a 200 litre for years with no problems and have been operating one on a 300 litre gold fish aquarium for a couple of years. Also have a 2217 on a 500 litre and a 600 litre that are great too. Prefer the classics to the professionals but both are fine. You will get at least 20 years out of these filters - infact we have one that is now 24 years old and still going really well although we can no longer get parts for it.
  23. We have to use energy savers in our hexagonals and we do get good plant growth in alot of the tanks. The Osram 20w colour 860 is great, lasts for years and penetrates a depth of 1.1m. Tried the usual lighting units from pet suppliers but they did not penetrate this depth. On a glass tank I would use fluros and I know most people just go for a daylight tube at a lighting shop but I much prefer specialised fluros from pet suppliers which do a better job. If you can afford metal halides - go for it.
  24. I got told by a sales rep to replace them every two years - it may be a bit excessive but I do always replace if I see water in them.
  25. To prevent media from mixing, pick up some tutu material from Spotlight and make up some bags using nylon thread cheap and easy. I have a 20 year old Eheim here which is still going well lots of 2215's. Highly recommended.
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