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Everything posted by henward

  1. coming on its second week perhaps they do but in theory, once you have the right amount of bacteria, if you dont feed too much should be ok well, ill consider that option i guess any other ideas? jsut that, strange when i change the water, 70% water change,the amonia goes up agian immediately hours after. checked thrice, no external source of amonia
  2. im at a loss i am worried, these are magnificent fish!
  3. i just bought the strongst bacteria thing i could stabilise is the name apparently it was the stronget bacteria to introduce to slightly amonia water. went through a bottle already, got one dose left
  4. Amonia wont go two big borneos, was doing alot better andtoday they were lethargic again and keeps on itching, shuddering and opening and closing its dorsal fin in rapid succesion. kinda like shakings its bodyand itching on gravel i have changed the water so often - pet store told me that gravel at times absorb amonia so i should test that. so i got a bunch of gravel, drained water, added fresh water water and stirred it around and left it there to stand then tested it 3 times. completely amonia free the gravel once you add new water! so it cant be the gravel. so as a last ditch attempt, i removed canister and internal which is filled with bio filter media and filter wool. moved it to my jardinii tank which is always 0 amonia the mved the fx5 from the jardinii to the borneo tank, and put an aerator in. hefully the massive flow and bacteria filled crevace that is the fx5 will sort out the tank wiht water changes. and at the mean time my smaler fluval and internal fluval 4 can get its bio media filled with good stuff. but if this doesnt work, here are my questions 1)how long should i wait to see 2) t was suggested that i remove all the water completely, and put competely new water in the tank. do you think i should just do this now? or wait?
  5. really dont know how to do that its ok, i just wanted to ffer a house for him ill call him quazimodo tell you what give me your work address. ill see how much it will cost to get him picked up providing you have him bagged and in a poly box?
  6. if you ship it to auckland, ill have him free
  7. how do you pronounce the name? nice!
  8. im working on getting a permit to breed and keep tuataras:D working on it is the key word
  9. feed it some live fish put some extra current in the water maybe it will excercise its muscles
  10. jsut wondeirng why would melafix cause damage i am confused its website guarantees it does not harm beneficial bacteria its ingridients are consistent wiht encouranging growth etc all pet shops recomend it. i dont know how it could harm it though, water changes sounds good and will definately do it but melafix, in my view, theory really should help at a minimum do not damage sorry i just dont know why it could be bad
  11. oh ok so why do they sell melafix thats annoying i paid 30 bux for a bottle! so water changes is the best remedy then huh. does the itching kill the fish? might sound like a stupid question but i have never seen itching lol
  12. when you say aged water do you mean water from another tank? or jsut water wit water ager and stuff like that?
  13. is it fatal? or does it screw them up when they itch? or is it just a symptom that isnt that serious? melafix doesnt seem to do anything its anoying, the pet shop pushed that f*ck! i have never had any thing like that ever so you think i should stay away from melafix and just change water often. let them heal themselves and sort it out themselves?
  14. borneo tigers, large, 1foot + scratching itself on the gravel. sometimes twitches and seems like its kinda shuddering and shaking itself. no doubt resulted from a amonia spike. no visible threads or fungus, none at all. currently putting melafix in water should i keep doing what im doing or just let the wtaer cycle and bacteria to populate filters and heal it self or melafix is the way?
  15. good luck i have turned every stone to see if anyone sells them im sure so has livingart... if you find any give me a heads up:D so i can outbid you on one:D
  16. i have not used colouring meds for awhile.. in fact 15 years but heres an idea nutra zorb i think removes nit, nat and am. but i assume doenst act like carbon and remove meds.. so if thts the case, buy one and 105 water changes??
  17. do any of them eat other fish? large?
  18. more just healing, it has an itch due to water problems.
  19. i was told by a discus breeder that the discuss slime itself is acidic and actually plays a part on making water scidic anyways, though i wouldnt even begin to take sides on that arguament... i have no idea but i know the fishes can thrive in these ph, but i was just curious the aro, knife fish, borneo tiger..(bar the two big ones) are certainly eating wiht no problems, healthy fish. any comments?
  20. well thats fair enough - but the tank itself the water quality is good, no amonia in fact and etc. knife fish, aro, discus, jardinii, all say can live in 6 to 7.5 or slightly higher. but peferably 6 to 7 ph. it means thatthe ph isnt harming them... its jsut a bi product of poos and stuff.
  21. something bizzareis happening tap water is 7.5 wher ei am i regularly change water but my tanks are very acidic, 6 to 6.5 always all of them even one that i did just more than 50% water change. just wanna know why this would be? i have no drift wood in the tank, some plants but some also dont have plants and its still acidic. i dont put any ph up or down chemicals etc. no medication, except melafix on one but the others done. any ideas?
  22. mmmmmmm vultures... damn vultures!! nah well, i wont be too cut up i hvae two already hence the need for a fish sitter untill i get my 1200 litre set up in there, i wanted to have 3 or 4 borneos... but looks like im only gonna have two for now. i have a tank wiht two big ones, i cannot squeeze anymore, also i dont wanna risk fighting wiht the new one in a small ish tank. if i had the 8 footer runnin, it would never have made it into trademe! i wouldve bought it straight away if someone wants to baby sit this beauty, i can guarantee a beautiful home for the beast later in the year..... pm me
  23. i already tried hff albany with my currently two:D they jsut refuse to do it shame, such a nice fish this one. they all are:D lol
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