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Everything posted by henward

  1. i usually check the inside of hte egg if its pink or blue:D ok im kiding sunday morning im bored:D
  2. yeah, and a central filtration system means that if one gets an amonia spike, all get an amonia spike. and i recently for the first time discovered that amonia sucks but, i have seen it done with asian aros, lots of 6 footers connected to one GIANT sump they were breeders though, all they do all day is change the water and monitor it. so i guess its not so bad but for just household bourne tanks - could be dangerous.
  3. cool damn dats wont eat anything else but beef heart i tried pink prawns, shelled prawns, raw prawns, fish fillets. wont eat anything beef heart, as soon as it sees it, it grabs it like its starving i gave it a tiny piece perhaps i should starve it more so it will eat prawns?
  4. ok they never attack though ever but sounsd logical to me the twitching and swaying. jsut strange lookin
  5. well this is weird dorsal twitch the circular swimming ad the mouth clapping if anyone has any info i would be happy to hear it!
  6. doubt its mating too, but hey, if it spawns ill let you all know:D
  7. well amonia is not 0, put my fx5 to it i might try mixing them and the jar again i realy believe it will beok
  8. its like they circle each other - as if to fight, but no sign of fighting at all they stay in one place, head to tail and swim in a circular pattern. then they swim away, twitch their fins and body, mouths, then come back do it again, i ony see it very seldom done, not often but they are definatley not attacking each oher. in fact its almost like they huddle up
  9. Is this a mating ritual, aggression or territorial ritual? Or what? I have two big dats, 1 foot + Both in same tank and been raised together since small. I noticed a few things, please tell me what they all are:D 1) twitching o the dorsal fin, rapid opening and closing them 2) shuddering body, shaking it like a person shaking his ass. 3) Clapping its mouth 4) Like a person making sounds with their teeth, by opening and closing rapidly, you can actually hear it from outside the tank the clapping of the mouth They both d it, one does I, then the other does it. Stretching the mouth they extend the mouth way out and all their fins then close it again At first I thought it was an itch, but that’s seld explanatory, they itch and scratch with gravel But the above, are all a little different Any ideas?
  10. woke up this morning borneo tiger tank ZERO amonia! but the jardinii tank has a little bit now but i got the old borneo tiger tank to filter in that to cycle itself will change it back in a week borneo is trying ot chase food now but wont eat shrimp
  11. woop woop 4 hours of the fx5, the tank halves its amonia ! i think we are making a break through
  12. i heard and kinda read ith no details though that gills also are used to excrete amonia large amounts of it any feedback on this?
  13. im kidding dont get offended guys well, im kidding cos i dont keep those kinda fish but if i did , i probably ont be kiddin so technically i have never done that
  14. IF i had tetras and stuff, or gold fish to put down isimply net it up and place in jardinii tank.... the jardinii is also know n as dr death
  15. poo, pee, gills.... all can contribute to amonia where does amonia come from most when a fsh eats, i poos and pees i assume:D but does the amonia come from that mostly or from its gills? so even if you dont feed it the remnants of food in its belly and/or the fish using energy produce it?
  16. yes already got it was using it, when i recharged it, the water that came off was really dark brown, i assume thats baddies coming off it i took it out for now, and put my fx5 in there if that doesnt work, ill just completely change water, put the nutra zorb in there again to stamp out any amonia from popping up
  17. its only temporary its 260 to 280 litres so not huge only two fish in there
  18. yeah shit it would well, wha ti done now i put 10 kg of gravel to my jardinii tank. then after a week ill scoop that up and put it in the borneo tiger tank, to help populate the tank for now i guess ill just do water changes and use the fx5. so the end of the day, its all a mater of startin the cycle and untill then, ill have this problem they are not eating. and was suggested that i dont feed either but why are they itching and doing those funny movements of the fins and body? the colour is almost undestinguishable with the wide bar, you can barely see he stripes:(
  19. yeah shit it would well, wha ti done now i put 10 kg of gravel to my jardinii tank. then after a week ill scoop that up and put it in the borneo tiger tank, to help populate the tank for now i guess ill just do water changes and use the fx5. so the end of the day, its all a mater of startin the cycle and untill then, ill have this problem they are not eating. and was suggested that i dont feed either but why are they itching and doing those funny movements of the fins and body? the colour is almost undestinguishable with the wide bar, you can barely see he stripes:(
  20. lol yeah you would ok well ill do daily water changes, well as frequently as i can even with out feeding, do they just secrete f*cking amonia? and poo and piss? jeees! this is new to me, i have never had this problem, i find it very surprising. i have had pacus silver aros etc general big fish, never! do you think i should completely change water and start from scratch and put in my nutra zorb to stamp out an amonia spike?
  21. same train of thought i actually got the product, and soaked filter media on it for 30 mins, shook it around, and then put filter media into filter now i just pour into the tank but before i did soak them so you changed water everyday for 3 weeks
  22. i mean i didn t see a rat or stuey peeing in the tank:P
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