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Everything posted by Plantman

  1. so, it is not a questions about temperature but the up keeping of the water condition. http://www.tropica.com/productcard_1.asp?id=045a tropical spec says temperature from 15 degree. i bet the temperature in the stream is below 10 degree especially during the winter. i wonder if it is seasonal. they wither in the winter and grow again in the spring. Hm...
  2. True. But I remember seeing glossostigma and ludwigia repens growing wiildly in the stream of water. question is, will it survive in the pond?
  3. that probably comfirm my suspicion. thanks for the input, Alan.
  4. it was one of the questions post to me from trademe. i suppose i should say that ambulia, polysperma and indica would not survive in the winter. but i am not totally sure. i am in AUckland. i think at night the temp drop to 10 degree. but i have also heard that some of the member had had their plant growing in the pond. any care to share their experience? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Does any one knows which plants are suitable for outdoor pong in NZ climate? any plant name for suggestion? will they be the same in the north as it is in the south? can hygrophilia polysperma, ambulia or indica rotala be able to sustain the cold weather? :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers
  6. the top 2 pieces look pretty straight forward. becareful when fixing the hose on the glass openning. they breaks easily. made sure you have the right size hose. it is too tie then get a looses one. the elbow joint will be over the edge of the top part of the tank. it will be better if you can have a longer connector so that the diffuser will start at the lower end. for the bubble counter, you have to made sure you get the tube right side up. (according to the wording printed on the glass. top it up with water and try to hold it in the right side up position. Brianemone is right, you may or may not use this elbow. bu i think it may help you to keep the bubble counter right side up. interesting piece. are you sure this is not the kit for mad scienctist. Cheer
  7. It depend if you are using a DIY system or pressured system for your CO2. At one time, i have four DIY canister going on for 24/7 in a four footer tank (fully planted tank) and the fish is still good. The rate i am settign is very high. 5-6 bubble per second in the bubble counter. at this rate, the fish will be at great risk. The solenoid will eradicate this risk. This rate also depend on your lighting strenght, fertiliser, the size of your tank and how much plants is in the tank. But with the solenoid, the CO2 is not wasted and will be consume by the plant when the lighting is turn on and the fishes are save. So far, it work for me.
  8. Another way to protect your fishes and keeping your plant healthy. I am sure some of you guys uses Solenoid. it is definately a useful device that cut out the co2 when the light is turn off. My co2 is turn on only for 8 hours. this will help to keep my plant healthy. (CO2 is just one aspect of keeping your plant healthy). I know for sure that if i was to left it on at my setting rate for 24/7. my fish will be in heaven. To me solenoid mades a lot of different.
  9. does are the anbulia (upper portion between the woods). commonly found in most lfs. they are easy to grow but if not taken care of, can also have problems with algae. Cheers
  10. 2 wpg is a good starter. if your tank is densely planted, you may need to go up to 4 wpg as recommended by amano. that is a good 50 watts light for future expension. unfortunately 60 X 30 cm does not leave you much room to do a future expension. you will needs lots of the fat T8 or go for the skinny one, T4. i saw one in bunning the other which was quite interesting. T4, 20 watts and 6,500 K (i could be wrong about the 6500). you can build your own lighting as i have done before. i used PL light which is basically T4 in U-shape. one piece of PL light give me 36 watt at 6,500 k. one is good for a starter and i can add another one later to made it 72 watts when it is heavily planted. i prefer PL light to MH simply becasue PL light is a day light saving (save on power bill) and cheaper to replace than MH. Cheers
  11. Sorry, i can assured those who had bought plants from me since the last MAF visit is all from local shops. they are all legal plants. thats all.
  12. Hi All, i just read all these comments this morning. i have no words to said but to say that i am sorry. i am a hobbyist like anyone who is selling enough to cover this expensive hobbyist. i am not allow to said anything before the court proceeding is over. my only excuse is that i am ignorant thinking that if it is acceptable in other countries, it should do no harm to NZ. i have no intention of harming anyone and i totally respect the law in NZ. i am also not aware of the serverelity of plant laws in NZ. i can also understand if i am no longer welcome in this forum. thanks to all. Henry
  13. Cool tank 8) 8) 8) Caryl. A well done planted tank. is that Hemianthus micranthemoides on the far right? keep it up. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. if the leaves keeps growing to the top, cut off those excessive one. those that touches the surface water and you do not want to have many of those as they will block out your light for the other plant. Not to worry, this is the pruning process for tiger lotus. you will see new shoot coming out as you prune more often. Cheer
  15. if you talk about sword plant and only the outter leaves rot, that will be normal as new one keep coming out from the centre of the plant. if you talk about stem plants, it is most likely that you did not get a good balance for the plant to grow. their decay spell imminant death for the plant.
  16. Hi All i wonder if my male guorami has worm in his tummy or is he prenant with eggs? the male one is identified with their longer than then female dosal fin (upper side), right? someone correct me if i am wrong. Cheers
  17. I second Alan suggestion. Balance is the key to a good plant growth. another way of cutting down your usage of the excel is to take out a 1/4 or even 1/2 of the water from your tank. but made use there are still enough room for your fish to swim. becareful for discus as i heard that they do not like excel (someone correct me if i am wrong). with 1/2 the water level, you can double dose at half the cost of excel. this is only for 3 - 4 weeks and you can return back to normal when the algae is lowered.
  18. 4 hours of light alone is not enough and plus the fact that it is on 18 watt is really low for your 100 l tank. supplimenting the plant with sun light cause a unbalance effect. the strong ray from the sun cause the plant to work harder for nutrient but it is not able to do so. Algae will be able to absolve the nutrients a lot faster than your plant. your friends know what she is talking about. one suggestion is to move away from the sun, increase your watt and have at least 8-10 hours of exposure. if you do not want to move your tank. than CO2 is needed to encourage you plant to compete against the algae for nutrient. All the best.
  19. Oh Oh. thats me :bounce: thats me :bounce: i try my best to provide good plant and packing. :roll: :roll: :roll: PM me what you have in mind. my red pine is on a low, so that is not selling. Cheers
  20. Well done. your aquascape out shine any shop display i have ever seem. the reason for the brown leaves could be your fertiliser but you must be careful not to over dose as you might be welcoming the algaes. keep those water change coming as it will slow down any development with the algaes. Where did you buy those micranthemoides from? I like those plant. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Henry
  21. i totally agreed with you there brother. what it mean for us (Aqua Landscaper) is that it either takes time for it to adjust (dying and reviving) for the plant (the leaf have different shape, emerse and submerse) OR the plant has to be taken out of the water and into the pot for revival. total waste of time when there are heaps of plant that thrives well under the right condition. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. Nice green Lotus, HandS check out my red one. the leaf is as big as palm of my hand.
  23. thanks Wok i will have to scope the tiny babies out if the parent spawn again. thanks again the white worm. please also let me know how to maintain the culture. Cheers Henry
  24. Hi Wok i kept parent blus gouramis with the babies, and then it is gone. did you separate the parent from the babies whne the babies were the size of a "dot". did you send the white worm yet? let me know if you need my address again. Cheers Henry
  25. try "place maker" for polystyrene sheets. it will be 4' X 8'. you will have a fun time cutting it to size and it not too costly. if you are looking for plants, i have heaps to sell. PM me if you are interested. Cheers
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