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Everything posted by maxxi1

  1. maxxi1


    Hey we sell line bred guppies but are in Wellington We can ship however it is pricey between islands Message me
  2. We have some argentinius sword plants to sell also
  3. Heya we also sell fancy guppies if your after the fern we can talk guppies at the same time!
  4. Yes in upper hutt... prices range for size of plant mostly larger ones left I cant upload pictures on here sorry They have more then 10 leaves each and are 25 and upwards couple of very large bits too all 16cm upwards leaves
  5. We have a large amount of Congo fern to sell... most are bigger bits then currently on trade me I'd add a picture but it's not letting me again
  6. maxxi1

    Clown killies

    Clown killies being moved to a separate aquarium as theres 13 more boys then girls ?
  7. Upper Hutt Aquatic Society meets this week Wednesday. This months meeting is being held at one of our members houses so please let me know if you wish to come along and are not on the current email list. Meetings start at 7.30pm and we welcome new members to come along and see what the society is about. We will also have a stall at the upcoming pet expo being held in porirua keep your eyes peeled for more info on that. As a not for profit organisation we are looking at ways to fundraise to get back some of the costs for that - if you have any ideas let me know! As part of the club you are capitated to the FNZAS. Being a part of the FNZAS allows you to be a part of the breeding scheme and also get a discount at nationally recognized pet shops. For more info see www.aquariumworld.nz or message me Upper Hutt Aquarium Society secretary and FNZAS executive member.
  8. maxxi1

    Albino p82

    I'll post another pic tonight... I'm pretty sure we now have a sex ????
  9. maxxi1

    Albino p82

    This is where I will put progress shots of Albie my albino p82 who hatched from my breeding trio... hopefully more hatch
  10. Hey HB If you agitate the surface of the water duckweed will melt away It seems to hate flow Hope this helps
  11. Upper Hutt Aquarium Society meets this week wed Our meetings not being held at the usual place so if you would like to come please let me know asap Meetings are normally the second wed of each month and we are Wellingtons only aquarium society If you want to become a member or you are interested in any of the benefits like the breeding scheme or having a discount from our local supporters The Pet Centre then email [email protected] You dont have to join to come to a meeting to see what we are all about! Hope to see you there fishy friends For more info see www.aquariumworld.nz
  12. Wanted wanted wanted I have a pair of clown killies but I'd LOVE LOVE to get more so I can start breeding for other people to get them also.... Any help appreciated
  13. After all this I was cleaning n movin tabks to the fishroom.... I have some in the draw.... probably a 200 bundle... woops
  14. Barrie I am going to look at bringing some in for the bettas and killies.... I generally go to a person on eBay and her name is Amy-lim Betta breeders have been using her for years.. I've only had one packet turned down at country entry and it wasn't her who collected n dried she also makes an amazing black water supplement that I swore by for killies before my fire!!!
  15. If it's pooling yes it can... especially if it's not drying
  16. maxxi1

    specie survey

    Hi Barrie nice to meet u... currently I only have filamentosa and volcanum in my possession but I did have about 9 species which I intend on getting back into. Get in touch with Rodney from Rodney tropical he has a few species but we have now lost most of the species ?
  17. Hi Tantra This post is a see bit old now.. unfortunately since then I've had a fire and had to shut down my fish room. However if you contact Rodneys tropicals in such he may be able to help you.
  18. Upper Hutt Aquarium Club meets on the 8 March 2017 at 67 Clouston Park Road at 7 30pm onwards We have a trip coming up to see Rolleys discus set up. Which will be discussed at this meeting. This is only open to club members. Please also note that your subs will be due very soon. And an email will come out in regards to this. Thanks hope to see you all there
  19. Kapi mana aquarium club meets this Wed at the Tawa community centre at 7:30pm Welcoming all new members. If you just want to come out and meet people from within Wellington who also keep fish. This is the place for you!!! Financial members get a 10% discount at Pet Centre stores on fish products!!! Look forward to seeing you there
  20. I really want u to make this a tide tank..... live my dreams through u
  21. Ohhj it worked... that's one of my babies
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