You could put them on the island yeah, or just in the pond so long as the top of their container isn't covered by water. They're cheap, easy to grow and look rad.
I have some growing in a peat moss bog (equal parts peat and perlite) and sphagnum and they don't do as well as the other ones I have growing in standing water. Venus Fly Traps and lots of other CP's will do well with that arrangement (or in your islands presumably), I wouldn't bother growing new world CP inside, lots of them need dormancy periods and/or insane amounts of light.
About the only thing you can grow inside without an insane amount of light would be some of the native bladderworts and most sundews, and of course various neps.
PS: Check out "The Savage Garden" by Peter D'Amato - it's considered the bible on growing CPs.
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