Rescaped everything in the weekend.
Very happy with how it turned out. Didn't use any driftwood in the end, it's a bit of a struggle maintaining a depth of perspective in a small tank but I think I've done OK, learning from my mistakes and following the golden ratio as best I can.
I'll take some pictures later.
I moved my fighter back in - small change to the filter (pushed foam media into the outflow pipe slowing the turnover rate), which should help his tail re-grow.
He's spent the last few months living in the hospital tank with no lights and just a bit of wood/moss to keep him company. Despite perfect water param's he got fin-rot AGAIN and I just finished a Furan dose.
Anyway he seems happier mucking around in the main tank now.
Long term I'm not sure what to do if he get's fin rot again, it's certainly disheartening. I feel confident it's him not me, but still.