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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Id post more, but I sux at taking pics. If I take em without flash they look crappy. But If I take em with flash the flsh reflects off the glass and makes it look ugly. Any tips for me ?
  2. Hi Kiwimeg Welcome to the NZ Fishroom Hope you enjoy your stay. And that is a very well taken photo, not blurry at all! Very nice angel too. Thanx
  3. Good Stuff Dubbie Boy, If Only I had the aquascaping skillz to do that to my tank
  4. Not At All. My tank has algae only on the plant, and its brown, not green. I have added some more vallesneria and some bananna plant in hope of out competing the algay growth. This has happened to me before, it went away when I added more plants. I will be shortly adding Anubias Nana, Pine Tree, Java Moss and some other plants. Lets hope it leeches nutrients from the algae. Algae is :evil:
  5. Hi guys, I recently added more plants and two piesces of rock to my tank to aquascape it. The tank looked awesome for a day or two but then the plants started getting discoloured. I looked closer, and saw what looked to be little hairy brown things (Possibly Algae) on the plant leaves. Most of the plants have these growing on them. Only the top most two or three layers of ambulia are actually green, and from that point on everything is brownish. The L. Mauritius (Spelling) has also developed this hairy stuff, and its green has now turned into a brown. My cousin tells me brown algae grows due to lack of light. I have 2 x 10W flouoroscent (One is Arcadia and the other one is some random brand) lighting the aquarium. And the plants with the hairy leaves are directly below the hood. The ambulia that I have placed in the front of the tank is perfectly fine, only the other plants have the hairy brown leaf problem. I remember this happpened when I first got my aquarium and planted it, and then It went away when I added lots of plants. Today I will be adding many more plants, hopefully this will stop the hairy stuff growing. I was wondering if any of you knew why this happens, and why the ambulia at the front of the tank is not effected by this. Also the L. Mauritius (Spelling) is very similar to grass. Could it be that the close proximity of the leaves is obstructing flow of water and causing this problem? But this still does not explain why the other plants have it. This brown stuff is also growing on the driftwood and the heater and the filter. Any help appreciated
  6. Im guessing its some kind of unwanted plant growth or something :lol: Cheers
  7. True. I bet they will fine you.
  8. Here are Photos of my Angel Fish:
  9. Hi Nor_Wester Firstly, Welcome to the fishroom Secondly, To Answer your question. With a tank that size, I would go with a external filter, simply because the tank is so big. Id probably add some internal power heads to give the tank a little more circulation. Good Luck with the new Tank. Breaka\/\/ay
  10. breakaway

    Blue fish

    Blue Dwarf Gouramies. I had 4 of them, and they are fun to watch and look really awesome as the light reflects a purplish-blue off their scales. At Mt Roskill Hollywood's they are like $11.95 each.
  11. Hay Ballistic you need to fix your photo album man we cant see it. It says that it is a private album and asks for a password.
  12. Thanx for the advice. I will be taking the Fertilizer balls out and changing water. I will also remove weights from the Valesnerias. I will prolly get a bristlenose in the near future.
  13. Nop, I did not take the weights off the plants. Just stuck em in the gravel. BTW, theres a problem now. Since I added JBL's "The 7 Balls" fertilizer, Im having algae bloom (I think). The algae is everywhere. Its even on the plants. THe plants are discoloured because of the algae. Can someone tell me what the problem is here? I had a problem like this before, and I solved it by adding more plants to leech nutrients that algae needs. But In this case, there is already a lot of plants in there, and I don't know what to do. Strangely, there is a LINE of algae growing in my tank: See Pic. My Algae is growing in a Rather Strange spot. Any help appreciated.
  14. The only reason I would like to have a credit card is so I can mail order stuff from overseas. For example, www.zest.co.th sells PC games for under $40, and I dont have a credit card, so its very hard for me to order. Its not taht I dont have the money, but I just cannot find a method of making a payment. If I had a card, I could pay them off easy. Thanx
  15. My friend has a Credit Card. He is with ASB. He is 15. You can ask your dad or something to get a credit card for you. However he will be liable for your actions. Youll have 2 contact the bank 4 more info.
  16. 16. But dont Tell anyone 8)
  17. Ha Ha, I asked dad to come with me, he said no because he was feeling sick and handed me his credit card. The staff got startled when they saw what looked to be a 12 year old pulling out a gold card :lol: :lol: (Im not really 12, I jsut look 12.)
  18. Heh, Lucky I had my dad's Credit Card.
  19. Hollywood Fish Farm Mt. Roskill. Its right next to Mt. Roskill Grammar School. Thanx
  20. Haha, I was under a budget, and I ended up spnding: $30.10 for the Pants $10 for extra gravel $4 for stones (in the back) $12.65 for "JBL The 7 Balls" Fertilizer Total $56.70 :oops:
  21. Damn Ira, you must live in in Remura or something :lol: :lol: Anyway, I think those prices are daylight robbery. Also $26 for an Arcadia 6500k Light bulb 18" is a ripoff. Im going to mitre 10 next time.
  22. Grassy Plant in the front is "L. Mauritius" (Spelling) and frilly plant at the back is 3 bunches of "Ambulia" I paid through the nose for these plants. Prices for all plants in the tank: 3 x Twisted Valesneria........................................$9.90 4 x Ambulia.......................................................$10.60 3 x General Plants (The Purple Ones)...................$5.10 1 x L. Mauritius (Spelling)....................................$4.50 Total..................................................................$30.10 Dear god thats expensive :evil:
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