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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Hmm, Im not too sure here. Im guessing that the water change fixed some nutrient imbalance. The tank is also relatively new (6 months), and now that its established, it has a better chance of not having algae. Algae will never go away completely (In most cases). Like someone put it, "Its a fact of life." I haven't up to today added any kind of chemical or conditioner to my water. Except for activated carbon to remove water impurities - the salesperson convinced me that I needed it. But since my tank has been running just great without it for the past month or so, Ive decided to not buy it anymore. Thanx
  2. Hi Thunderstorm, What kind of lighting are you using on your 2 foot tank? I use 2x 15w Floros. I used to have a severe algae problem, but in the last 2-3 days it has completely gone away. Even the algae on the side of the tank has gone. One fine day, after a water change, the algae was gone. It did not grow back. Its all good, except for the renegade snails in the tank. But they are not so bad. Im very happy to be rid of the algae. And my male and female guppy. I am setting up a new tank for the female so she can drop the babies into a secure environment. Dont they look great
  3. Lol! Why do you consider not finding a worm a bad thing. I hate anything that remotely resembles a snake, taht includes earthworms and slugs. Even Eels. Dont mean to sound all girly here, but it gives me the creeps.
  4. It cant be good putting it into your tank then. Well, the fish might be OK with it, but every time you put your hand into the tank, or touch any parapernehila (sp.) that go into the tank, make sure you wash your hands because its not fit for human consumption.
  5. Hi, I need an algae cure as well. I was just wondering if someone could tell me how much this Seachem Flourish Excel costs. Thanx breaka\/\/ay
  6. The algae is a brown film covering the plant leaves, and in some places a thick green film growing on entire plants and filters. I guess I will try an Oto Cat. Thanx for the help guys
  7. So CO² is a No No? And I had a Bristlenose but it died. It did not eat the algae. And I asked if those siamese algae eaters are compatible with other fish, and the attendant told me that its a bad Idea, so I forgot about that. Im not familiar with oto cats, I will ask around for that. And I might just buy some Algae-Rid. The algae is not so much an aesthethic problem, but it grows on plants and covers the leaves, therefore cutting off their light, so they canot photosynthesise and die and wither away. So I wanted a quick cure for this. Im sure once the plants start growing, the algae will be starved of nutrients and will go away. How do you deal with pH differences if you have a CO² system? Do you add pH Up or pH Down? But isnt this a temporary fix? Any help appreciated.
  8. Hi Guys, I have a terrible algae problem as you guys know. Its really driving me up the wall, so as a last resort Ive decided to turn to chemicals. Ive heard some success stories, and would like to try these algae killers. Now what I need you guys to help me with is what brand to buy. There are a few brands, and I dont know which one to buy. Ive got a 600 x 300 x 300 mm tank (±54Litres) Secondly, I wanted to ask you gusy if its OK to get a CO² generator for this small a tank. This DIY CO² Generator looks like a good choice. Thanx for your help in advance
  9. Can someone tell me what a test tone is?
  10. How much does the ink cost Steve? The website I use says its $48.84 (Linky)
  11. Are you sure you want a photo printer, I believe you will be much much better off with a laser. When the ink cartridges run out, you will be shelling out tons to buy new ones. Thats the only bad things about these "Inkjet" printers. An important consideration - the cost of ink. Ive got an Epson, and it costs about $70+ to buy ink (colour and b&w) for it. Its not really worth it. But a laser would last much longer with the kind of use I put it through. Have a look at Pricespy's Printer Selection for a good price on printers The cheapest Photo printer I can find is the HP photosmart 130 digital photo Printer for $139.95 Including GST. Hope this helps
  12. Speaking of neons, most neons I got from HFF mt. roskill are very sensitive. I was told when I first started the hobby that they were very hardy fish, but once I bought them, they started dropping like flies. One of them died because of a cyst on the tail. The others just kept dying. Then I bought some more. They dropped like flies too. Must be a bad batch of fish or something.
  13. I guess after a few months they will get used to the sound, and it wont bother them any more. Similar if you move to a house where there is a train track. First few days you will have a problem getting to sleep, but after that it will feel wierd if there is no train sound.
  14. Exactly. That way they get used to it, and dont get shocked every time when it makes sounds every now and then. They would not be in a constant state of shock. But when the sound comes and goes, they get shocked every time. Please to correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I think happens.
  15. Id kinda have to say that I agree with Luke. As the fish get adjusted to the loud sounds, it must shock them. This cant be good, right?
  16. I think freewebs is experiencing downtime. Again. The site wont even load for me. Neither will my own website. I think freewebs is down. Meanwhile CG, use ImageShack to show us your photos.
  17. I thought that its ok once the fish get used to the vibrations
  18. In the sink, wont the vibrations startle the fish as you put down the tooth paste? Or the tooth brush? Or the soap?
  19. It holds images for quite some time. My friend has a 4 month old photo on there, and it still opens. The website is really fast and easy to use. Its useful for things like posting pics if you think one of your fish has white spot etc, for temporary storage. I bet that takes quite some time. With ImageShack its instant, and easy. The only bad thing is that images would not be stored permanently.
  20. So did you guys know about this site? I just found out about it through a friend.
  21. Hi Guys Just thought I would share ImageShack with you guys. Its free, and incredibly easy. All you have to do is go to the above link and upload the image. You can then link it to the forum. No need to log in. I find it very useful. Hope you like it too
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