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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Edit: http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/data/2 ... 04-med.jpg Is that considered average? Anyway, you guys are really starting to put me off nano reef. Looks like ill have to wait a few years before getting a 4 foot setup, ive heard its murder on your wallet.
  2. Heres a few more questions: 1. How do you feed corals or anemones? Do you have to do anything special? 2. What is target feeding? 3. Where do you salties collect your sea water from? 4. Do you guys know any places where I can get lights (hoods anb bulbs for PowerCompacts) from (other than my LFS, they tend to be expensive) Thanx
  3. Hi Guys, Ive been putting serious thought into going saltwater. However, the huge cost is somewhat stopping me. So Ive decided to look into nano-reefs. I have been reading up about live rock, sand, filteration, cycling, etc. at www.nano-reef.com/articles , and I believe that this option is most feasible for me. Now its question asking time (whoopie 8) ) 1. What kind of lighting do I need? I hear that PowerCompacts are good for this purpose. I was wondering if someone would tell me how much it would cost me. 2. Would it be safe to just go to the closest beach (mission bay) and pick up some sand for my substrate? 3. As an alternate to buying salt mix for your tank, can you collect sea water? If you collect sea water, where do you get it from? Ive heard that its a bad idea to get it from a beach because of run offs. 4. Where do I get my live rock from? Are any of you reefers out there willing to sell me some? 5. I am planning to start out with a 50 Litre tank, how many power heads will I need to keep a decent amount of circulation? I plan on keeping soft corals and fish. 6. Ive heard that evaporation can cause salinity change problems in small tanks. How do auto top up pumps work, and are they expensive. Is it easy to build a DIY one? As I have more questions I will be posting them in this thread. Thanx for any help in advance
  4. When I bought my driftwood, I put a big pot on the stove, filled the pot with water, brought it to boiling temperature and boiled the wood for 1 hour. My water never went coloured when I put it into my tank.
  5. I had a very very bad algae problem. I did a few heavy water changes and that fixed it. Just my 2cents, telling you how I got rid of it.
  6. breakaway


    Not all cases of albinism are the same.
  7. Hi Brian Try out ToughTanks for a tank, they are really quite cheap. Heres a Quote I got:
  8. The guppy is recovering well, and is swimming around happily. He is no longer gasping for air. His colours are steadily returning and getting brighter and brighter.
  9. I have concluded that there is something wrong with the water in the 2nd breeding tank. So I have decided to do a 100% water change. That is impossible because there were only 2 fish in the Death Tank (I have labeled it such because I have lost many fish in this tank.) When I realised that the second (and final) guppy was showing signs of Clamped Fins, I removed him from the Death Tank and put it into my established community tank. He was gasping for air then, probably as a result due to the stagnant and dirty water in the Death Tank. I have drained the tank completely, and will re-fill it soon. This time I will use de-chlorinators. Also attach an air stone. Thanx breaka\/\/ay
  10. Last night I found the second guppy with clamped fins, so I transfered him back into the 55L community tank. He was gasping for air, and it looked like he only had a few hours at the most. But this morning all that has changed, his colours have returned (almost), he is showing off his tail. Im beginning to think its something in the water of the other tank. Any Ideas?
  11. It wouldnt be that dim. It would be useful for a fry or holding tank, dont you think?
  12. I lost both my female guppies. I think its the water in the tank. I left it alone for like 5 days. At this time I was running the power filter in the other tank to cycle it quicker. I realised that one of the male guppies had a massive tear in his tail, so I figured the culprit was the Siamese Fighter. I have sold the Siamese Fighter, so he is no longer a problem. However, I transfered the males into the 25litre tank for holding temporarily until the fighter is picked up. Within 5 hours, the one with the tear in his tail was dead. The 2nd (and final) male guppy has lost his colouring, and his tail looks a lot less colourful than before. Also it is clamped. I started to worry, so I transfered the 2nd male back into the main tank with the fighter. Temporarily I hope he will be ok. Any idea on whats causing this? Is it because I left the tank without a fish and filter for a few days? Does stagnant water cause problems for fish? If so, I can drain and re-fill the tank. Any Help Appreciated.
  13. How bout using like 8 LEDs for making a light? Get a narrow piece of wood, drill holes in it, push the LEDs through, glue the LEDs into place, get an old Mobile phone charger, use it to plug into the wall and power LEDs. Although you would have to work out what kind of resistors and all you would need.
  14. Man, that nearly made me puke. I hate anything that remotely resembles snakes. That includes earthworms and eels.
  15. In comparison to perspex, glass is much more fragile. If you drop a 300x300 glass sheet with 5mm thickness onto concrete you will probably break it. But with perspex you probably wont. It will scratch but wont break.
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Remember to not Drink and drive. Have fun
  17. Also perspex isnt as fragile (breakable) as glass.
  18. Hi Critter Guy If you told us what you wanted to do with your tank (heavily planted, just fish, or lightly planted) we could recommend what you would need. Because heavily planted tanks need more light than normal tanks. More is always better, but in some cases you can get away with less lighting.
  19. Yes, I did used to have a horrible algae problem. I dont know how I solved it. After one water change, the algae never came back. I think it fixed some water imbalance (possibly nutrients) and this coupled with the tank being well established contributed to removing the algae. Now I get absolutely no algae, except for some green hairs that grow on the heater, filter. These are easily cleaned by a magnetic cleaner.
  20. I use 2x15w Floros on my planted 55L tank.
  21. Just got me a new case for my new computer. 400w Power Supply. Side window.
  22. Sure is, But im not willing to shell out $800 for a video card.
  23. I am soon to be the proud owner of a 6600GT. Its one of teh best. Only $345, and it outperforms the 9800XT.
  24. Why dont you join This? Its free, and it allows hotlinking. Webshots doesnt.
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