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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Its not as strong as I expected 2 be. Again, I might be wrong coz Im new to Aquarium
  2. Hmmmm..... Are we supposed 2 connect say.... an AIR PUMP here in order for the aeration modes to work ?
  3. Yes, thats where I checked 4 the current :evil:
  4. Hi, Recently purchased Shark 1 filter with 600 300 300 tank, And was wondering, The filter has 4 modes. Normal, Aeration 25%, Aeration 50%, Aeration 75% and Aeration Only. I stuck it on 3 (Max Aeration) and put it in the water. Currently using Activated Carbon and Sponge as Media. And when I stuck my hand in front of the lil hole wehre the water is supposed 2 come out all filtered and stuff, I could bearly feel the current. This is supposed to be a 400 L/hour filter. I was just wondering if this is normal, or is it time 4 me to take the filter bak 2 the store. THanx 4 help in advance
  5. breakaway


    I think its something required for corals / plants, but then again im just having a shot im a begginer. You can buy co2 units at Pet stores. Its something similar to an air pump I would imagine, but it CO2s the water instead of O2 ing it.
  6. Yeah, 2day I got 4 neons, planning on getting some air tubing, coz I think me water needs more aeration, also gonna get more plants.
  7. Sweet my heater is running fine And Is it safe If I put in 10 Neon Tetras to cycle my 600 300 300mm tank to cycle it ?
  8. I bought an Aqua One Heater, and I submerged it full over the line that says "Level" Is that bad ? Will it short out now ? Awaiting Replies before I turn it on. Edit: The temp Knob and everythuing including that little plastic thing where the wire goes in were submerged. Have I damaged my Heater ? Pleas Help
  9. Ur rite man, but just taking a look at a few pieces of art won't hure
  10. Thanx, can sum1 please post some pics ?
  11. Hello, Can someone please tell me how to make my little 600 x 300 x 300 tank look good ? Can u ppl suggest some plants and stuff ?
  12. Amazing..... youd think a tank that size would require more cleaning !
  13. I intend to keep some Neon Tetras at first, and then other fish as I become more and more experienced.
  14. Wow thanx guys really helps me out Anyway, I was wondering if any of u knew if ToughTanks charge labour For building ur tank ?
  15. Here are some questions I came up with: What if you have a huge tank, and something falls in it, How du u uget it out ? Du u climb in it ? What if you have "territorial" fish in your tank, if you are trying to clean your tank, wont it attack you ? I know of certain TROPICL places where discus roam free and corals grow madly, then how come ppl dont import from there and sell in New Zealand to make some big bucks ? Are bigger tanks bad for begginers taht dont know much about fishkeeping ?
  16. Its been a few days since I joined, but Im posting about my self now: I dont have a tank at the moment, but Im gonna go buy a 54l one. Im only a beginner, I have very little fishkeeping experience What happened to my previous ACRYLIC :evil: tank: It was small as hell, approx 5 gallons. I kept a goldfish in there, with a Plastic plant, some black fine gravel, and a crappy as $2 sponge filter. The filter ran off a air pump. I also had another pump for aeration. I had one goldfish in there, who was pretty happy with the food I was feedin him and stuff, and I used to do weekly water changes. One day me and my cuzin decided to swap my Goldfish for his Blackmoor Goldfish. I said OK and got the fish. Everything went fine for a few weeks and then suddenly, the fish Dissappeared ! I opened up the lid, and looked inside, found him stuck between the sponge of the flter and the tank wall ! I said 2 myself... how come ! Its not like it has so mich current. So I freed him and he floated to the top and I could still see him breathe and make small body movements. I let him be hoping he would recover but he didn't. He passed away after 2 days of suffering. So I put my tank away as it was empty and was also horribly scratched when we cleaned the algae. (Acrylic Scratches easy as) And here we are ! After doing heaps of research, I have decided to keep fish again and now I feel like i have the skills necessary and a team of highly trained fish experts (u guys ) to help me in the event of a disastart breaka\/\/ay
  17. Guppies ? And some other species if u r willing to suggest me some - Im new and I dont know many about this. :oops: :oops:
  18. I just wanted to know how many fry a fish can give birth to, and the survival rate if the proper methods are followed,
  19. breakaway

    New Tank

    Approx 600 x 300 x 300 mm
  20. breakaway

    New Tank

    So whats ur recommended amount of neon tetras for a 54 litre tank ?
  21. breakaway

    New Tank

    Hay guys, I hear about "cycling" a lot, and taht some particular fishes are good cyclers, any suggestions on species ??? For cycling the tank b4 tetras are added or can tetras do the cycling themselves ??
  22. breakaway

    New Tank

    Ok, I have an update on the size of the tank, its 54L, ppl tell me I will need 150 watt heaters.
  23. breakaway

    New Tank

    Hi, Thanx Caryl 4 ur help I am planning on buying like a 20 litre aquarium from Hollywood Fish Farm. I need prices on submersible filters, please if u have any 4 sale post here and I also need a 150 watti heater (right wattage ?) Im gonna need 1 of those too if ur selling any ploese post here and if u guys could please gimme the prices so I can get the money together.... there r no NZ webistes which LIST prices of equip and fish on web... as far as i know..... Any help appreicated
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