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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. Thanx guys, that has been really helpful. I will cut it and stuff the root into the gravel.
  2. Hi Guys I was wondering if anyone here knew how to propogate bananna plants. When I bough mine, the roots were attached to a piece of cotton. I placed the plant into the gravel along with the piece of cotton it came with. Now the plant has grown a significant amount and I wanted to re-plant it. The bottom leaves are browning off but are quickly replaced with new bright green leaves. I was just wondering if I cut the plant, what I have to do to ensure its success? Do I have to attach it somehow to another piece of cotton or do I just treat it as a normal plant and put some weights on it and burry it under the gravel? Photo:
  3. Yep, they sure are, but you cant stick a Canister filter in a 2 foot tank, unless you are trying to create a whirlpool :lol:
  4. You forgot to include internal filters
  5. Im gonna prolly buy a feeding cone. And also some blood worms. Thanx for the help guys
  6. Hi Guys, I was thinking about getting my fish some frozen worms. So far Ive been feeding them flakes and freeze dried mosquito larvae. I was just wondering if someone could tell me what kind of frozen food to get? There are so many varities at the LFS. Any help appreciated
  7. Same way your granny can tell good tomatoes from bad, with experience. Just out of curiocity, how many fry does the average guppy drop?
  8. Hello Mindy Welcome to the NZ Fishroom, hope you enjoy your experience here . If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Firstly, how big is your tank? We would love the details And secondly, before you put a lot of fish in, make sure your tank is "cycled". This means establishing colonies of bacteria in your filter that will break down fish wastes into non-harmful material. The biggest thing that gets new people into trouble is adding too many fish too fast. Make sure you add your fish slowly. If you want hardy fish that are easy to maintain, go for guppies. They are good hardy fish, and they also breed very very very easily, and will be good first time fishes. If you have any questions, feel free to post in these forums. Thanx breaka\/\/ay
  9. Talk to your Local LFS attendant. Like Doodle said, Add some malkon. Thanx
  10. I had something on my neon earlier, it was a cyst. From what you are saying, it looks like its a cancerous cyst or something. Like Caryl said whitespot looks like your fish have been sprinkled with salt, not just ONE growth on the body. This is more likely to be a cancerous growth. Thanx
  11. 32 might actually be dangerous. I wouldnt risk it.
  12. Dont go around buying special "Plant Gro" bulbs, they might be better than normal 6500k ones, but only marginally. I have 2 x Resun light hoods, and they are running wiht the bundled light bulb, and my plants are growing like crazy. Dont spend $50 on something that is marginally better. I am yet to see a BIG difference between specialized tubes and normal tubes.
  13. Have you tried places like Stone and Water World ?
  14. Good Stuff Kiwi, thanx for posting that site here. I was wondering, how good are Siamese Algae Eaters as community fish? Ive got: 4 x Angels 1 x Neon Tetra 1 x Bronze Cory 1 x Blue Dwarf Gourami 2 x Red Phantom Tetras Ive got a real algae problem, and I was wondering if I could put a couple into my tank.
  15. Hay Caryl The tank has been set up for about 5 months. Ive had this problem before, and It just went away as I added more plants. I recently added the plants that you sent me, and now my tank has lots of plants in it. It is lit by 2 x 10w Floro Bulbs. I am hoping that the plants compete with the algae and that they starve the algae of the nutrients it needs to survive: IMPORTANT: Only the plants are going brownish, the tank walls are flourishing with green algae. PS: Ive added some fertilizer when I aquascaped the tank. I used JBL's "The 7 Balls Fertilizer" - They are balls which are supposed to be placed close to the plants. Any help on how to get rid of this menace will be awesome. Thanx in advance breaka\/\/ay
  16. My water aint green. Caryl sent me a heap of plants and now I have a heavily planted aquarium. Now only time will tell if the plants stop going brown. Some of the ambulias are going green now.
  17. Just go to the local beach and get some sand. Then wash it some b4 u put it in. Im not too sure if this would work. It should be ok. If Im wrong please correct me.
  18. 1 Word. Beautiful. Id love to have that. But I only have a freshwater, And I do not have the time nor the money for a saltwater setup.
  19. Dont worry about it, It should be all good. I would provide some small hiding places and keep the angels well fed (you should be doing that anyway )
  20. Ive got 4 angels and 1 neon in my tank, and the angels never attack the neon. Its been there for about 2 months. If you keep them well fed it shouldnt be a problem
  21. Still, its better than mine :lol:
  22. Cool. In the mean time, keep those pics coming
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