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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. I am sick of seeing that excuse aswell, seems everyone who sells fish they no longer want "have too many fish" in their tanks. So many ill informed people seem to get into this hobby, it's kinda scarey.
  2. Cheers Sophia, glad someone is onto it around here :slfg:
  3. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... ermanent=0 How disgusting that they are even considering flushing it down the toilet. This is the comment I left; "Don't you dare flush it down the toilet! That is disgusting and against NZ bio security laws. Shame on you for even thinking of it! Take him to any of your local pet shops and give it to them."
  4. Ira, are you not supposed to say that that information came from wikipedia?
  5. I'll make sure I tune in then. Also someone needs to put the forum clock forward an hour.
  6. That's what I am hoping, now just waiting for the co2 bottle to get dropped off then I am set.
  7. Are you ever going to show us some pictures of all of these tanks you have F15hguy?
  8. Can't Buy Me Love - Beatles
  9. Are you talking about the diffuser I got from you?
  10. Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park
  11. Dying to Know - Pennywise
  12. Hey guys I am in the process of setting up a pressurized co2 system for my 450ltr tank and was wondering what the best way of diffusing it will be? I have a few different glass diffusers but from what I understand they're not really designed for a larger tank. I have looked into making a inline reactor but not sure what parts I need and where to get them from locally. Any advice will be appreciated.
  13. Anybody Seen My Baby - The Rolling Stones
  14. !drool: Amazing pictures! What an experience you must have had!
  15. That will be the last time you's have your roofs down until you leave Southland :slfg:
  16. Sweet as Sophia, I will keep you at the top of the list. Had Caryl and Grant here yesterday evening, they took some photos of my tanks , hopefully they make my tank look good!
  17. Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park
  18. Silly naive girl. Even after being warned from MAF she still went ahead, they should have thrown the book at her. On another note they are a cool looking ball, too bad it is illegal. I understand why though and completely agree with it. They kind of remind me of tight little balls of riccia.
  19. Sweet Child of Mine - Guns n' Roses
  20. Cant beat good fresh bluff blue cod. Your link didn't work?
  21. Atom Heart Mother - Pink Floyd
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