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Everything posted by Godly3vil

  1. I completely agree, I wouldn't mind half as much if it was actually used for that sort of infrastructure.
  2. I stand corrected, and no I never once said your roads are perfect, I would hope not with the constant amount of money that is spent on them. No matter what happens the majority of the rest of NZ feels this way as this is what the media constantly portrays. There will always be Auckland and the "Rest of NZ" I would also like to add none of this is meant to be personally insulting as I have many friends and family that live in the Auckland region and they like you feel the same about it. Not to mention the great people from Auckland who have helped me out on this website.
  3. If Auckland has 1/4 of the population and only receives 1/4 of roading budgets why can't they pay for their own roads then?, it's your choice to live in Auckland. Does not explain why we should all have to pay the same amount of tax towards your infrastructure. Of course you would not understand the whole Auckland/Rest of NZ thing, your biased as you live there. I bet if you lived in any of the other smaller towns for a while your way of thinking would change very, very quickly. Put it this way, my street in Invercargill is in serious need for an upgrade as it is full of pot holes and nearly non-existent road markings like the majority of Southland roads yet the government has only budgeted a very small amount of money for Invercargills infrastructure since as long as I actually cared yet Southland produces over 5% of NZ gdp with only roughly 1.5% of the population. Please explain how that is fair?
  4. Have you ever driven on any roads in the South Island, if you think Aucklands roads are in need of all this government spending I hate to think what era you would class our roads as. Also why do you think it is fair that because Aucklands roads are busier they deserve more money spent on them from taxes that the whole country has to pay? What a joke, the average NZ tax payer will never once drive on one of these roads that Aucklanders seem to think deserve upgrading on a constant basis. I for one am sick of paying extra at the pump so you guys can drive on better designed and maintained roads. I say we split New Zealand into 2 separate states and we keep out taxes for our own infrastructure.
  5. Impressive, he looks so pleased with himself!
  6. Buy a few and grow them up yourself dude?
  7. http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/f ... 850218.htm
  8. It's a plant eater :slfg:
  9. As long as you let the silicone cure fully I don't see why not, also I would think you would use either aquarium safe glass silicone or that black plumber gunk stuff. Just ring a couple glaziers and ask them what they think? I think it will still look real good with a bare bottom but would consider using stone tiles to make it look even more natural.
  10. I came across the same article awhile ago while I was studying diy backgrounds, only thing that put me off was the weight. On a tank the size you are planning though I don't think a couple of extra 100kgs will matter. 15mm glass should be able to take the force of that much rock no problems, as long as the stand will support it.
  11. Yeah man, nearly made that mistake before myself. Make sure you get some one-way valves now aye lol.
  12. Monkey Wrench - The Foo Fighters
  13. Added some discus yesterday :happy1: Will post some more pics after I have done a water change and installed the pressurized co2. Tested it yesterday to make sure I had everything right, and yay no leaks!
  14. :digH: Just came across this old thread, wow what an amazing setup, especially when it was planted! Wonder what it looks like now?
  15. Cool, but I was meaning the tanks you have at home.
  16. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar
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