If Auckland has 1/4 of the population and only receives 1/4 of roading budgets why can't they pay for their own roads then?, it's your choice to live in Auckland. Does not explain why we should all have to pay the same amount of tax towards your infrastructure. Of course you would not understand the whole Auckland/Rest of NZ thing, your biased as you live there. I bet if you lived in any of the other smaller towns for a while your way of thinking would change very, very quickly.
Put it this way, my street in Invercargill is in serious need for an upgrade as it is full of pot holes and nearly non-existent road markings like the majority of Southland roads yet the government has only budgeted a very small amount of money for Invercargills infrastructure since as long as I actually cared yet Southland produces over 5% of NZ gdp with only roughly 1.5% of the population. Please explain how that is fair?