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Everything posted by aquariumbeginner32

  1. Thanks :thup: Just put one shelled pea in there.... after doing a water change.
  2. So I went to do a gravel vacuum of my tank yesterday morning and found 3 platy fry hiding in the plants and under the airstone lol How long will it take for them to grow to a decent size? At the moment I've just been giving them tropical flakes that I squish so they are nice and fine. What else can I feed them? I've heard of shelled peas. Are you supposed to cook the peas first, or give them to them uncooked?
  3. I found 1 platy fry when I went to feed my fish tonight! :happy2: I can't find it now I will have to get myself a breeding trap/net ASAP. I read online that a platy pregnancy is 3-4 weeks long so I think she must have already been pregnant when I got her, as I only got them about 3-4 weeks ago lol And I only got male platys about 2 weeks ago. I also got 2 male and 1 female Molly and I read online they can interbreed. So IF my platy fry hasn't been eaten, I am wondering if it will be 100% platy or half molly
  4. http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?q=male+balloon+molly+fish&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1002&bih=538&tbm=isch&tbnid=u2638KWLHmG2dM:&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/laurencelaycock/sets/72157610598648498/detail/&docid=3XXz1-IfDT7AgM&imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3242/3065744579_7f9fc250a8.jpg&w=500&h=497&ei=cBaiTo7eHqGjiAeAxoW8Bg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=98&vpy=193&dur=15594&hovh=224&hovw=225&tx=121&ty=248&sig=103546239883987728526&page=3&tbnh=146&tbnw=145&start=15&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:15 This is like the Molly but I don't think mine is a balloon molly.
  5. http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?q=platies+fish&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1002&bih=538&tbm=isch&tbnid=lcHl4m29P9wjQM:&imgrefurl=http://naturalaquariums.com/bb/index.php%3Ftopic%3D1120.0&docid=_ZmApN3U7j1P1M&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Platy_blu.jpg&w=1280&h=872&ei=xxOiTsrPAs2OiAeWh821BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=100&vpy=154&dur=4031&hovh=185&hovw=272&tx=60&ty=206&sig=103546239883987728526&page=4&tbnh=149&tbnw=196&start=22&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:22 Hopefully this works... this is what my ones look like. It says on there that they are referred to as blue platys. ?
  6. I got 3 mollies recently. I'm trying to find out if there is a particular name for one of them. I know the other 2 - one is a dalmation and the other is just white (don't think it would be called Albino as its eyes are not red). The other one is like the dalmation but has orange coloring on it also. Kinda reminds me of my dark tortoiseshell cat... Also I have a couple of platys... they are white with blue and black. Is there a special name for them?
  7. Yeah my fantail goldfish had swim bladder and I think it was from swallowing a piece of gravel, as I have seen it do it a few times and then spit it back out. Now it's not an issue as I've moved my goldfish out into the pond and it has big smooth stones in it. My fantail had a thing about sucking up the gravel ... it would spend most of it's day sucking food/algae off the gravel. It was funny because I could hear the gravel moving around/dropping down.
  8. We used to have rabbits... ended up losing 2 to kids/dogs. The first one some kids took from the hutch ... they got it out through the bedding part of the hutch because the base could be pulled out for easier cleaning. The hutch lid was locked. They gave it to a dog to play with and then chucked it down a drain across the road. The second one was my baby ... was small enough I could hold it in my hands... a dog managed to get into the hutch and squashed my baby even though the lid had a lock on both sides. There were two dogs, somehow they managed to get into it. I found one in there and the other on the lid. Our other two rabbits died of old age. I remember they LOVED sweetcorn. :love:
  9. The only reason I started giving them bloodworms was because they wouldn't eat flakes. I think the pet shop feeds all their fish bloodworms every day so they probably are so used to that, they won't eat the flakes. The do eat flakes now, but they still like the worms more. I thought they were healthy though? My fish are definitely not fat :dunno:
  10. :rotf: http://www.octopusstudios.com/aquagallery.htm
  11. http://www.fancyguppies.co.uk/page79.htm
  12. my fantail goldfish are looking happier outside in the pond. I put my hand in the water and it feels about 18-20 :thup: and the acrylic on top is probably making it warmer :thup: Just considering moving it (it's a bathtub) onto our deck when we get our garden shed up and move all the crap that is mostly my husbands off the deck :facepalm: That way in Winter the water will probably stay slightly warmer too.
  13. Well if it's a display tank then he can put anything suitable that he wants in there... like guppies for example :thup:
  14. We've had this conversation before Ira. They are wild guppies I'm talking about that Animates sell as Coldwater guppies as they are aclimatized to live in cold water.
  15. I found my guppies, minnows and even my fantail goldfish enjoy swimming through the current from my filter and the bubbles from the pump.
  16. I feed my tropicals in the morning (flakes) and in the evening (bloodworms) every day. My minnows in the smaller tank get the same (coldwater tank) but just in smaller amounts as they don't eat that much. Not sure what I'm doing with the goldfish outside yet as they just don't seem as hungry as they were in the tank inside.... probably once a day is enough for them as they just won't eat it all. Maybe flakes one day then bloodworms the next :dunno:
  17. Same problem I'm having. I had my fantail goldfish in my tank on 25C for several weeks and just put it into the pond on Monday and I feel so bad ... it's just not happy like it was in the tank... doesn't swim around much at all ... spends most of the time in the barrel ornament Might have to get a bigger tank and filter and pump and heater off Trade Me or something ...
  18. That's silly... he could sell them to you and just put new ones into the display tank :facepalm:
  19. I thought the only coldwater fish were goldfish and minnows and wild guppies.... This is the opposite to what you're talking about, but I had my goldfish (fantail) in my tank set on 25C for weeks and weeks and he/she seemed perfectly happy... just moved it out into the pond the other day and now it hardly swims around... spends most of the time inside the barrel ornament. I feel bad now.. am feeling like moving it back into the tank. But my tank is only a 64L. My minnows that I moved into my smaller tank are also not swimming around that much... poor fishies
  20. Name: Renee Age: 32 Occupation: Fulltime mother and housewife... or as I like to call myself unpaid not so voluntary worker lol Sex: Female obviously lol Book: "Star" by Danielle Steel Car: I don't drive, hubby has a Nissan Liberty 7 seater Hobbys: Computing, Gardening, Baking Family: 2 parents and 1 sister, hubby and 2 daughters ages 5 and 7 Location: Papakura Favourite food: Gee if I can only name one... Butter Chicken
  21. Why wouldn't they sell them to you? Just to be spiteful? Get someone else to go in there for you and buy them all?? Some people just won't listen/don't want to know. It's like when I told my daughters kindy that their fish tank was too small for the 5 fantail goldfish they had in it. Last time I went there there was only one as the rest had died. I told them that you need at least 60 litres for one fantail and they said that they were told it was fine (by one Animates store) and they said they'd had them for ages..... still.... they just had no room to swim around. The tank is only about 50L at the most.
  22. Ok so definitely no angel fish then lol What other fish go well with guppies and platys? I have officially moved my blue/silver fantail goldfish (I got another one on Sunday - a very small chocolate fantail) into the pond outside, put the minnows into the small tank and so it's just the tropical fish in the big tank now. Snowman has a GBA for me which I have to collect. I like barbs, tetras and danios.... and the dwarf gouramis. Anything that won't get more than 10cm including the tail.
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