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Everything posted by aquariumbeginner32

  1. lol yeah I guess. For the life of me I just cannot remember the name of it but you know the big containers that you put on the side of the house to collect rainwater? My parents have one. I was thinking about having one of those but our section is so small it would just be silly because it would take up so much room.
  2. Only 15 degrees? We have an oil column heater but we didn't use it for a few years and I wasn't sure whether we should just start using it after it had been sitting for so long and I was going to get some compressed air to clean out all the dust that had collected.... it's just still sitting there not being used. We've been using one of those pathetic fan heaters. We just turn it on until the room warms up and then turn it off. But Abby and Sophie kept turning it on when they could just put a jumper on and I was forever turning it off. Must remind myself to buy a can of compressed air and clean the oil fin heater. Then I will make sure it's working ok and then I will get rid of the fan heater. While I'm at it.. should buy another oil fin heater, and have one in the hallway and one in the lounge.
  3. Yeah I am not sure that the water is perfect yet, but when I do a water change on Tuesday I'm going to do all the different tests. Once the water is good (including the bathtub pond water) then I can move the goldfish back outside, get some friends for him and then I can get a few fancy guppies. :thup:
  4. Thanks Jude. My goldfish is looking a lot better now and swimming around happily and eating again... I think I should have called him/her Hoover LOL I put a whole bloodworms cube into the tank the last two days because on Friday night the goldfish ate most of the cube by itself. And there are only 3 guppies and 5 minnows and the goldfish. Before I put the goldfish in there I was only using about 1/4-1/3 of a cube a day. All the blood streaking is gone. :thup: And it's slime coat is perfect again. And I didn't lose the other guppy that was swimming funny. He is 100 percent now :thup:
  5. I don't know as we've only been in our own home since the end of June. But I think it stinks we have to pay for our water because of a drought that was years ago :an!gry I think we should pay for the water to be cleaned/treated and for the cost of maintaining the pipes, but not for the water itself because it doesn't cost the water companies anything as it comes from the sky. It should be free. Anyway, that's just my opinion...
  6. Apparently it's $262.92 for 3 months, which is what he was meant to pay however we had credit on our rates account. So we've actually paid 3 months.
  7. Our water is separate from our rates completely. Papakura is under a three year contract at the moment I think, through United Water.
  8. Mmm good point.. something I didn't consider.. I think the seals on our fridge/freezer are not working as well as they used to. Might have to get someone to have a look at them.
  9. I have a Fluval heater and it says on the instructions that it has a blue light.
  10. I can tell you we just paid our rates yesterday and it was $141.77 ... It says on the bill "Total rates assessed 2011/2012 (GST Inclusive) $1051.69. The 3 monthly amount is $262.92. If that means anything to you?
  11. Ah ok lol Well that's good to know. Yeah my blue light on mine is rarely ever on. I just assumed if it was plugged in then it was using power. :oops: :lol:
  12. :thup: My cousin Nick works at Taroonga Zoo.
  13. I leave my heater on all day. Maybe I should start turning it off. But if I have tropical fish eg fancy guppies then unless I left it on 24/7 the water wouldn't stay at 25-27C for very long. But I have no experience here so maybe I'm wrong :dunno: I also have my Bubbilo pump going 24/7. We are with Genesis. We pay 23.54 cents per unit and 33.33 cents daily for just having the power connection/contract. Just the GST alone was over $54 :an!gry
  14. Hopefully someone can answer you there. I honestly wouldn't know. I thought everyone in NZ paid for their water.
  15. The thing is our budget only allows for $300 for power monthly. The good thing about a heat pump is that only my husband and I can control it. I wouldn't have to worry about my daughters turning it on/up. :thup: Will have to do some investigating....
  16. Ok scratch that lol Apparently it was written by a ghostwriter. So Richard Castle is not a real author. :facepalm: :oops: :lol:
  17. Well I got myself one book so far. Am I the only one that didn't know that Richard Castle is actually really an Author and has written the books Heat Wave and Naked Heat? :oops: :lol: I found Naked Heat yesterday so I got it. Now I just need to find a fish book. I looked for Stephen King and the author that Supasi mentioned, but they didn't have any. If anyone can recommend any good horror/thriller books or murder mystery kind books that would be great. They have Danielle Steel and Bryce Courtenay books and I know they are good writers, but so many to choose from lol
  18. You don't have to pay for water in Blenheim?! Our water bill is usually about $400 or over for 3 months
  19. We shop at SuperValue, Countdown and New World and we save about $50 just doing it that way. I go through the books each week and find all the specials and do a list. It's annoying and it takes time. I have to admit I'd rather just go to one place lol But saving that much money on one weeks shopping is good! Family of 2 adults and 2 children. Our budget is $220. We usually manage to stay within the budget. And we get our milk from a shop that sells 2L bottles at 2 for 6.00. We usually go through about 6 bottles a week
  20. Well it must be because my 4yo keeps turning the heater on all the time when she doesn't need it and when she could just put a jumper on :facepalm: :roll: I'm forever walking into the lounge and turning it off. We've also used it quite a bit in the last month... it's been pretty cold. So I unplugged it and put it away. Also I have used the clothes dryer a bit lately and we have been using the electric blanket on occasion .... that's Winter for you Hopefully our next power bill will be better. I thought heat pumps were supposed to use less power than a normal heater? We are considering getting a heat pump. If it's going to save power then we will. :dunno:
  21. We just got our power bill today... $377 Surely the fish tank heater and filter and pump doesn't use that much power?! It's about $160 more than it was last month :facepalm: :oops: :lol:
  22. I'm just looking for something with pictures and information about the different fish and info on general care related stuff for freshwater cold and tropical fish. Doesn't have to be about NZ fish. As most fish you get in pet shops aren't from NZ eg WCMMs, goldfish, guppies, danios etc.... I'll have to have a look at the library.
  23. Thanks Supasi... will have a look out for him. :thup:
  24. Oh really? Wow. Well our kids are 4 almost 5, and 7. But my 4 year old is Autistic and still has a way to go with learning to be gentle and nice to our cats. :roll: :lol: She still gets the occasional scratch/bite.
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