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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Joshlikesfish

    Hi :)

    Welcome Enjoy your stay!
  2. To breed them you need a lot of space. Multiple tanks.
  3. Loving the L066 At least thats what I think it is :lol:
  4. Is anybody in the howickish area able to give me a lift to and from the meeting? Just encase Alistair B cant. Thanks
  5. Awesome! I just got about 200+ wrigglers today so heres hoping
  6. I was at her house today. Her fish are amazing
  7. Nice fish! Do you get them from a store or a private breeder? Do you use the macro function on your camera?
  8. Thanks Christian. I'm hoping to go all out with the pink. Breed a nice pink HM from this, with a pink CT or PK from the other pair.
  9. It is very true. I imagine it would be very hard to regulate with DIY, since DIY isn't reliable(lack of the right word) With a presurised system you can get a little computer that uses CO2 to keep a steady pH
  10. They were just quick snaps so i could throw them up here. Not too bothered about editing
  11. Would be nice if you taught us at the meeting, I really need to learn :lol:
  12. Excuse the bad photo taking :lol: can somebody please edit the title to be PK not PL? thanks :oops:
  13. Lugging big things of salt water back from the beach
  14. Oh wow! I do now. That female you sold me looks like a crowntail when she flares by the way
  15. +1 to ever post saying not to give up. RIP Green aro
  16. And my MG HM males spawning with my pink HM female haha. Good day for me :lol:
  17. So right now my pink plakat is spawning with a mustard gas crown tail... She was with a mustard gas half moon but she'd rather have my plakat(hes a stud ) What do you guys reckon the colours will be like? Hoping for some PKCT's
  18. Nice fish dude. When you search mustard gas plakat on google images it comes up with your male, if you didn't already know
  19. Things like this bring out the worst and the best of society :evil:
  20. http://news.msn.co.nz/video?videoid=886 ... 655ccb0d25 :evil: :evil: :evil:
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