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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I'm doing level two. Hate it :lol: Alistair B recently treated his tank for fungused driftwood. I wonder if i helped :roll:
  2. Wow. That is pretty strange. Somebody has been listening in chem
  3. Did you use these to spawn fighters? Did you find them helpful?
  4. I just spent every cent I have buying 4x L104 off Adrienne. I plan to spawn these guys. I own one female. Getting three confirmed females and one unknown. I'm hoping the unknown is a male, if not I'll have to get one. I was planning on either setting up a 4ftr just for them, or evicting the residents of my current 4ftr. If anybody has a better suggestion feel free to tell me :lol: The plan was a 4ftr with dark gravel, a lot of slate caves, a lot of driftwood and High flow. Once I found out the cave they spawned in, i'd position a powerhead to put a little flow into the cave to prevent the aneabrobic build up or something like that. Read about it online. I was going to use a canister with high flow and a spray bar. Sort of set up like a river tank. The breeding log i was reading use a UGF also. I've also read that I must recreate the seasons? Dry season for two months, then wet season for the spawning? What live foods are recommended? Any help appreciated
  5. I assume you want those puffers that just came in? I saw them at HFF. They're cool as
  6. SamH would be able to sell you some really nice stuff
  7. I keep fighters in a tank with a lot of flow. Well flow in multiple places. They seem alright
  8. Looking good! Give the ambulia some time and it'll thrive
  9. Good luck! I set up a tank for your CT today. Well made it fresh water haha.
  10. Its just my thoughts about it. Costs for suppliers increase, leading to cost pull inflation. The price increase will lead to a decrease in AD. But if the tax cuts outweigh the GST rise, and people have more disposable income then AD will increase leading to inflation. IIRC an article said that the on average people will get $13 more per week, but spend $45 per week. That was my evidence for a decrease in AD. With the monetary policy, inflation shouldn't get too high anyway. My first statement had no evidence. Would have been a not achieved :lol:
  11. Because its not as if I'm learning economics at secondary school or anything...
  12. We borrow 1bil from overseas, each month
  13. Inflation :roll: No nominal wage increases yet?
  14. This new GST increase, whats everyones thoughts? I reckon there will be cost push inflation, followed by a decrease in aggregate demand as prices increase and disposable income decreases. Feel free to prove me wrong fellow economists :lol: I'm not looking forward to the fact that everything fishy will cost 2.5% more(ish), and the tax cuts don't help me because I don't have a job :lol:
  15. I've seen a guy on youtube that breeds his mice for live food. Gives his pinkies to his snakes, ferrets, porcupines, reptiles and marine fish if I remember correctly
  16. I know what urea is I'm currently using sheep poo as root tabs. Cant be much worse I ment the ones Bilbo suggested :oops:
  17. I mean using the goopy liquid produced. Thats how i moved my cultures. Now have a few ice cream containers worth To feed out I just stick my finger in and clean the edge :lol:
  18. I can use like three jars :lol: Should all fit in one bag. Would the feeding out worms with water be better? Or actual mixture?
  19. I was in the car on my way home from Fielding this time two years ago. Desert road, pouring down with rain, snow on the side of the road. Pitch black. Not cool
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