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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. did they tell you lots of gorey first aid stories? I distinctly remember the stories of people being impaled on fences (don't remove the paling!), car accidents, glass in the hand..... :sick: I like that stuff though

    Nah. Worst was the explanation of vomit that comes up during CPR

  2. wow! so they're not taking any new PSN registrations? You must still be able to do it through the PS3 itself surely?

    Cant even do that

    On console. It was intended apparently to be only for pc but they wouldnt make enough money from pc so they made console ones aswell but they looks really bad.

    On console. It was intended apparently to be only for pc but they wouldnt make enough money from pc so they made console ones aswell but they looks really bad.

    I doubt the computer game is any different

  3. Saw people arriving at the neighbours with fireworks so i'm about to go and hunt my cats down and keep them inside all night and cross my fingers my dog doesn't go crazy.

    This is the one weekend of the year I cannot stand!

    Try Sedapet

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