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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. YES. It pumps into the grow bed from the filter/pump past the wee/clay pot man (who is aerating the pond) to the growbed using standard 13mm irrigation tubing and a flow valve to control output. (less output to plants makes clay pot man wee further) it flows thru the grow bed and exits via the same sized irrigation tubing that is curved over and so creates it's own siphon when water level gets to top of tube. Really simple, not rocket science. A little bit of fiddling to get intake flow just enough to start siphon at other end, but slow enough to not stop siphon easily draining grow bed.. Draining the grow bed gives oxygen to roots and stops them rotting apparently.

  2. Spent the day with family. Presents from Santa and Mum+Dad in the morning, from gran in the afternoon, big nana nap for me also, then lamb/ham for dinner now back home for an early night. Big day at work tomorrow. Since its a public holiday there is no stock team to change all the signage for the boxing day specials so all us trainee managers get to do it :sml1:

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