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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Cant be bothered reading all the posts.

    I loved it at school when people were all talk about how fast they were etc then you bowled them over in American Football :D

    The look on their face when they hit the ground after being tackled by the fat kid :lol:

  2. My display had an ammonia spike over night. Lost 3x spotted BN 1x pencil fish and 2x black phantom tetra. Ammonia was 2.0ppm. Grandad had overfed them :roll: :lol:

    My blue ram is fine. He was also used during cycling the tank. I don't see how people struggle with them?

  3. What sort of dog is he?

    Lab x what looks to be staffy

    Yes, it's a brilliant name seeing he is all "cooped up" in that cage in the photos :sml1: :digH:

    I thought it was appropriate while he stayed with me to re-Cooper-ate :P

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