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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Went HFF friday, saw 2 nice almost white dragon females and couldn't decide between them :dunno:. Now that I've decided and went back, the one I wanted isn't there anymore. Such is the way life works. This one's colour isn't as nice, but does seem to have a lot more spunk. She's in the tank next to my opaque white boy and he seems to like her. Seems to be trying awfully hard to impress her. I have no tanks to put any fry atm, but one day in the future, maybe I'll breed them.

    We need more fighter breeders. Want to borrow a tank?

  2. Yeah it'd be a strech. What about my other tank? I could swap the inhabbitants around - that way its already cycled etc and its 165L - should be alright for 3 discus?

    That tank would be better

  3. Apparently now it's 27C and the fish seem happy and fine... I've put my finger into the water and it's not that warm IMO. The fantail goldfish was hanging around the heater for a long time today. Like right next to it and I'm sure it was actually touching it :dunno:

    Heater is in with your goldfish? How come?

    The gauges on the side of heaters are useless unless they can be calibrated. Ignore them for anything but trying to get it into roughly the right range

    Take note of what Ira has said and try and figure out how to calibrate the heater

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