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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Unless you have won lotto or have easy access to lots of cash, just upgrade your car. I have always had cars 15-20 years old+ through lack of cash and it would not be unusual to have to spend $300-$500 to get it through a warrant, even with doing many fixes at home. 2 vehicles means 2 wof and reg to pay for and 2 lots of fixit bills. Unless you can borrow a car when you need to take the girlfriend out or buy big stuff, then a motorbike is the most economical of course. And the coolest. And the deadliest.

    My car is technically Grandads still :lol:

    Motorbike would be to make it cheaper going around to work etc :)

  2. What kind of car do you drive?

    Honda Integra. 1992 I believe. Manual :thup:

    I have both and the car is more practical. I wouldn't recommend having only a bike but if you can have both life is good. :)

    I would have both so life would be very good!

    what about that tuktuk I put on layby for you Josh, have you paid that off yet?

    I'm too much of a babe magnet in that thing. Cant keep driving it around town, the ol' ball and chain is getting angry

  3. Whats the general verdict of cross breeding bristlenose?

    Right now my male GBA is on eggs with what I believe to be from a female "teminicki". That got be wondering as to what people thought of cross breeding purposely. I was thinking along the lines of starlights or spotteds crossed with long fins etc in an attempt to start a new line (something I wouldn't try myself).

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