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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    hello newbie here

    Hi and welcome. Unless you have halides for lighting and/or a poorly insulated house I don't see why there would be much difference in your power bill. If you think it's bad now - wait until you have a marine tank. They really use the power!
  2. Caryl


    All my driftwood has come ready waterlogged from the beach. I just hosed it down with the garden hose to get the sand out of the crevices then put it in the tank. Never had a problem so far. Of course there is porbably less pollution on our beaches than the Auckland ones
  3. Sorry, don't know what happened there but you are missing from my master database but you are on the list Janey sent. Will send you one immediately (well, tomorrow anyway).
  4. Thanks evil but you can't really see it in that pic (it was the unit that was important) and the water level needs topping up (plus the whole thing needs a clean)
  5. Hey I'm modern too - I have the banana boat song on CD
  6. Just took it a few moments ago - excuse the mess :oops: Unit is 3.6m (12 feet) wide and floor to ceiling at one end of the lounge. I designed it to fit specific items eg tank, Ansonia clock, hookah pipe, stereo (no longer there) and stereo speaker. Cupboards at right hand end are full of records (remember those large black vinyl things?) under tank has fish buckets at one end and games at the other and left hand cupboards have large canister filter plus all the other aquatic gear you tend to acquire. :roll:
  7. Too much light and too few plants. Plants compete with the algae so a bit more competition may help. Are you able to cover the ends of the tank?
  8. Are you just missing the November one Shae?
  9. Caryl

    Hi everyone

    Hi Emily, A school of harlequins looks pretty. They are much more colourful when in a large group. Easy to look after with basic requirements. Well suited to a community tropical tank.
  10. Caryl

    angel with fungus

    Anyone? We can find Wonder Tonic (supposedly for a number of ailments, including fungus) or Melafix but not sure Melafix is the thing to use in this case.
  11. Try emailing or sending a PM to Rob as he has bred them. I haven't seen him in here for ages so a personal approach may be needed. he will have been busy lately as he works at a uni.
  12. My son's angel pair have been a bit rough and one has red and white fungus at the base of one pectoral fin and now swims with a distinct lean. With what, or how, should we treat it?
  13. You might find a window fly screen the right size too.
  14. I got that thanks billaney. Am in ChCh for the weekend so haven't read it yet but will do so next week. Much appreciated.
  15. Thank you for that Sharn. We learn something every day (except the identity of Neptune as he wished to remain anonymous. Under the circumstances I can see why! :lol: )
  16. A minor correction. The FNZAS consists of affiliated clubs around NZ, not ALL clubs. I know of one which is not affiliated (well, two actually but Nelson have just re-formed and will be affiliating in the new year).
  17. Is that a good price for it?
  18. My Jebos are so quiet (and the spray bars are just under the surface) I have to put my hand on them to check they are running.
  19. Caryl

    breeding molly

    That is possible if one of the fry got stuck (no obstetricians for molly breech births). Sorry to hear she is about to go. It is possible she may survive though not likely. Have you thought of gently stroking down her belly in an attempt to release any of the fry? Hold her in the palm of a wet hand and gently press with a finger.
  20. Study now then have a day's break before the exam or your brain will be too full
  21. Can't remember D so it can't have stuck in my mind :lol:
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