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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Watching that little man walking reminds me of a 5 minute TV programme that used to be on when I was a kid. It was a white chalk man on a blackboard and it told a story. I think it was Belgian. Can't remember the name of it but I loved it. No words to it, the drawing told a continuing story in one continuous line.
  2. I am actually ambidextrous as well. Although I write with my right, I do everything else as a leftie. My family have always referred to me as a leftie so... Lefty - 7 Righty - 9 A large number of architects are lefties too I think.
  3. They are a company with shareholders. They are supposed to make money. They are not a charity.
  4. The wet and dry vacs work fine except the containers are too small and it involves a lot of fiddling round emptying them.
  5. Subway get my vote. The burger places are like eating limp cardboard.
  6. Being sorry isn't good enough - GO CLEAN THE GLASS! :lol:
  7. Here's the original cake I made for my daughter for her 7th (she is now 28 ) Have always made fun cakes for birthdays. Nothing professional looking but appreciated by the recipients. Same daughter aged 3...
  8. The birthday girl sets her cake alight...
  9. Making the cake is easy. Decorating it is harder :lol: Transporting to Napier would be harder still :roll:
  10. If it is identical on both sides I would suspect scale damage from it having jammed itself in something, or between something.
  11. Too late Jude, she liked them both and we ate them :lol: Thank you for the compliments.
  12. I love my Sony and husband loves his Canon. We sell more Canons than any other camera and nobody has ever regretted buying one.
  13. I would be contacting the landlord and complaining about the moths and asking him to get rid of them
  14. My daughter is living with a guy who has 3 kids to other women :roll: It is Hannah's 10th birthday and we have been invited to the birthday tea (bring food please mum) and oh, would you be able to make the birthday cake as I have run out of time? Her favourite colour is purple and she loves fairies. Anyway, made cake one and wasn't happy with it, thought it was the wrong shape so made a second. Once I had a play though I realised the first cake wasn't so bad. After a trip to the $2 Shop for accessories I ended up with the following TWO cakes :lol:
  15. I didn't like to mention I was a lefty as well :lol: I'm not colour blind though although one brother is and my sister is partially so. :-?
  16. Check out the rest of the website http://www.fnzas.org.nz/clubs/
  17. Hard to tell but it looks like the fish is overproducing its slime coat in an effort to protect itself. Whether this is from an internal or external infection is hard to tell. :-?
  18. Did anyone see the Campbell Live report on this condition? I have just listened to further information on National Radio http://www.aboutdyscalculia.org/ For those, like me, who have always struggled with maths and the concept of numbering and formulae, it was a revelation. I actually remember my Dr suggesting a few years ago that I might have dyscalculia. Looks like he was right. It is such a relief to know there is a reason (sort of) for my difficulties! It doesn't make life as difficult as it is for dyslexics but it impacts on daily life all the same. Apparently about 6% of the population have dyscalculia, a similar percentage to those who have dyslexia.
  19. Caryl

    Newbie in Palmy

    Hi and welcome. I also hope the 'manly' names are repeatable in poilte company :lol:
  20. I only ever clean the front glass
  21. Hi and welcome Michelle. Hope you aren't planning on brigning your reptiles with you as you won't be allowed
  22. If the heaterstat had developed a small leak it is possible water got into it to cause it to explode.
  23. 10 - 12 hours per day. See if that makes a difference.
  24. Hmm do those critters are make interesting pets? :-? Interesting websites though.
  25. Bonjour Henri and welcome. Not sure we will be able to exchange critters with you as we have very strict quarantine laws here.
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