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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    Hi and welcome. I am sure you will find other cichlid lovers here!
  2. Long term filtration in a 65L tank, you will find the under gravel filter will work very well. If you want live plants you will need a substrate at least 5cm deep over the filter plate though.
  3. At the top of the page you will see a link to Local Clubs. Click on that to find details for the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society. I am sure members there will be very helpful and I recommend you join their club. Note that 65L is small so you will be very limited in species and numbers of fish you will be able to keep in there.
  4. Welcome. If you add your location, there may be someone willing to sell you unwanted equipment. We also have the buy sell and exchange section in these forums. Someone might have a filter to offer and can also provide cycled media. I have a soft spot for under gravel filters and like them on tanks up to 2ft.
  5. I would agree with Ira - the more the merrier. Dave's cell phone number is listed above so message him but as most are staying at the Oasis Motel I would suggest it to be a good starting place (just be there early enough before they have left!). The swamp is on the main road so if you just drive along until you see a row of cars and muddy people wading through hot pools I am sure you will be in the right place
  6. http://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/news/71815561/waikato-womans-tropical-fish-save-family-home-from-fire
  7. Keeping stretching to a minimum certainly helps but is not enough. You can run a wet finger over it gently and it will remove some of the cracking. I am sure there is a trick to it that the professionals know. William's mother had no trouble cutting it in half. William was more upset that there were no candles on it! His mum removed 4 hairs, put the candles in, then removed the candles and put the hair back
  8. I would like to know how to stop it cracking, especially on curves!
  9. Tasman Bay Herbs started experimenting with aquaponics using grass carp in 2010. I don't know whether it has been successful from the fish side but the vegetables and herbs were selling well. He was going to liaise with chefs to find recipes for the carp. http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/lifestyle-entertainment/3397569/Fish-used-to-grow-veges
  10. Just checking to see if I can do this using drag and drop. This is a pic of the birthday cake I made, as requested, for my 4 year old neighbour.
  11. I have moss, C affinis and tons of red rotala. Red rotala is so easy to grow I reckon you could plant it upsidedown and it would still grow! You can lie a strand longwise along the gravel, anchoring it with rocks or whatever, and it will grow up shoots all along the length. It will cost you whatever the postage is. Overnight tracked will probably be somewhere between $10 - $18 between islands I imagine.
  12. OK, will try to organise something next week (if I remember!). PM me a name and address and which plants you want. Cost will be the postage
  13. I still have tons of red rotala, C affinis, and some Java moss if you are interested. Away for a few days though so can't organise until next week.
  14. Hopefully the person I sent them to will contact you to pass on some extras. He said he would. :bggrn:
  15. Damn! I posted a box of plants to Dunedin this afternoon! If I had known, I could have added some for you and you could have shared the postage.
  16. I have some Anubias nana if you want some. How much did you need?
  17. Mine is not in a high flow area and mostly stays short, apart from he occasional shooting up of stems which die off and the rest of the short ones stay as they are. I always thought the shortness was insufficient light.
  18. Looking good Chris. I am sure the turtles love it. :bggrn:
  19. There are so many answers to that one you need to narrow it down! What sort of African cichlids are you most interested in?
  20. Here are some beaut cakes... http://www.cakewrecks.com/home/2015/7/1 ... e-sea.html Cakewrecks usually show professionally decorated cakes gone wrong but on Sunday they show the best of the best of the good ones.
  21. Very little natural light on mine either. No additives, ferts or CO2 ever. Lights are 4 daylight flourescents (several years old).
  22. Mine is very bushy, thick, and lush at the moment. Every now and then it has a meltdown and disappears for a year or two then suddenly starts appearing again. :dunno:
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