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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. It has been reported on occasion. The Chinese algae eaters are more likely to do it though.
  2. Slate is a sedimentary rock and schist is a metamorphic rock
  3. I go in using Mibbit. The server is irc.nzdance.net and the channel is #aquaria. I will be there tonight at 7.30pm 8)
  4. Nav I have no need to borrow poly boxes as I have plenty. Will be down for conference most definitely!
  5. I was not aware you should not use marble in aquariums. They do not have schist or greywacke on the list either. Very common rocks in NZ and good to use.
  6. I have LOTS of poly boxes of varying sizes :roll:
  7. From what I understand, Zev, the fish need to go from Napier to ChCh. We go to ChCh before we go to Napier. Therefore, the fish would be housed with me until next time we headed down, knew of someone else going who would take them on our behalf, or someone was coming up and would take them back. No idea how long I would have to mind them until we could move them on.
  8. There is a reason you ought to quarantine new fish! Buy any white spot treatment. I have no idea if any stain white stuff but it does stain silicone. No the shop should not have to pay for it.
  9. Caryl


    Hi and welcome. If you meant you needed information on how to stop I am afraid we can't help you! :lol:
  10. I prefer to think it is just hormones. He went through that stage where he was chewing through everything but that has stopped. He still nibbles on the edge of books on the table or chair but only as a "oh look, wonder what this tastes like" and takes a few bites, not the frenzy he was in a few weeks ago where nothing was safe. He is also not feeding inanimate objects or acting like he wants to mate with anything. When the kids were here over Christmas they had their female budgie with them and let her out to play with him but they ignored each other. When they were younger they chased each other all over the place.
  11. Male guppies will attempt to mate with just about anything - they don't seem to care what species or sex :roll: Not sure if anything will come of it.
  12. I've got some and they have just had fry. :bounce:
  13. I thought Suds looked like a girl too but since Bud's cere, which used to be very blue, is now dark brown, who knows? :-? I am worried he might have cancer, like someone suggested
  14. See, if you had added the dither mice it would not have jumped out! :lol:
  15. That would be great. We are happy to have our BBQ at our son's but thought it might be a bit far out for some. If you are willing to offer your place we will be happy to turn up :lol: Would be good to see your tanks spoon. We might have to be careful how many private places we go to though as we are going to run out of time. Might have to restrict oursleves to those with the most fish and tanks to view :-? Decisions decisions :roll:
  16. Don't forget we might be able to help if someone has fish that need transporting
  17. Would love to Nav. Where are you since you aren't technically "in" ChCh then?
  18. Oh yeah, they are having a tank crawl on the Sunday too! :bounce: So... on Saturday visit the National Aquarium, attend a sleepover if you want, participate in the Quiz Night then go on the tank crawl on Sunday and visit Te Papa on Monday 8)
  19. Grant and I will be heading to Napier Feb 19 - 22 for an exec meeting the weekend of the HBAS sleepover and quiz night. If anyone needs a ride... We head up Friday and back Monday, stopping at Te Papa to see the Pompei Exhibition on the way home :bounce:
  20. The Marlborough Aquarium Club is going on a shop crawl in ChCh in the last weekend of January (30/31). Anyone want to join us? We would like to have a BYO BBQ on Saturday night if there is interest. We will be staying in Belfast but if a local member closer in the city would like to offer their place then we are open to suggestions We hope to reach the city around 10am Saturday then make our way through the fish shops. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting place for lunch with some people? We will continue on Sunday. We would also like to see any local set-ups if anyone would like to invite us. Not only will we have local members but our Auckland member Adodge will be with us, as hopefully will ryanjury from Bulls :bounce: . These two would love to meet a few locals. Would Totally Tanked like to meet with us?
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