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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. So what colour guppies do you have sunrise001?
  2. It is fridge benefits Nuts are good fat so OK and I am sure corn syrup and brown sugar are healthy sugars so OK too 8) I don't avoid sugar bdspider, I make sure I eat it all at once so it is not there to tempt me any more Most of the popcorn has gone. It was too sweet to eat all at once though I tried my best! :lol:
  4. Why do you think it is a FAIL? It might be a deliberate fashion statement!
  5. Grant often comes home with homemade goodies, fruit and/or veg from grateful clients. His favourites are the "seasonal cake" he gets from a Jehovah's Witness client (who doesn't celebrate Christmas so she makes a seasonal cake instead :lol: ) and a genuine Dutch apple pie my friend makes when he fixes her laptop. Today I came home to find several bags of venison and mutton sausages on the doorstep (well, in the hot water cupboard beside the doorstep to be accurate. People leave stuff in there or pick stuff up. Couriers know to leave parcels there if we aren't home too). An ex neighbour I bumped into said he had shot 3 deer the other day so he would drop off some venison for us if Grant would have a look at his computer. Daughter's partner has been deer shooting too so has a roast for us. Then when Grant got home he showed me the goodies he was given after doing a job at Makana Chocolates - choc dipped macadamia shortbread and caramel popcorn. The popcorn is very more-ish so I looked at the ingredients list... Sugar, popcorn, corn syrup, butter, macadamia nuts, brown sugar, baking soda, lecithin, vanilla. Hmm, I wonder if it is healthy? I am sure it is fat free! :bounce: There is still an unopened box of truffles in the fridge from the last time he did a job there 8)
  6. Caryl

    Random help needed

    What about invisible ink?
  7. Great! I have asked my son and his partner if they would like to join in at some point as we are missing both their birthdays (one is a week before and the other the week after :roll: ) because of conference so this would be a good chance for us to catch up with them. They have also met a number of the TT members :bounce:
  8. Caryl

    Random help needed

    When we were kids we put daffodils in coloured ink so they changed colour. Perhaps if you drank ink the hairgrass would change colour too?
  9. Ours ate worms too but you had to wiggle them in front of the stupid animal's face or it didn't recognise it as food :roll:
  10. Why do people these days think is acceptable to be mean or rude to someone, whether they may or may not be idiots? :evil:
  11. As Ira said. Some people get confused as I think you will find some fountains also have built-in filters but they appear to be very small and not much use.
  12. I hope the minnows found it equally entertaining :roll:
  13. You mention the tank was only set up a month ago but you already had 18 fish in it. You have tested the pH (and there is nothing wrong with 7.4) but more important are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I suspect poor water quality is killing the fish. Most of those fish would handle 22C. Also, livebearers need to be in a ratio of 1 male to 3 or 4 females to spread the aggression.
  14. Voting for it... Very similar to the song called "Frog Kissin'". I have a version by Ray Stevens and Chet Atkins
  15. Although it is said that 1 human year is the equivalent of 7 'cat years', this isn't so. A 1 year-old cat is far more mature than a 7 year-old child. Experts generally agree that the first 2 years of a cat's life are roughly equal to the first 25 of a human. Thereafter, each additional year equals approximately 4 'cat years'. Cat Years - Human Years 1 - 15 2 - 24 3 - 28 4 -32 5 - 36 6 - 40 7 - 44 8 - 48 9 - 52 10 - 56 11 - 60 12 - 64 13 - 68 14 - 72 15 - 76 16 - 80 17 - 84 18 - 88 19 - 92 20 - 96
  16. The rest of the club members can still have a road trip
  17. Dragons? We are talking about leopardfish! Navarre got his and southern man's are ready to go to conference and meet their new owner Of course, said new owner HAS TO REGISTER YET!!!
  18. If you ring either of those numbers in the first post either lady might be able to tell you whether a club is re-forming or not, even though the thread was started a year ago. At this point I would say they did not get enough interest back then but you never know, it might be different now.
  19. You would be most welcome Jen. Can offer overnight accommodation if you are too tired to drive back
  20. The Marlborough Aquarium Club is touring the Ecoworld Aquarium on the Picton foreshore, next Sunday (ANZAC Day). We will meet for a picnic lunch on the foreshore then start the tour at 1.30pm. We will also get to meet some little blue penguins :bounce: ALL WELCOME. We need to know numbers for the aquarium, who are offering this tour to us at half the usual adult price (so $10 per person, under 4's FREE). Visit their website to see what they have there www.ecoworldnz.co.nz Please let me know if you would like to come too :bounce:
  21. Put her down. It is hard but kinder than letting her suffer and I think she is. We had to do the same with our cat and I think we let her suffer longer than she should have because we kept telling ourselves she wasn't as bad as we though She doesn't sound like she has quality of life any more.
  22. Caryl

    Water Test Kits

    I hope you aren't saying that just because you import the Salifert kits :-?
  23. Just because they are both 0 now, doesn't mean they will stay that way, not after only 2 weeks and that fish load :-? Adodge asks a good question re whether you have had ammonia readings and her suggestions for further water changes. I would be testing at least once a day. A tank should fully cycle in about 1 month or so. Light daily feeding is fine. Crush some flake between your fingers for a fine mix the fry can swallow. They do not need special food.
  24. This from the man who frequently tells us what he has just baked - AND EATEN??? :roll:
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