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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Do they require a specific sort of lighting? Otherwise, there's lots of clip-on type lights available at various outlets.
  2. Have you got the female on her own or in a community tank? She, and all the other fish big enough, will eat the fry as fast as they are born. A good clump of fine leaved plant, like Java moss gives the fry a chance of survival.
  3. Depends on the genetics, age, condition and size of the female. They can spawn every 6 weeks, roughly, and have anything from 1 or 2 upwards.
  4. Sorry, no. I never use fertilisers myself. When my son did it I think he used Baby Bio as a liquid one and I can't remember the other. I might get up to the roof space later and check as I think the original project might be stored up there (the child will be 34 next Saturday)
  5. My son did the following (although he was primary level). Judges like ideas that take some time to produce results so one year we set up 3 identical tanks (had a 3ft divided into 3 so handy). We put 3 identically sized plants in each, 1 baby tears, 1 sprite and 1 Java fern. The centre tank was the control with nothing added. Left side used aquatic fertiliser tablets and the other side used liquid fertiliser. The question was "Which Fertiliser Works Best?" No fish but it does use aquariums. He measured the plants once a week over a 3 month period then produced a graph of the results.
  6. I think Shilo might be closest to the answer with cyano. Why it has taken off in two tanks i don't know but when I had the green version I scooped out then siphoned up as much as possible then blacked out the tank for several days. I was also able, as a last resort, to use erythromycin which is, unfortunately, no longer available. Unless you find the cause though it will probably keep coming back. I have never seen it look like those pics though! Do you belong to the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society? They may have someone able to help you as they will have some experienced members (and helpful contacts at the Napier Aquarium).
  7. Welcome. There have been some interesting fighters bred over the last few years.
  8. Good work. They are looking good.
  9. Caryl

    New Tank

    These are a good sized, chunky, fish and grow up to 25cm. You will need really good filtration for these, which will also affect your numbers. I have never kept them myself but I found a post from someone who has and recommends 4 - 5 in a 200L tank when they are small but 300L+ for that number. So 5 - 6 would be your maximum I guess. They are apparently good with other fish but not cichlids.
  10. That report is dated 2004. The seahorse farm mentioned closed in 2006.
  11. I would have thought natives would have preferred the larger, swift flowing, tank.
  12. Caryl

    Weird Cory

    Racing to the top to gulp air is a common trait in some corys. How active, and whereabouts in the tank, can depend on tank size and how many corys in the group. Usually, the more you have, the more active they are.
  13. I liked the fact we had to vote on several positions when often there is only one nomination (or none sometimes). I hope this is a good sign of the FNZAS moving onward and upward!
  14. Hopefully nobody dies from them today :-) There would have been more but Mark kept sneaking them yesterday ;-)
  15. Here is the President, Mark, and former Secretary, Cam, working hard at the AGM this morning. They were able to concentrate due to large cups of coffee plus fortification with banoffee cupcakes (with caramel filling & cream cheese icing), Afghan, Hokey Pokey and Milo biscuits, and chocolate cake
  16. Caryl

    Weird Cory

    They are well known to like to dig into substrate and prefer a nice sandy one so burrowing is easier. They can't do that on gravel so such behaviour won't be seen unless you have a sandy substrate. It is important that whatever you use does not have sharp edges as this will wear down their barbels.
  17. He was carried on board by a reporter and given his own boarding pass. He was also shown in his own seat, flying with the reporter and cameraman. I doubt normal charges were applied in this case. http://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/travel-troubles/80158565/pet-fish-in-tupperware-container-kicked-off-jetstar-flight-from-wellington
  18. It does look like you have a good flow going there . This will slow down over time as the filter media starts to clog up with detritus. You could put a small rock in front of it, to break up the ebb and flow a bit. Adding more plants will also break up the flow and give the fish somewhere to rest without being dragged towards the filter. The filter is well positioned, you could raise it a bit if you like.
  19. We have had people complaining lately that most airlines won't let you take fish on board. I have often transported them inside those collapsible chilly bags. Never mentioned I had them and was never asked either. Not ever gone through X-ray with them.
  20. Anyone watch TV3's story about the problems a man had with his goldfish on Jetstar? Air NZ took over and flew the fish to Auckland.
  21. I would expect, if they agree it has a problem, to be given a new unit. Good customer relations.
  22. Caryl

    My garden pond

    Looking good. How deep is it now? If it has no shade you may have trouble with algae and over-heating in the summer.
  23. I would have said "Bugger the cats, I need to check the fish!" At least you remembered to pick up wifey before her arrival
  24. I would like to thank all those who have put their name forward for various positions on the executive this year, it is heartening to see such enthusiasm from people who have good skills they can bring to the FNZAS. No offence is meant (either to current or future officers) but I do hope those putting their hand up are also prepared to work hard in their positions. We tend to lose people who feel that, oft-times, they are beating their head against a brick wall but if you can get a group of enthusiasts working in unison, great things can happen!
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