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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just helped add some fish and plants to a big corner tank one of our members, Sally J, has set up at the local Alzheimers' complex. We need larger fish so the visitors, all elderly and many with poor eyesight, can see them. I was recently given 4 congo tetras (females) so we added them and a lone pearl gourami (was Joe's I think). We will look at the only local outlet tomorrow to see if we can find some more pearl or orange gouramis and see if they have a male congo. If they have some gold barbs we will add a shoal of them too. The filter has been cycling off my 4ft tank for a few weeks. Will take pics once it is fully up and running.
  2. Caryl

    Plant IDs?

    How do you know if the TM seller has correctly identified his plant?
  3. Gee, and first reply is from a non saltie :gigl: Thanks Joe :thup: In the multi fish pic it was checking I had the right clownfish name and the stuff it is nestled into. Is it pineapple coral?
  4. More ID's please from patient salties... Common and scientific names if possible please. Both fish and corals, anemones etc
  5. Caryl

    Veges for plecos

    Feed them raw as they do not foul up the water so quickly and, in the wild, plecs are unlikely to have cooked fruit or veg drop into their habitat
  6. Caryl

    Veges for plecos

    I thought it was suggested not to use cabbage as they had difficulty digesting it? You ought to be able to try any fruit or veg but be careful as many will foul the water quickly. I have found what BN's will eat (they are as close to a plec as I have) varies from fish to fish and, like humans, I imagine all fish are the same. Oscars love bananas.
  7. What fun! We need progress pics :bounce: Make sure you have access from the top - net handles, lifting stuff in and out etc. You don't need the whole chimney to vent the gas fire do you? It has its own much narrower flu running up the chimney? It would be worth the effort to remove the rest and add a bigger tank Your bathroom does have a bath in which you can wallow and watch the tank inhabitants I assume?
  8. No to both questions sorry 8) Most are for his work, plus some are amateur radio aerials. The others cover police, ambulance, commercial services, PRS service, GPS tracking, HF radio (used by shipping and international services) and stuff.
  9. Hopefully so. Marty is a regular attendee.
  10. No, he's too tight to pay the subscription :slfg:
  11. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    Yesterday we noticed the water level had dropped dramatically on our pond. On checking, it turns out the filter spray bar was blocked and water was pouring out the filter casing, draining the pond (since the pump and filter are both beside said pond). A quick clean and a top up and all is now well. :happy1:
  12. My dad always fed his pond fish on porridge spring and autumn. This was especially good as the weather cooled and their digestive systems started shutting down over winter. Then, when they were ready to eat again when the weather warmed again, it was easy on their systems. I found major problems with cheap brands of pellets but not good quality ones. The cheap ones swelled a lot more than the good quality. My pond fish get a mix of pellets and flake but they prefer the flake.
  13. I like the wood but would remove the Neptune figure
  14. Depends on the size of the driftwood if it will look alright. It does not hurt to lean it against the glass. You can silicone to the glass if required as well.
  15. Some foods swell more once wet and, in the short bodied goldfish, this causes digestion problems - hence the odd swimming. My goldfish get food much older than 3 months and still eat it. What is the room temp like?
  16. If you look in the first post pic you will see the board was bowed without any weight on it. It is not the weight of the tank causing it and the width of the blocks under it should stop any strain on the tank.
  17. That's because the majority do not have killifish but still look to see what you are asking
  18. I have made stands out of cinder blocks. They are cheap and easy (pity they weigh so much!). Never thought to add a lower tank moved forward like that though. Looks good :thup:
  19. I have heard people say you should never use Vaseline on the O rings but I have done so for years and never had one crack/perish/break yet. I suspect it may have been true of earlier products but the modern rings are made of different stuff perhaps.
  20. I have never used any of them.
  21. No, they took away a full 6 cubic metre skip but there is still a distinct lack of space in there! It doesn't help that Grant is too crook to do anything more in there at the moment
  22. Caryl

    The What's Up? thread.

    That depends on what time you turn up at St Andrew's Church tomorrow and hand over some money Joe
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