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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. How safe are they to throw in as is? I can probably get some in 2 weeks, but they will be live.
  2. I've found some awesome roots that I'd like in my tank. I picked them up knowing that pine isn't really supposed to go in the tank. Has anyone got first hand experience with pine in their tank? Online seems to suggest it's a big no no. They are roots as opposed to big chunks so they should have less to leech out.
  3. First off, sorry this isn't in the right subforum but hopefully someone can see it here sooner I woke up tonight by an annoying whistling sound coming from my tank. I thought it would just be a blocked outlet in the spray bar, but no. All flow is gone. I can't turn on the light to see what the problem is yet but all I can think of is a blockage somewhere. I have an inline heater which is making this more difficult than it has to be, so that could be blocked as well. Has anyone experienced this before? Is it something other than a blockage?
  4. I'll get another shot later on. Some plants should arrive today I think. Exciting.
  5. Thats essentially it. Do you want one lower for more of a scale of height?
  6. Initial hardscape. The photo doesn't do it justice, if I may say so myself. I can see it coming together quite nicely. I have some bolbitis and moss on their way. I'm considering some windelov java fern which I have in another tank. I might use it to fill up the space below the bobiltis if it is too tall. I'll see when it arrives.
  7. Hmmmmmmm...... I could keep him in the 7l. I'm just worried about him jumping. Otherwise I could add some plants and sticks to the bottle so he feels more comfortable.
  8. I would do that too. I could throw him in the 7l tank. But it is uncycled. I'll leave him in the 3 litre bottle sitting in the tank for now. It has hooked in it for current and oxygenation. How long is her aggression likely to last?
  9. 60l So it is right on the edge of being too small for a breeding pair
  10. As of this morning, the female has become increasingly aggressive so I have separated the male with a make shift in tank juice bottle divider. He hasn't been seriously injured, just a bit of torn caudal fin. She's still trying her hardest to get at him though.
  11. I have, but there is something about the pant that I really don't like. It doesn't make sense, but I just don't like it.
  12. I'm not holding out on any fry surviving. If I'm lucky and the female doesn't eat them, they could hide and feed in the leaf litter. I just like how they behave so naturally in the tank.
  13. Shes pretty mellow, but not letting anyone into the pile of sticks.
  14. I'm not sure quite yet how to scape it. I'd like a tall scape, considering the tank itself is quite tall. I'd like to try something like this, but I don't know where to find nice rocks around the dunedin area. Stocking will be some Dwarf/Mosquito Rasbora. But for now it will remain empty.
  15. This might give you an idea of what it looks like. Not the best photo, but still.
  16. That's what I'm leaning towards. I'll buy some salt tomorrow and hope it goes away.
  17. How? I'm fairly sure it has just happened.
  18. I'll get around to it soon. When I remember. Post a reminder on Sunday if I haven't done it by then. On a side note, my male apisto has a swollen eye. Big issue?
  19. Just jumping in here to announce that I'm fairly certain my agasizzi are spawning also. I read earlier today that they spawn with the on set of bad weather. And guess the weather in Dunedin today! Rain. Maybe a coincidence, but I don't think so.
  20. Yes and no. The tank is 12 liters. We had some harlequin rasbora in the with no trouble but they didn't survive a trip to chch. We're not having much luck with other fish in the tank either. They just don't seem to survive.
  21. Sound good. I might have a look to see if I can find some sort of glass to try. A flat and shallow one. I was going to put it in a jar but it will get restricted.
  22. Thats good to know. He's still interested in his food and will flair up at a mirror or a finger or faces or anything really. As long as there isn't anything wrong with him.
  23. I think I'm going to give this a shot this weekend. Do you have any suggestions? I think I'll follow this layout: Is there anything you've discovered so far that you didn't expect?
  24. We've had the guy for a while. He started off okay but now he's been getting lazier and lazier. I'm no betta expert so I don't know whether this is normal. He's in a reasonably heavily planted 12l tank with 1 sparkling gourami. He just sits on the moss or hangs in the plants without moving. He had some trouble to begin with, with buying his own tail but he's stopped now. Is his lethargic behavior something to be concerned about?
  25. I'm still waiting... My LFS is small and doesn't order every week from every supplier and this week they weren't on the list which was disappointing.
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