I am sorry Munkii but for someone who has been dieting and trying every possible weightloss secret out there, believe me I have spend thousands of dollars on Sureslim, Dr Cohen, Body for life, Weight Watchers, and Weigh less, and eating less by itself never ever works, yes the weight falls off you, but it does not stay off, and sometimes if you do a severe less eating all you lose is water and muscle. The best thing is a good balance between both. Eat a smaller plate of food and eat healthy, but don't eat like a rabbit. You need your Protein, Carbs and Greens never cut out one of them. And then try and exercise at the least half an hour a day. Most important is not to lose weight to quick as well. I lost 38 kg in 4 months and picked it all up again in less. Slow and steady is the way to go. I started my weight loss target three years ago all ready and I am a size 12 now and I used to be a 26/28. You can see my before photo I think on page 7 of this thread.
It is deffinetly 50/50. Eat healthy and Exercise for a healthy body