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Everything posted by mcrudd

  1. Thanks you Oh my gosh that must have been painful. I had a quarter of my liver shaved off during a gall bladder removal operation and that hurt for weeks afterwards. Half a lung I wish you all the best during your weightloss mission, its hard work, I suggest you do little bits at a time especially with such big surgery behind you. All the best for the future
  2. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Busy reading the Aquarium world and admiring all Henward's fish on page 9 and 10, what beautiful fish :nfs:
  3. My english let me down again, what I meant is that Its my last update about losing weight, I will ofcourse still support everyone thats on a weightloss mission :thup: You can do it Caryl and thank you
  4. Well all after several years I am done. I am happy with my body as is. I can not remember when last I could say that, but I am really happy. This will be my last update in this thread, as I am no longer losing weight but just maintaining it now :happy1: Good luck to the rest of you still losing weight, Its hard work and don't let someone let you believe its easy. And its ongoing, it never stops, you have to carry on with a healthy lifestyle and exercise or you will just pick it back up again, take it from me, I was an expert in yo yo dieting :facepalm: Love an hugs to you all and thanks for all your support :love:
  5. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Thanks Sophia I will go and have a look there
  6. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Does she have the skin or organ one? I am so concerned about my friend, she has been very ill for the last two years, gets inflamations and infections for no reason and now they positively diagnosed her with the internal Lupus. Her stomach is being attacked now she has redicilous counts of bacteria in her blood tests. They hope that her main organs and brain won't be attacked next. Its really a day to day diagnosis of what is being attacked, you never can tell &c:ry
  7. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Is very tearful, just got news from my best friend of seven years that she was diagnosed with Lupus desease &c:ry
  8. I am sorry Munkii but for someone who has been dieting and trying every possible weightloss secret out there, believe me I have spend thousands of dollars on Sureslim, Dr Cohen, Body for life, Weight Watchers, and Weigh less, and eating less by itself never ever works, yes the weight falls off you, but it does not stay off, and sometimes if you do a severe less eating all you lose is water and muscle. The best thing is a good balance between both. Eat a smaller plate of food and eat healthy, but don't eat like a rabbit. You need your Protein, Carbs and Greens never cut out one of them. And then try and exercise at the least half an hour a day. Most important is not to lose weight to quick as well. I lost 38 kg in 4 months and picked it all up again in less. Slow and steady is the way to go. I started my weight loss target three years ago all ready and I am a size 12 now and I used to be a 26/28. You can see my before photo I think on page 7 of this thread. It is deffinetly 50/50. Eat healthy and Exercise for a healthy body
  9. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Aww thanks everyone, I am aiming to finish running 5km non stop by the end of the year. Then I will upgrade my running program to ease into 10km and then half a marathon, and then once I do that all well at home, then I would like to enter the Real Woman walk/run :thup:
  10. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I put this in the losing weight forum, but I want to share it here too So proud of myself, I am running a bit further and faster everytime I run. Today I did 3.33km in 38 minutes. I am still not very fit, but I am getting there
  11. So proud of myself, I am running a bit further and faster everytime I run. Today I did 3.33km in 38 minutes. I am still not very fit, but I am getting there
  12. Aww atleast you have some beautiful memories in photo form to remember her by
  13. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I had that same screensaver LOL the water sounds used to have me running for the toilet LOL Something cute my friend posted on facebook
  14. After showing Hubby this and he is deffinetly against the riparium for one or other reason it looks like this tank is gonna find a new home. Is anybody on here interested in it, perhaps for froggies or something. You will have to come pick up though, this tank is heavy Else I might try my luck with it on Trade Me with a dollar reserve, no idea what to say than the sizes though :dunno:
  15. This is just before six in the morning as we left Maraetai Boat club to go fishing :love:
  16. Never looked at them, will have a look this weekend, thanks for the suggestion
  17. I thought so, I tried to explain to him that they get quite big and will need some space to turn around. I think its best if I just take him to Holllywoods and show him the bright little fish you can get in small schools. Guppies is a no no, had them before and I don't like their testerone levels, they killed the females with the high levels, so they are banned from any of my tanks LOL
  18. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    LOL more like naughty kitty not clever :yaw1: I am sitting here half asleep due to my early morning so I filled her dishes with milk and pellets and I am off to go and have a nanna nap before my kids get home in weekend spirit (very noisy) :yaw2:
  19. I did not even think of linking to a song on you tube. Well its in my home language which is afrikaans so you won't understand what he is saying but its a nice song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZrt4mU4Vjc
  20. Kurt Darren "As jy my wil he" You would not know it LOL
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