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Everything posted by mcrudd

  1. Thank you, lol not pregnant, but thyroid function and iron levels are going to be tested tomorrow and if it comes up clear I have all the symptoms for sleep apnea and will be referred to a sleep clinic LOL Sophia
  2. Don't go to Omana guys, we won't be there I have to phone for a doctors appointment instead, we are delaying our celebrations to another day :facepalm:
  3. Its two days away now. We will have the picnic, the weather will be good for it. Unfortuanatly hubby needs to go and work, so we only have the morning to spend time together. We will have the picnic, brekkie in Omana Park :cr2:
  4. My cat Roxy sleeping on our camp matrasses that was still on the trampoline after our trampoline family camp out (don't ask, it involves the idea of an eight year old girl) she slept there all day long, loved it so much :cr1:
  5. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Sat outside waiting until ten past eight for Santa and his helpers to give the kids some lollies LOL
  6. Looks like cyclone Evan might wash my picnic away. I am in contact with Weather watch on facebook, so will ask them closer to the time.
  7. Wow you are doing super That trampers friend is amazing stuff, I so love it. :thup: There is a video on their site showing how to weave it through your toes. So far its just the Mcrudd Running club. I have not yet received my confirmation letter for my follow up surgery and I will deffinetly have to take it easy no running for 6 weeks after it, so I don't want to get myself all excited about training for a specific half marathon, but there are several next year and I am sure once I did one the bug will bite and I would want to give them all ago. My biggest bucket list is the 100km oxfam walk. I really want to do that one day :cr1:
  8. We got him Halo limited collectors edition, it comes with lots of extra weapons or something. No idea what it is, Eb said its a good game for his age. I will look into Call of Duty, he is 13 so lots of games are too violent for him. Got one, Perhaps I should explain how we have them all LOL. We bought my son playstation 2 when he was 5. He still has it but occassionally it freezes up. We bought me the wii with the wii fit to get fit, but my daughter took it over and its in her room because she loves the just dance games (I have an 8 year old teenager) Then we got my son the playstation 3 because 2 freezes up and he showed us he can look after it by looking after his playstation 2 for so many years. That is in his room (he is a teen so has a sleepout, due to us only having a two bedroom bach. Then xbox kinect came out and we bought that for the family so that is in the lounge, we all four can play that together and it gets my kids moving since most of the games you are the controller. Lol 1-3 is not a problem agree with them all. Except for if its a rainy day. It looks very much like it will be a fun picnic or a dvd day if its rainy. Will see how the weather goes I will look into those games, he loves his wargames. He does have one for ps3 not sure of the name will look when he gets home from school.
  9. got that too, My son loves his Starwars and Trials, My daughter loves her Kinectimals :cr2:
  10. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    So proud of my son, he got two awards tonight, he got the leadership award and the Auckland wide electrical science award He had his mommy in tears when they did the year 8 farewell powerpoint production :tears:
  11. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Busy getting ready for tonight. Gonna take lots of tissues, its my son's final pricegiving in Beachlands intermediate, next year he is off to Howick College :cr1:
  12. A picnic is sounding very nice. Hahaha Wok we have a big tv and wii, I guess after our picnic we can watch a movie or play games, we love our Big bass fishing game Congratulations Adrienne Hahaha fishguy a new tank would be just for me not for me and hubby LOL
  13. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I have been having wireless problems for the last two years. I have had two new modems and several new filters, so now they suspect the line (free fix) or the phone jacks (have to pay). I never had any problems in our previous house. I hope they fix it for me now :cr2:
  14. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just got off the phone with telecom again, Had no broadband for 40 minutes while waiting for the call back. They are now monitoring my line for 24 hours, if they find no fault on the line then its possible that the fault is in the Jacks and stuff here at home, will cost me $130 to have a technician replace the 3 Jacks and 3 Filters :roll:
  15. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    added some more lights to my house, I must say I prefer the led ones, the fairy lights look very sad in the windows. I might replace them with led ones. oooh the christmas lights bug bit me :cr12:
  16. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I had no internet from 9 last night until 9 this morning, then it started working, but would occassionally disconnect or give me limited connection errors. I spoke to a techie and he said, mmm checked your line its working fine, bye. Was dissapointed and phoned customer services and got more help from them. They made me change my channels and said If I have problems again to change the channel again, once I used all 13 then I must contact them and they will sent me a new wireless modem free of charge. Its working fine now, only disconnected once this morning.
  17. Thanks for all the lovely ideas. Congrats on your anniversary Caryl We did go to Kelly Tarltons as a family recently so we might have to go somewhere else this time. A picnic sounds fun, we have the beautiful Omana right here in walking distance. Just hope the weather will play along, it always seems to rain when I plan something outdoors
  18. Hi all, next Thursday the 20th we are celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. We can't find anyone to mind the kids and its a weekday, so hubby is at work from 2pm to 11pm, can you guys suggest anything we can do to celebrate as a family. I thought Valentines lunch, he can take his car and I will take mine, so he can leave for work directly from there :cr10:
  19. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Phoned and argued with broadband helpdesk, got more help from customer services at telecom second time round. Had a 5k walk, not run, just walk it was lovely. Wrapped Christmas presents and is currently eating popcorn sprinkled with icing sugar, cause its yummy and I want it :cr2:
  20. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    LOL never knew what it was, my mom used to tell me I look like a gollywog if I dressed stupid I take it back. mmmm I looked like a ...... no idea what to say now LOL
  21. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I went running again today, only 3km but I was so stiff, I think if people might have thought it was my first time ever running, I looked like a ............. (no idea) :cr2:
  22. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    When I feel like this we usually end up making toasties, the kids love them
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