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Everything posted by mcrudd

  1. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    went for a nice run again, feel better after my vitamin b12 vaccination. Me and my son ran and we did not do too bad considering when last we ran. :thup:
  2. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Had such a laugh this morning. Stef (8), Percy(13) and I are sitting by the table eating our cereal, the next moment Stephanie holds out her hand to Percival and says: " here Percy have an apple", he pretends to take her apple and puts it next to him, and says: " Thanks Stef I will have it later". I asked Stef: " why did you give your brother an apple?". She replies: "because he eats like a horse and horses love apples" LOL
  3. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Omg we got my son Halo limited edition for Christmas and he clocked it today I thought it would have taken a bit longer than that. Boy next time I am buying pre owned if he plays through it so fast
  4. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am avoiding it for now, will ask my doctor next week
  5. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Thanks Caryl, I think the humidity is not helping me, I put the aircon on now and feel much better :cr1: Doctors said I might have to start off with one vaccination a week and then they will thin it out, but she said I will get them for the next 6 months.
  6. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Ugh looks like I have had it for months but only noticed it now with my increase of strenious exercise. So in a way I am glad I know whats going on. At the moment I am freaking a bit, my heart rate is 115bpm and I am sitting super still not moving much. I can't wait to see the doctor next week, this is freaking me out
  7. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Yes, blood results came back with a very low vitamin b12 result. The doctor just assumed it could be sleep apnea or my thyroid since it had similar symptoms but with the blood results confirming shortage of vitamin b12, she will start vaccinations over 6 months to boost my body again. I am using oral drops now until she returns but its not really helping. Its so strange that I should have this, cause I love red meat and mussels, I have mussels once a week and its the highest food in vitamin b12.
  8. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Flat on my back in bed with my laptop on my lap. Stupid vitamin b12 defficiency I hate needles but can't wait for my vaccination next week
  9. Its a Chocolate caramel cake and a cremora tart :cr1:
  10. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Staring at the rain bucketing down, although I don't want it I do want it too, because we just filled the pool and the water tanks are near empty :cofn:
  11. Only noticed this thread now. We did not go over the top like last year, just a ham and salads and a few deserts :cr1: The humidity and gingerbread stuff does not go well, we will find something else to do next year instead LOL
  12. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Yay all our gingerbread stuff is done. The kids did the santa sleigh and reindeer, my son (13) did the sleigh my daughter (8) did the reindeer and floor. I did the house and its still standing !! (last year's one collapsed) :cr3: :cr4:
  13. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Sounds just like the breakfast my husband got for fathersday this year. From my son he got toast with almost half a bottle of plum jam, cheese and cucumber slices sprinkled with ground pepper. From my daughter he got toast with ham spread and 100s and 1000s dipped into maple syrup. Gotta love our kids :love:
  14. I thought that was excellent, looks like a leaf blower, will have to try it LOL. I think the tandem trust fall looks a bit painful
  15. 19 People that are worse off than you :cr2: http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/people-w ... y-than-you
  16. We ended up having Croissants in bed with some yummy Milo, from there we went to the doctors and then got the movie Brave and watced it with the kids, we had yummy lunch and hubby was off to work. We had a lovely celebration talking about all our trials and achievements over the last 15 years and realising that our marriage only became stronger as did our love for each other. and more soppy memories I wont bore you with LOL
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