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Everything posted by mcrudd

  1. Hahaha I was naughty and went for a long run in my new shoes. It was heavenly, I ran 5km in 50 minutes, not bad going, I shaved a whole minute and 24 seconds per kilometer of my previous time :happy2:
  2. Here you go, its doing me wonders, once I get a good time with 5km then I am going to get the next program that eases you into 10km http://easeinto5k.bluefinapps.com/
  3. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    :sml2: I do that too my kids too :thup:
  4. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Yip we seriously need some water, thankfully we have two watertanks so we only run out of water once a year, which is not bad going
  5. They were $200 at athletes foot. Aww so sorry about your heel, that sucks. I guess I can run without padding because I despise shoes, I only wear them when I have to LOL If you want to then I can link you to the program I used to get fit with. I was unable to run from one light post to another a few months ago too. I love camping, hope you had good weather
  6. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I agree, the earliest I go for an outside run in Beachlands will be at six pm, we ran at 3pm last time and were toasty, and all agreed as a family next time it will be at 6pm :sml2: edited to add, just realised you are a Beachlander too LOL, never knew :thup:
  7. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Ran on the treadmill in the house, both front and back door open with a lovely breeze going over me :thup:
  8. Thanks for the advice from you and Sophia. I just love them, is keeping myself back from going for another run LOL
  9. What awesome shoes, I ran 2km ( don't want to run to far in new shoes) and it was great, such a nice feelilng. I can't wait to take them on my 6km run this weekend, will run 2km in them every day to break them in for Saturday :happy1:
  10. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    What awesome shoes, I ran 2km ( don't want to run to far in new shoes) and it was great, such a nice feelilng. I can't wait to take them on my 6km run this weekend, will run 2km in them every day to break them in for Saturday :happy1:
  11. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Woot just got home with my new running shoes, gonna give them a go now and see if they are any good :thup:
  12. My new shoes I am gonna go for a run now and let you guys know whether they are any good for me or not :happy2:
  13. unfortuanatly I have tried and tried to change my running style but I have done it for years and can never change it for more than 500m. I had my provincial clothes in running cross country and long distance at school and my coaches just left me running the way I did because it worked for me. I always ran barefoot at school (we could) and as a child I had one pair of shoes and it was church shoes that I had to wear to church. We never wore school shoes either, I lived in a warm all year round place and it was a farming community. My feet don't like shoes, I am even barefoot at home all day, I only wear shoes and 99% of the time its sandals if we go to town. I am not one of those woman with 30 pairs of shoes in her wardrobe LOL I joined the barefoot running group on facebook and asked them for advice, just waiting for a reply now, but it looks promising, they have several types of barefoot shoes they are advertising and testing.
  14. Thanks both of you. I quite like the look of the Kigo, I joined them on facebook and asked them if they have a nice running shoe in that style
  15. Hi all, so I recently started running and love it. Thing is I ran with only two pairs of socks on my treadmill at home. Now I want to take the training outdoors since our weather is getting friendlier. I have gone to athletes foot and had my treadmill test and everything done. Now the thing is because I have always ran barefoot (at school I did cross country barefoot 80's) I have a broad foot with very small heels. So my foot slips in most shoes, I also dont have a heal strike at all, I run like a ballarina on my toes and the balls of my feet. I was given go run by sketchers and I would barely run and then start hurting over the bridge of my foot, So today I got new balance shoes and only with the right foot did I get pain and my back heel started burning (as if to form a blister) from all the movement. Now here is a funny thing. We bought body glove booties for walking on the rocks at the beach, they are nice and snug and comfy so I ran with them last Sunday. I ran 5km in them. No blisters, no painful feet, just a lovely run. I could have kept going if my hubby did not stop me. Unfortuanatly those booties are not designed for running and the soles are allready worn especially on the balls of the feet. Can anybody advice me a shoe or something. I wear a size 10 to 11. The go run sketchers were an 11 and the new balance are a 10.5. Thanks in advance for any advice
  16. Oh that is horrible, so sorry for your loss
  17. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    I am currently jogging 11:24 minutes a kilometer. I am aiming for 8:00 minutes a kilometer. I want to enter a half marathon
  18. mcrudd

    The What's Up? thread.

    Wooooo just jogged my first five km, it took me 57 minutes. I am still alive too :slfg:
  19. I had more than 600 photos. I am a sim player that share lots of screenshots. I knew roundabout on which pages photos were so it was easy to track. The new system put all 600 plus photos on one page, and I needed the last photo so I had to scroll wait for it to load, scroll again and wait and so on and on. It was frustrating, where as usually I just said go to page 29 or something like that. So then I moved them all into seperate folders to make it easier and that deleted them all from my threads (they no longer showed) so I moved them all back to the main library and they still did not show, so I had no choice than delete and start over. My whole argument if you go to the beginning and read it thoroughly is that once you just move it they seem to change the img code and you lost your pics anyways when you move it back it did not revert back to the old img code. I am not one to debate with someone but I thought your post telling me to rather ask than delete stuff was uncalled for :facepalm:
  20. Thank you all so very much, I am going to press that button, Unfortuanatly I had to write several posts apologizing about missing pics, everyone was understanding, most of them were also upset about photobucket, I will let them know of the magic little button too :thup:
  21. Ok, so with the new photobucket layout things were just confusing. I used to have pages I could go through but now its one big page and I had over 600 photos to wait to load to get to the last one. So I made little sub albums and sorted all my photos took forever to do but I was so glad when done, just to see that my photos no longer show in threads :facepalm: So I move them all back and still Nothing :an!gry This had me super mad. I tried everything and nothing worked, so I just deleted the lot. Grrrrr Its impossible to remember where everything was especially my sims screenshots I belong to several sim sites :nilly: there was no warning that this would happen. I thought since the img tag remained the same all will be well, but apparently not
  22. http://www.greatsouthvets.co.nz/ $49. I have never had a day's problem with these vets, Roxy has been going there the whole time and she is in a very good condition.
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