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Everything posted by Mcculloch

  1. Aren't there underlying reasons why you can get away with such low water changes. Do you have a lightly stocked tank and or heavily planted tank. To be honest I think its shocking advice for someone asking how many or how much water changes to do. A beginner may read this as an excuse to not do water changes the reality is something needs to get rid of the wastes/Nitrates in the tank.
  2. Another reason to move to aussie :-?
  3. Looks like a dickfeldi but a better picture would be good.
  4. Well someone has as they are on trademe.
  5. Did any one get these last time they came in?
  6. Does it matter where the information comes from?. Would the profiles off fishbase be acceptable.
  7. Existing filter media from another filter is the way to go. In saying that I tried the start smart as an experiment not actually expecting it to work as I'm as cynical as anyone on here and well it worked with no spikes on a fully stocked tank which really surprised me.
  8. Ill be looking into it yes. :roll:
  9. Would be better to have the refugium plumbed back into the system so your coepods and things get flushed back into your tank not down the drain.
  10. I second the Geophagus Sp. 'Tapajos Orange Head' see I do like something other than Tangs.
  11. and the other "Altolamprologus" Altolamprologus calvus.
  12. Expand on the Neolamprologus genus Neolamprologus cylindricus Neolamprologus multifasciatus Neolamprologus buescheri Neolamprologus caudopunctatus Neolamprologus helianthus Neolamprologus pulcher Neolamprologus similis
  13. Wow and what do you sound like with this post. David might of got carried away as he actually cares about this hobby, but this isn't called for, I totally see his point.
  14. You got it in a nutshell conspecific aggression aplenty especially with any of the Neolamprogus but still haven't seen any predatory aggression from the leleupi towards the shellies.
  15. It was very much sarcasm phoenix44. If the retailers make money of fish sales they will bring more fish in, and not just new imports new blood for existing populations. This won't happen if we just trade fish amongst each other as they will have no reason to, it's simple economics. Just because its the kiwi way doesn't mean its the right way or the way that is best for this hobby. . I hope your right and hope more do so and I wish people would look to see what fish are available at there lfs before they look on trademe or on here.
  16. So lets say we have this list of what fish we have and what we are breeding, it sounds great!!. If I need any fish I can contact people who have them directly. We wont have to bother with our lfs any more at all, just all trade with each other that's going to be great for the hobby and for getting more fish imported. :roll:
  17. Common Rabbit details give us a how to guide.
  18. Mcculloch

    lf ideas

    Wow can't remember Zdoda asking for a lesson in water chemistry thought they were asking for ideas for the new tank. I think you should go for Tropheus and Multi Synodontis.
  19. Archer fish are the best having them spit mealworms out of your hand when I was younger was fun.
  20. I would like to see more Tanganikans in general and will pay for whatever I can get, would love to see some Neolamprologus brevis, Neolamprologus sexfasciatus, Neolamprologus tretocephalus all of which are on the list. The fish I keep I breed for my own stock/enjoyment not to compete with the lfs, for example I want to own a massive school of Synodontis petricola one day in order to do that I need to spawn the 5 I have now as hardly any one that I know of bought them so doubt more will be coming in soon. Supporting your lfs and actually buying their more unusual stock is the only way to increase the regularity of the more interesting imports. Oh and I'm not a member of the FNZAS.
  21. Thanks I was meaning parrots in particular have been interested in this for a while. I really like Chris Biros ideas on the subject ( http://www.wingsatliberty.com ). I helped/watched them train Macaws at auckland zoo for free flight as a student a long time ago, was also there when one of the macaws in mention decided to do a massive fly around on its first flight outside, freaking everyone out lol.
  22. Do you free fly some birds Living art?
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