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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Think he's talking about No more nails, or liquid nails? you'll need a corking gun. 75mm is 3 inches, insure you drill at least 50mm into the end grain, and 75mm away from each end or it'll split once again. Screw about 200mm apart(that's heaps) counter sink screw heads and over fill with filler(builders bog, DAP) then when dry sand flush (you may need to fill twice) or use screw caps and paint them.
  2. And don't bang the joins with a hammer to adjust, MDF has no give, it'll just split, release the screw slightly then push to adjust and tighten the screw. The best way is to arice(sp?) the over-lapping edge, and then allow that to over hang, it looks a lot better than trying to make the edges flush.
  3. if it was my parents only Dad, he's a big boy, though Mums only wee :lol:
  4. 3mm if you're using 2"" x 8. You need to ensure that the hole won't split or you'll lose the integrity. Place the bit in front of the screw and you should see the thread on each side but not the shaft. to big and it won't grip. Always use a test piece first. Take your time and don't rush.
  5. yes, all modern all in one tank stands are made with MDF. Just paint with good quality acrylic paint and you get plenty of hassle free enjoyment out of it. Use aliphatic glue and1 1/2" or even 2" screws (always use pilot hole into end grain MDF) use a solid back to ensure the stand doesn't slew sideways' I made a coffee table type design, that worked very well, let me know and I'll send you a rough plan if you're interested, though it's max height would be only 600mm.
  6. The nitrate levels in our sunsun tank is elevated and we're not entirely sure why. There's no plants ATM (we've purchased a Aquaone 850, and will heavily plant it and swap the fish over then) We do weekly 50% water changes, the tank has lots of rocks which make it difficult to gravel clean. But yesterday we noticed one of the YoYos lying on his side so we did a full run of tests and found the Ammonia was at .25 the PH was 7.6 and the nitrates were 5.0 and the nitrites were 0. So we pulled all the rocks out and did a thorough gravel clean, a 80% water change and added stress zyme. Last night the ammonia and nitrites were all 0, Ph was 7 but the Nitrates were still 5.0 and it hasn't changed this morning. The fish all seem happy, and the water looks beautifully clear. The tank is 160ltrs, stocking rates are 2 angels, 2 yoyos, 2 kribs, a GAE, and a rainbow shark, all fish are adolescents. The filters is a Eheim 2215 and the built in filter does 900ltrs/hr. Does anyone have any ideas? are we missing something? Cheers all.
  7. The cement will release lime and calcium into the water, the resin will seal it, the cement looks like stone, looks better than a lot of the plastic ones I've seen.
  8. I went to the states a few years ago and you can smell them when they've been run over, wasn't a pleasant odour and it was fairly well dissipated.
  9. what does that judge mean in entry #41 about a clone stamp for the cardinals do you reckon?
  10. Carlos & Siran


    There's a NZ arm of Ebay, it's not very busy, as TradeMe has the majority, but it's there.
  11. You need to make a budget. List all expenses and cut anything that is unnecessary (sky, internet, etc) downsize your house(with just two of you a small one bedroom flat would be sufficient) do you each have a vehicle?, do you need more than one?. Make a budget for groceries...and so on. I know it's hard, I've been there a few times, but I've found if you look at it as a means to and end it's a lot easier.
  12. That's why we love living on a farm, no neighbours
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